acceptance policy 核保政策 accounting period 结算期 aggregate limit 累积限额 aggregated loss 累积损失 antiselection 逆选择 ART Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移 balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所 GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏 hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风 individual losses 单一损失 insurability 可保性 insured losses 保险损失 intensity 烈度 layering 层次 less exposed 损失可能性小 liability 责任 light damage 轻度破坏 line slips 分保条 loading 附加费 loss occurrence 损失发生 loss occurring basis 损失发生基础 loss participation 分担损失 loss settlement 损失赔付 magnitude 震级 malicious damage 恶意损害 moderate damage 中度破坏 multi-story building 多层建建筑 Munich Re 慕尼黑再 net retained lines 净自留额 net retained losses 损失净自赔额 no profit commission 无纯益风险 non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险 notification 告知 object 标的 obligatory reinsurance 固定分保 original deductibles 原始免赔额 original rate 原始费率 paid-up capital 已付资本 peak accelerator 峰值加速度 peril 危险 PICC Re 中保再 placement 安排 PML 可能最大损失 policyholder 保单持有者 pool 共保组合 portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐 portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐 premium 保费 previous losses 既往损失 priority 分保自留额 priority 自付责任 3保险英语词汇表 proportional reinsurance 比例再保险 rainstorm 雨暴 rating 费率 reinforced concrete building 钢筋混凝土建筑 reinstatement 恢复保额 reinsured 分出公司 reinsurer 再保险人 retention 自留额 retention areas 滞洪区 return period 重现期 revoke license 吊销营业执照 seaquake 海震 second event cover 第二事件承保 securitization 证券化 seismic demage 震害 set-off 抵销 shear wall structure 剪力墙结构 single 险位超赔 spread loss 分散风险 stop loss 赔付率超赔 storm surges 风暴潮 susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性 tarrif 费率表 TG 拐点周期 tidal wave 海啸 topographic map 地形图 tornado 龙卷风 total sum insured 总保额 treaty-limits 合约限额 tube structure 筒体结构 underwriting policy 承保政策 windstorm 风暴 2保险英语词汇翻译 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风 individual losses 单一损失 insurability 可保性 insured losses 保险损失 intensity 烈度 layering 层次 less exposed 损失可能性小 liability 责任 light damage 轻度破坏 line slips 分保条 loading 附加费 loss occurrence 损失发生 loss occurring basis 损失发生基础 loss participation 分担损失 loss settlement 损失赔付 magnitude 震级 malicious damage 恶意损害 moderate damage 中度破坏 multi-story building 多层建建筑 Munich Re 慕尼黑再 net retained lines 净自留额 net retained losses 损失净自赔额 no profit commission 无纯益风险 non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险 notification 告知 object 标的 obligatory reinsurance 固定分保 original deductibles 原始免赔额 original rate 原始费率 paid-up capital 已付资本 peak accelerator 峰值加速度 peril 危险 PICC Re 中保再 placement 安排 PML 可能最大损失 policyholder 保单持有者 pool 共保组合 portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐 portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐 premium 保费 previous losses 既往损失 priority 分保自留额 priority 自付责任 3保险词汇翻译 proportional reinsurance 比例再保险 rainstorm 雨暴 rating 费率 reinforced concrete building 钢筋混凝土建筑 reinstatement 恢复保额 reinsured 分出公司 reinsurer 再保险人 retention 自留额 retention areas 滞洪区 return period 重现期 revoke license 吊销营业执照 seaquake 海震 second event cover 第二事件承保 securitization 证券化 seismic demage 震害 set-off 抵销 shear wall structure 剪力墙结构 single 险位超赔 spread loss 分散风险 stop loss 赔付率超赔 storm surges 风暴潮 susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性 tarrif 费率表 TG 拐点周期 tidal wave 海啸 topographic map 地形图 tornado 龙卷风 total sum insured 总保额 treaty-limits 合约限额 tube structure 筒体结构 underwriting policy 承保政策 windstorm 风暴 保险Insurance 保险法Law of Insurance 保险公司Insurance Company 保险合同Insurance Contract 保险单Policy 保险条款Insurance Clauses 保险标的Insurance Subject 保险金额Insured Amount 保险期限Insurance Period 保险费Insurance Premium 保险人Insurer 被保险人Insured 保险代理人Insurance Agent 保险经纪人Insurance Broker 财产保险Property Insurance 产品责任保险Product Liability Insurance 劳工保险和雇主责任保险Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance 年金保险Annuities Insurance 人寿保险Life Insurance 两全保险Endowment Assurance 现金价值Cash Value 终身寿险Whole Life Insurance 再保险 Reinsurance 保险基本英语术语 累积结余 accumulated value 全险 all risks 年金 annuity 比例计算法 average 「比例分担」条文 average condition 受益人 beneficiary 改善 betterment 盗窃罪 burglary 现金价值 cash value 保险凭证 certificate of insurance 赔偿 claim 损害赔偿合约 contract of indemnity 间接损失 consequential loss 分摊 contribution 互有疏忽 contributory negligence 参与供款计划 contributory