#define ListSize 20
typedef struct record {
char number[6];
char name[10];
int age;
float score;
} DataType;
typedef struct {
DataType records[ListSize];
int length;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Node.h"
void InitList( SeqList *L)
L->length = 0;
DataType WriteInfo () //向一个记录节点中写入信息
int j;
DataType temp;
printf("\n\n\t\t\t Please input  a new student's information:\n");
for( j=1; j<=4; j++)  //给第 i个 学生 输入信息
if(j == 1){
printf("input Number (5 figures): ");
scanf("%s", temp.number );
else if(j ==2){
printf("input Name: ");
scanf("%s", temp.name );
else if(j==3){
printf("input Age: ");
scanf("%d", &temp.age );
printf("input Score: ");
scanf("%f", &temp.score );
return temp;
void Store( SeqList *L)
int n, i;
void InsertList( SeqList *L, int i, DataType x ); //插入函数的声明
printf(" Please input the number of records: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for( i=0; i<n; i++)  //每循环一次存储一个学生的信息
int j;
DataType temp;
printf("\n\n\t\t\t PLEASE INPUT the INFORMATION of STUDENT%d \n", i+1);
for( j=1; j<=4; j++)  //给第 i个 学生 输入信息
if(j == 1){
printf("input Number (5 figures): ");
scanf("%s", temp.number );
else if(j ==2){
printf("input Name: ");
scanf("%s", temp.name );
else if(j==3){
printf("input Age: ");
scanf("%d", &temp.age );
printf("input Score: ");
scanf("%f", &temp.score );
InsertList( L, i+1, temp ); //向记录表中插入第i个学生的信息;经过n次插入后,
void Show( SeqList *L)
int i;
for( i=0 ; i<L->length ; i++)
printf("\t\t\t\t%s \t%s \t%3d \t%6.2f \n", L->records [i].number ,L->records [i].name ,L->records [i].age , L->records [i].score );
void InsertList( SeqList *L, int i, DataType x )
int j;
if( i < 1 || i > L->length +1 )  //插入位置的检查
printf(" position error! \n");
if( L->length >= ListSize )  //剩余存储空
printf(" overflow! \n");
for( j= L->length - 1; j >= i-1; j--) //后移元素,留出插入位置
L->records[j+1] = L->records[j];
L->records[i-1] = x ;    //插入元素
L->length++ ;      //修改表长
int ListLength( SeqList *L)
return L->length ;
//void LocateList( SeqList *L, char )
DataType GetNode( SeqList *L , int i )  // 获取第i 个学生的信息
if(i<=0 || i> L->length )
printf(" Position Error\n" );
return ; // 这个位置按理说应该返回一个错误信息的,但是不知道这个错误信息该怎么写,仅用Error来代替那是伪代码做的事情。
return L->records [i-1];
DataType LocateNode( SeqList *L, char * name)
int i;
for(i=0; i< L->length; i++)
if( strcmp( name, L->records[i].name ) == 0 )
return L->records[i];
DataType DeleteList( SeqList *L, int i)
int j;
DataType temp;
if( i<1 || i>L->length )
printf("Postion Error!\n");
temp= L->records [i-1];
for(j=i; j<=L->length ; j++)
L->records [j-1] = L->records [j];
L->length --;
return temp;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "SeqList_Basic.h"
void main(){
int position;
char *name=(char *)malloc(6*sizeof(char));
DataType temp;
SeqList student; //生成一个名为"student"的记录表
InitList(&student); //对新生成的 记录表 置空
Store(&student); //向 记录表 中存储数据
Show(&student);  //刷新 记录表 中的信息
printf("\n\t\t\t\tThe length of this record is %d\n", ListLength(&student)); //计算学生记录个数
printf("Please input a student's position to get his information:");
temp = GetNode(&student, position); //获取第i个学生的信息
printf("\t\t\t\t%s \t%s \t%3d \t%6.2f \n", temp.number , temp.name , temp.age , temp.score );
printf("Please input a student's name to get his information:");
scanf("%s", name);
temp = LocateNode(&student, name); // 根据姓名获取学生信息
printf("\t\t\t\t%s \t%s \t%3d \t%6.2f \n", temp.number , temp.name , temp.age , temp.score );
printf("Please input the student's position to insert a new record:");
scanf("%d", &position);
//printf("and then please input the new information:"); //这句可以看作是多余的,因为WriteInfo函数中已有该提示语句。
temp= WriteInfo();
InsertList(&student, position, temp); //向第i个学生之前插入一个信息为temp的新学生,并把记录表长加1
Show(&student); //显示插入后的新记录表
printf("Please inp
ut the student's position to delete his record:");
scanf("%d", &position);
temp=DeleteList(&student, position); //删除记录表中的第i个学生的信息,记录表长度减1
