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翻译 (将下列每段英文翻译成中文)
Chapter 1 Summary 蔡信杰 03391004 陈 彬 03391005
1,Public finance ,also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.
2,Public finance economists analyze both actual policies and develop guidelines for government activities . In the latter role, economists are influenced by their attitudes toward the role of government in society.
3,In all organic view of society , individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals. These goals are determined by the government.
4,In a mechanistic view of society ,government is a contrivance erected to further individual goals.If is not clear how the government can reconcile sometimes conflicting individual goals.
5,Individual decision making is the focus of much economics and is consistent with the mechanistic view of society adopted in this book .This does not eliminate much controversy over the appropriate role of the government in our economic.
6,The Constitution embodies constraints on federal and state government economic activity.
resources翻译7,The federal government may effectively undertake any expenditures it whishes and may use debt and taxes to finance them .The federal government may not discriminate among states when choosing tax rates and may not place a levy on state exports .The 16th Amendment empowers the federal government to tax personal incomes.
8,State government are forbidden to levy tariffs on imports ,discriminate against ou
tsides residents, or tax other states’ products. Most states have balanced budget requirement.
9,All common measures of the size of government-employees, expenditures, revenues, etc.-involve some deficiency. In particular, these items miss the impact of regulatory costs. Nonetheless , there is strong evidence that the impact of the government on the allocation of national resources has increased over time.
10,The level of government expenditures has increased in both nominal and real absolute terms, in per capita terms, and as a percentage of gross domestic product.
11,The share of defense spending in federal expenditure has fallen over time ,while Social Security ,public welfare, and payment on outstanding debt have increased in importance . The combination of entitlement programs and interest payments reduces yearly control over the level of expenditures.
12,Personal income and Social Security payroll taxes are currently the largest sources of government revenue. 个人收入和社会安全工资税通常是政府最大的财税来源。
CHAPTER 2 Summary: 陈瑜星 03391009 郭思 03391017
1, Because economists generally cannot perform controlled experiments with the ec
onomy, the effects of economic policy are difficult to determine.
2,Economic theory helps specify the factors that might affect a given kind of behavior. However, theory alone cannot say how important any particular factor is.
3,Empirical research attempts to measure both the directions and size of the effect of government policy changes on behavior. Common types of empirical studies are interview studies, social and laboratory experiments , and econometric analysis.
4,Interviews studies consist of directly asking people how various policies affect th
eir behavior. However, people may not actually react to policies in the way they say they do.
5,Social experiments subject one group of people to some policy and compare their behavior with that of a control group. Problems can arise because: the experiment itself may affect people’s behavior; it’s difficult to obtain a random sample ; and social experiments are quite costly.