plan 可转换定期寿险 convertible term insurance 冷静期 cooling-off period 保障范围 cover 承保单附条文收据cover note conditional receipt 客户保障声明书 customer protection declaration form 递减定期寿险 decreasing term insurance 自付额/免赔额 deductible 界定福利计划 defined benefit plan 重复补偿 double indemnity 批单 endorsements 储蓄保险 endowment insurance 不受保项目 exceptions 自付额 excess 不受保项目 exclusion 见 exclusions 起赔额率 franchise 不可争议条款 incontestability provision 可保权益 insurable interest 中间人 intermediary 儿童保险单 juvenile insurance policy 定额定期寿险 level term insurance 雇员征费 levy 有限责任 limits of liability 理赔师 loss adjuster 恶意破坏 malicious damage 重大转变 material changes 重要事实 material fact 期满 maturity 期满日 maturity date 指定风险保险 named peril policy 疏忽 negligence 缴清保单 paid-up policy 终身寿险 permanent life insurance 个人责任 personal liability 保单 policy 保单附加条款 policy rider 保单现金提取条款 policy withdrawal provision 保费 premium 第一受益人 primary beneficiary 公众责任 public liability 附加保障 rider 标准风险 standard risks 次标准风险 substandard risks 自杀不保条款 suicide exclusion provision 投保额 sum insured 退保手续费 surrender charge 定期寿险 term life insurance 第三者 third party 第三者责任 third party liability / public liability 完全及永久伤残 total and permanent disability 投保不足 under-insurance 核保人 underwriters 核保 underwriting 最高诚信 utmost good faith 投资人寿保险 variable life insurance 无效 void 保费豁免/伤残权益 waiver of premium for disability benefit 保费豁免/支付益 waiver of premium for payer benefit 终身寿险 whole life insurance 每年续保定期计划 yearly renewable term Insurance Policy or Certificate保险单或凭证 & Coverage险别 1free from particular average 平安险 2with particular average .水渍险基本险 3all risk一切险综合险 4total loss only 全损险 5war risk战争险 6cargoextended coverclauses货物扩展条款 7additional risk附加险 8from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款 9theft,pilferage and nondelivery 盗窃提货不着险 10rain fresh water damage淡水雨淋险 11risk of shortage短量险 12risk of contamination沾污险 13risk of leakage渗漏险 14risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险 15risk of odour串味险 16damage caused by sweating and/or heating受潮受热险 17hook damage钩损险 18loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险 19risk of rusting锈损险 20risk of mould发霉险 21strike, riots and civil commotion 罢工、、民众骚乱险 22risk of spontaneous combustion自燃险 23deterioration risk腐烂变质险 24inherent vice risk内在缺陷险 25risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险 26special additional risk特别附加险 27failure to delivery交货不到险 28import duty进口关税险 29on deck仓面险 30rejection拒收险 31aflatoxin险 32fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hong Kong, including Kowloon, or Macao出口货物到香港包括九龙在内或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 33survey in customs risk海关检验险 34survey at jetty risk码头检验险 35institute war risk学会战争险 36overland transportation risks陆运险 37overland transportation all risks陆运综合险 38air transportation risk航空运输险 39air transportation all risk航空运输综合险 40air transportation war risk航空运输战争险 41parcel post risk邮包险 42parcel post all risk邮包综合险 43parcel post war risk邮包战争险 44investment insurancepolitical risks投资保险政治风险 45property insurance财产保险 46erection all risks安装工程一切险 47contractors all risks建筑工程一切险 金融英语fect:保险业英文术语二 stipulations for insurance保险条款 1marine insurance policy海运保险单 2specific policy单独保险单 3voyage policy航程保险单 4time policy期限保险单 5floating policy or open policy流动保险单 6ocean marine cargo clauses海洋运输货物保险条款 7ocean marine insurance clauses frozen products海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款 8ocean marine cargo war clauses海洋运输货物战争险条款 9ocean marine insurance clauses woodoil in bulk海洋运输散装桐油保险条款 10overland transportation insurance clauses train, trucks陆上运输货物保险条款火车、汽车 11overland transportation insurance clauses frozen products陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款 12air transportation cargo insurance clauses航空运输货物保险条款 13air transportation cargo war risk clauses航空运输货物战争险条款 14parcel post insurance clauses邮包保险条款 15parcel post war risk insurance clauses邮包战争保险条款 16livestock & poultry insurance clauses by sea, land or air活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款 17…risks clauses of the subject to 根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保……险 18marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of War & . as per the People's Insurance Co. of China dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in at Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft irrespective of percentage作为可议付格式的海运保险单或凭证按照到岸价的发票金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止;按照汇票所使用的货币在吉隆坡赔付无免赔率 19insurance policy or certificate settling agent's name is to be indicated, any additional premium to cover uplift between 10 and 17% may be drawn in excess of the credit ualue保险单或凭证须表明理赔代理人的名称,保险费如增加10-17%可在本证金额以外支付 20insurance policy certificate… Name of Assured to be showed: Ltd.