2.The n: Service-Oriented ork Architecture (SONA)
___'___(SONA) ___ is based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach。___.
3.___ SONA
By implementing SONA。businesses ___ of benefits。___。increased security。___。___ security features。such as identity and access management。to protect critical n assets。Finally。___.
In today's fast-paced business environment。it is essential for ___。secure。and cost-effective ork architecture.
___。___。this has ___。For instance。without integrating ns and n。different departments such as sales。customer service。and purchasing will struggle to access customer records。Many companies have experienced the negative consequences of this blind n。___.
___ its ___ systems and ns。___ ___ Advantage。companies ___。cloud computing。and security to optimize their ns and ___ n sharing。companies ___。With the Cisco Intelligent n ork。companies ___ and stay ahead of the ___.
Cisco Systems。Inc。is helping global IT ___ service-oriented architecture。web services。___ through their Intelligent n ork (IIN) program。The IIN program aims to promote the development of integrated hardware and are to better align IT resources with business ___ into the existing ork infrastructure。___.
One area where IIN can be particularly beneficial is in power orks。nal server-based ___ the ork。IIN can help ns design and plan their orks to support this new approach to power n.
Another ___ to support the deployment of service-oriented architecture (SOA)。___ create flexible。___ SOA。___.
___。IIN can also help ns ___ with each other over the。while ___ to run on a single physical server。IIN can help ns design and deploy their orks to support these technologies。___.
Overall。the Intelligent n ork program from Cisco Systems。Inc。is an important tool for global IT ns looking to address new ___ infrastructure。___ and cost advantages。___ such as SOA。web services。and n.
In order to succeed in today's business world。it is important to have a ork that is ___。it is ___ and can support IT infrastructure platforms for all components。One way to achieve thi
s is through the use of Cisco® Service-Oriented ork Architecture (SONA)。which allows enterprises to optimize ns。processes。___ intelligence。companies can increase the ___.
