1994 Text 1
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1、The American economic system is organized around    a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 美国的经济体制是在基本上由私营企业组成并以市场为导向的经济基础上建立起来的。在这个经济体制里,需要生产什么主要是由消费者在市场上花钱购买他们最需要的商品和服务决定的。
1.1 organize英/ˈɔ:gənaɪz/ 美/ɔrɡənˌaɪz/vi. 组织起来;成立组织vt. 组织;使有系统化;给予生机;组织成立工会等
1.2 basically英/'beɪsɪk(ə)lɪ/ 美/'besɪkli/adv. 主要地,基本上
1.3 oriented英/'ɔːrɪentɪd/ 美/'orɪɛntɪd/v. 调整;使朝向(orient的过去分词);确定…的方位adj. 导向的;定向的;以…为方向的
1.4 determine英/dɪ'tɜːmɪn/ 美/dɪ'tɝmɪn/v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束
2、Private businessmen, striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. 为了获取利润,私有企业主之间互相竞争,来生产这些产品和提供这些服务。在竞争的压力下运作,追求利润的动机很大程度上决定了生产商品和提供服务的方式。
2.1 competition英/ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ 美/,kɑmpə'tɪʃən/n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛
2.2 motive英/'məʊtɪv/ 美/'motɪv/n. 动机,目的;主题adj. 发动的;成为动机的vt. 使产生动机,激起
3、Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with (加上,外加;与…相结合)the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. 因此,在美国的经济体制中,消费者个人的需求、商人对获取最大利润的追求以及消费者渴望最大化自己的收入,所有这些共同决定了应该生产什么和如何利用资源去生产这些产品。
3.1 maximize英/'mæksimaiz/ 美/'mæksɪmaɪz/vt. 取…最大值;对…极为重视vi. 尽可能广义地解释;达到最大值
Paragraph 2
1、An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. 在以市场为导向的经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。
1.1 mechanism英/'mek(ə)nɪz(ə)m/ 美/'mɛkənɪzəm/n. 机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧
2、In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to(响应;回答;对…有反应) relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-producers. 在美国经济中,这一机制是由价格体制提供,在价格体系中,价格随消费者的相对需求和出售者及生产者的供应情况而上下浮动。
3、If the product is in short supply relative to(相对于;涉及) the demand, the price will be bid up(抬价) and some consumers will be eliminated from the market. 如果产品相对供不应求,价格就会抬升,从而使一些消费者从市场上消失。
3.1 eliminated英美/ɪˈlɪməˌneɪtid/v. 被淘汰;消除;排除(eliminate的过去分词)
4、If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.另一方面,如果商品的大量生产导致成本的降低,这会促使销售商和生产商供给的增加,从而反过来导致价格下降,致使更多的消费者购买产品。因此,价格是美国经济体制中的调节机制。
4.1 commodity英/kə'mɒdɪtɪ/ 美/kə'mɑdəti/n. 商品,货物;日用品
4.2 regulating英/'regjə,leɪtɪŋ/ 美/'rɛgjə,letɪŋ/vt. 调节;校正(regulate的现在分词)
Paragraph 3
1、The important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit. 私有企业经济的一个重要因素是允许个人拥有生产资料(私有财产),允许他们雇用劳动力,控制自然资源,以及生产产品、提供服务以获取利润。
1.1 hire英/'haɪə/ 美/'haɪɚ/n. 雇用,租用;租金,工钱vt. 雇用;出租vi. 雇用,租用;受雇
1.2 profit英/'prɒfɪt/ 美/'prɑfɪt/n. 利润;利益vt. 有益于vi. 获利;有益gain control over 控制
2、In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual. 在美国经济中,私人财产的概念不仅仅包含对生产资料的所有权,还包含某些其他权利,其中包括确定产品的价格或与另一私营者签订自由合同。
2.1 embrace英/ɪm'breɪs; em-/ 美/ɪm'bres/vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含vi. 拥抱n. 拥抱
2.2 ownership英/'əʊnəʃɪp/ 美/'onɚʃɪp/n. 所有权;物主身份
2.3determine英/dɪ'tɜːmɪn/ 美/dɪ'tɝmɪn/v. (使)下决心,(使)做出决定vt. 决定,确定;判定,判决;限定vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止;[主用于法律]了结,终止,结束
2.4 contract英/'kɒntrækt/ 美/'kɑntrækt/n. 合同;婚约vt. 感染;订约;使缩短vi. 收缩;感染;订约
2.5 individual英/ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl/ 美/ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒʊəl/n. 个人,个体adj. 个人的;个别的;独特的
1994 Text 2
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1、One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. 1.3亿美国人的手中至少持有一家银行发行的信用卡。
1.1 issued英/ˈɪʃu:d/ 美/'ɪʃjʊd/n. 发布日期v. 发布,发行(issue的过去分词形式)adj. 发行的
2、They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. 信用卡持有者可在商店、饭店、宾馆,当地、外地甚至国外赊购货物,同时信用卡还可以使他们享受银行提供的许多服务。
2.1 automatic英/ɔːtə'mætɪk/ 美/'ɔtə'mætɪk/n. 自动机械;自动手adj. 自动的;无意识的;必然的automatic credit自动信贷across the country遍布全国;祖国各地
3、More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the “cashless society” is not on the horizon -- it`s already here.越来越多的信用卡可以自动读取,于是持卡人就可以在不同地方存取,不管本地支行是否营业。对于我们很多人来说,“无现钞的社会”不是即将来临,而是已经到来。