保险单或凭证作成以有限公司为被保险人 21insurance policy or certificate covering . or and war risks as per ocean marine cargo clause and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses of the People's Insurance Company of China dated 1/1/1981保险单或凭证根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日的海洋运输货物保险条款和海洋运输货物战争险条款投保水渍险或平安险和战争险 22insurance policy/certificate covering all war mines risks保险单/凭证投保一切险、战争险、地雷险注:mines解释为地雷,属于战争险的负责范围,可以接受 23. this insurance must be valid for period of 60 days after the discharge of goods水渍险在货物卸船后60天有效 24in triplicate covering all risks and war risks including . and breakage in excess of five per cent on the whole consignment and including W/W up to buyer's godown in Penang投保一切险和战争险包括水渍险,破碎损失有5%绝对免赔率,按全部货物计算,包括仓至仓条款,负责到买方在槟城的仓库为止的保险单一式三份 25insurance policy issued of endorsed to order… for the face value of invoice plus 10% covering including war with 15 days after arrival of goods at destination, only against FPA and 按发票面值加10%投保战争险,货物到达目的地后15天有效,仅负责平安险和盗窃提货不着险的保险单开给或背书给…… 26insurance policy or certificate issued by an insurance Co. with clause covering the merchandise for about 10% above the full invoice value including unlimited transhipment with claims payable at Singapore由保险公司签发的保险单或凭证按发票总金额另加10%投保水渍险,包括非限定转船的损失,在新加坡赔付 27covering all eventual risks投保一切以外风险 28covering all marine risks投保一切海运风险 29marine insurance policy including "both ot blame" collision clauses and fully covering the shipment海运保险单包括负责船舶互撞条款和全部货载 30insurance… including deviation clauses保险包括绕道条款变更航程条款 31covering overland transportation all risks as per overland transportation cargo insurance clauses train, trucks of the People's Insurance Company of China dated…按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日陆上运输货物保险条款火车、汽车投保陆上运输一切险deductible 32covering air transportation all risk as per air transportation cargo insurance clauses of 按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日航空运输货物保险条款投保航空运输一切险33insurance policy or certificate covering parcel post all risks including war risks as per parcel post insurance clauses and parcel post war risk insuracne clauses of the People's Insurance Company of China dated…保险单或凭证按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日邮包保险条款和邮包战争险条款投保邮包一切险和邮包战争险 34covering all risks including war risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clauses of the People's Insurance Company of China dated…按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日海洋运输货物保险条款和航空运输货物保险条款以及海洋运输货物战争险条款和航空运输货物战争险条款投保海空联运一切险和战争险 35covering all risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and overland transportation cargo insurance clause train, truck of dated…按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日海洋运输货物保险条款和陆上运输货物保险条款火车、汽车投保海陆联运一切险 36covering all risks including war risks as per overland transportation cargo insurance clauses train,truck and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clause and war clauses for cargo transportation by rail of the People's Insurance Company of China dated…按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日陆运货物保险条款火车、汽车和空运货物保险条款以及空运货物战争险条款和铁路货运战争条款投保陆空陆联运一切险和战争险 37including shortage in weight in excess of %with % franchise on the whole consignment包括短量损失有%绝对免赔率%相对免赔率,按全部货物计算 38including risk of breakage and clashing包括破裂或凹瘪险 39including risk of chipping & denting包括碎裂或凹弯险 40including risk of bad odour包括恶味险 41including damage by hooks, oils, muds and contact with other cargoinsured value包括钩损、油污、泥污以及和他物接触所致的损失以保险价值为限 42including damage caused by rain fresh and/or water, internal combustiontotal or partial loss包括淡水雨淋,自燃所致的损失包括全部或部分损失 43including loss and/or damage caused by sea water, fresh-water, acid,grease包括海水、淡水、酸蚀、油脂所致的损失 44including loss and/or damage caused by heat, ship's sweat and odour, hoop-rust, breakage of packing包括偷窃提货不着,受热船舱发汗,串味,铁箍锈损,包装破裂所致的损失 45including damage caused by infestation mould包括虫蛀霉烂的损失 46including damage due to rough handling during transit subject to 按照中国保险条款包括运输途中操作不当所致的损失 47including loss and/or damage from any external cause as per CIC按照中国保险条款包括外来原因所致的损失 48including damage by slings, stains, grease, acids包括吊具、斑污、油脂、酸蚀造成的损失 49excluding risk of breakage不包括破碎险 50including the breakage does not cover the goods remarked in th invoice as originally damage包括破碎险,但不负责发票所示之货物的原残损失 51excluding natural loss in weight不包括途耗短量的损失 52including 60 days after discharge of the goods at port of destination or at station of destination subject to 按照中国保险条款货物在目的港卸船或在目的地车站卸车后60天为止 53including . & risk of fire for 60 days in customs warehouse after discharge of the goods at port of destination subject to CIC按照中国保险条款投保水渍险和火险,在目的港卸货后存入海关仓库60天为止54this insurance must be valid for a period of 60 days after arrival of merchandise at inland destination本保险扩展到货物到达内地的目的地后60天有效 55insurance policy or certificate covering including the risk of war and risks of as per dated…and institute war clauses dated…and institute clauses dated…按照×年×月×日伦敦保险学会条款和×年×月×日学会战争险条款以及×年×月×日学会罢工、、民变险条款投保平安险、战争险和罢工、、民变险 56the People's Insurance Company of China investment insurance political risks clauses中国人民保险公司投资保险政治风险条款 57property insurance clauses财产保险条款 58the People's Insurance Company of China Erection all risks clauses中国人民保险公司安装工程一切险条款 59the People's Insurance Company of China contractors all risks clauses中国人民保险公司建筑工程一切险条款 | health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险 sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险 insurance for medical care 医疗保险 "major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险 insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular 平安险 With Particular Average 水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination tainting 污染险 insurance against total loss only TLO 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss natural loss 途耗或自然损耗险 risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险 insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险 overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion SRCC 罢工,,民变险 insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险 risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery TPND 盗窃提货不着险 risk of fresh and/of rain water damagewetting 淡水雨淋险 risk of leakage 渗漏险 risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险 risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险 5保险英语翻译 risk of bad odourchange of flavour 恶味险,变味险 risk of mould 发霉险 on deck risk 舱面险 6保险英语翻译 保险业词汇 Terms used in insurance industry accident 意外事故险 actuarial method 精算法 Advance Loss Profits ALOP 预期利润损失险,利损险 Advance profit 预期利润 broker 经纪人 Business Interruption Insurance BI 营业中断险 captive 自保公司 casualty 意外伤害险 catastrophe 巨灾险 ceding company 分出公司 claim 索赔 claim settlement 理赔 combined ratio 综合赔付率 Consequential Loss CL 7保险英语翻译,保险专业词汇; 后果损失 Contractor's All Risks CAR 建筑工程一切险建工险 cover 保障 Delay in completion 完工延误 EEI 电子设备险 engineering insurance 工程保险 Erection All Risks EAR 安装工程一切险安工险 excess of loss cover 超额赔偿 EXL protection 超赔保障 facultative business 临分保 IBRN Incurred but not reported losses 已发生但未报的损失 IBRN reserve IBRN 储备金 indemnity period/limit 赔期/期限 inflated claim 超额索赔 insurance capacity 承保能力 8保险英语翻译 insured property 参保物业 Kobe 神户 Lloyd 劳合社 long-tail 长尾 Loss of profit 利损险 Machinery Breakdown Insurance 机器损坏〕险,机损险 mail/sub-contractor 主/分承包商 maintenance 保证期 multiple claim 多次重复索赔 non-life 非寿险 officer & director liability 雇主保险 outstanding claim reserve 未决索赔准备金 PC industry property & catastrophe industry peril 危险 policy 保单 9保险英语翻译 pool 英语翻译:联营 possible maximum loss 英语翻译:可能的最大损失 premium 英语翻译:保费 primary insurance company 英语翻译:原保公司、主保险商 principal/employer 英语翻译:业主 professional 英语翻译:专业险 profit margin 英语翻译:利润边际 property 英语翻译:财产险 proportional cover 比例分保 punitive damage 惩罚性损害 rate 费率 reinsurer 分保人分保公司 reinsurer 再保人 reserve 准备金 retention 10 自留 return period 巨灾间隔期 short-tail 短尾 solvency margin 赔偿能力 standing charges 维持费用 subject insured 风险标的 sum insured 保额 tarrif zone 险区 Third Party Liability TPL 第三者责任险 treaties business 合同分保 turnover 营业额 underwriting 承保 working expenses /cost 营业费用 writing 承保 |