3.1 withdraw英/wɪð'drɔː/ 美/wɪð'drɔ/vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;拉开vi. 撤退;离开
3.2 deposit英/dɪ'pɒzɪt/ 美/dɪ'pɑzɪt/n. 存款;押金;订金;保证金;沉淀物vt. 使沉积;存放vi. 沉淀withdraw or deposit money 存取款
3.3 scattered英/'skætəd/ 美/'skætɚd/adj. 分散的;散乱的
3.4 branch英/brɑːn(t)ʃ/ 美/bræntʃ/n. 树枝,分枝;分部;支流vt. 分支;出现分歧vi. 分支;出现分歧
3.5 horizon英/hə'raɪz(ə)n/ 美/hə'raɪzn/n. [天] 地平线;视野;眼界;范围
Paragraph 2
1、While computers offer these convenience s to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash register s can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range
of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to
keep track of their list of goods by showing which item s are being sold and how fast they are moving. 计算机为消费者提供诸多便利的同时,也给商家带来了很多优势。电子收银机能做的远不止记录销售额,它们可进行各种各样的记录,包括谁卖了什么,何时卖的,卖给了谁。通过被售商品的种类及其销售速度等信息的显示,商家能够随时了解其商品的情况。
1.1 convenience英/kən'viːnɪəns/ 美/kən'vinɪəns/n. 便利;厕所;便利的事物resources翻译
1.2 register英/'redʒɪstə/ 美/'rɛdʒɪstɚ/n. 登记;注册;记录;寄存器;登记簿vt. 登记;注册;记录;挂号邮寄;把…挂号;正式提出vi. 登记;注册;挂号
1.3 electronic cash register[金融] 电子现金收入记录机ring up打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机
1.4 item英/'aɪtəm/ 美/'aɪtəm/n. 条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品)adj. 又,同上v. 记下;逐条列出
2、Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignment s to be made accordingly. 然后卖家便可以做出是再定货还是把商品退给供应商的决定。同时这些计算机记录哪些时间段是销售高峰和哪些员工最有效率,从而可以相应地调整员工工作任务的分派。
2.1 efficient英/ɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nt/ 美/ɪ'fɪʃnt/adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的
2.2 assignment英/ə'saɪnm(ə)nt/ 美/ə'saɪnmənt/n. 分配;任务;作业;功课
2.3 accordingly英/ə'kɔːdɪŋlɪ/ 美/ə'kɔrdɪŋli/adv. 因此,于是;相应地;照著
3、And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturer s for similar reasons. 此外,他们还可以确定偏爱的顾客进行促销活动。基于同样的原因,生产商们也依赖计算机。
3.1 preferred英/prɪ'fɜːd/ 美/prɪ'fɝd/v. 偏爱(prefer的过去分词)adj. 优先的;首选的
3.2 promotional英/prə'məʊʃənl/ 美/prə'moʃənl/adj. 促销的;增进的;奖励的
3.3 manufacturer英/,mænjʊ'fæktʃ(ə)rə(r)/ 美/,mænju'fæktʃərɚ/n. 制造商;[经] 厂商
4、Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself. 计算机分析的营销报告能有助于决定目前应重点生产哪些商品,将来开发哪些产品,应停止生产哪些产品。计算机跟踪库存商品,现有原材料甚至生产过程本身。
4.1 emphasize英/'emfəsaɪz/ 美/'ɛmfəsaɪz/vt. 强调,着重
4.2 raw英/rɔː/ 美/rɔ/n. 擦伤处adj. 生的;未加工的;阴冷的;刺痛的;擦掉皮的;无经验的;(在艺术等方面)不成熟的vt. 擦伤
Paragraph 3
1、Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theater s to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers. 许多其他商业企业,从剧院到杂志社、从燃气电器公司到牛奶加工厂都通过计算机的使用给消费者提供更好、更高效的服务。
1.1 numerous英/'njuːm(ə)rəs/ 美/'numərəs/adj. 许多的,很多的
1.2 commercial英/kə'mɜːʃ(ə)l/ 美/kə'mɝʃəl/n. 商业广告adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的
1.3 theater英/'θɪətə/ 美/'θiətɚ/n. 电影院,戏院,剧场;戏剧;手术室
1.4 utilities英/juː'tɪlɪtɪz/ 美/ju'tɪlətiz/n. 公用事业;实用工具,[计] 实用程序;公共事业设备;公用程式(utility的复数)
1994 Text 3
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1、Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapt ed to those differences.
1.1 potential英/pəˈtenʃl/ 美/pə'tɛnʃl/n. 潜能;可能性;[电] 电势adj. 潜在的;可能的;势的
1.2 adapt英/ə'dæpt/ 美/ə'dæpt/vi. 适应vt. 使适应;改编
Paragraph 2
1、Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. 虽然我们关注的是特殊儿童的需要,但却发现我们也在描述他们的生活环境。
2、While the leading actor on the stage capture s our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. 当舞台上的主角吸引了我们的注意力后,我们也意识到配角及戏剧场景的重要性。
2.1 capture英/'kæptʃə/ 美/'kæptʃɚ/n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏vt. 俘获;夺得;捕捉,拍摄录制
2.2 supporting英/sə'pɔːtɪŋ/ 美/sə'pɔrtɪŋ/n. 支持;支承面v. 支持;供养(support的ing
形式)adj. 支持的;辅助性的;次要的
2.3 scenery英/'siːn(ə)rɪ/ 美/'sinəri/n. 风景;景;舞台布景
3、Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. 特殊儿童所处的家庭及社会环境常常是他们成长和发展的关键。
4、And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society`s understanding -- the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.正是在公立学校里我们感受到
Paragraph 3
1、Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. 任何社会的教育都
1.1 strength英/streŋθ; streŋkθ/ 美/strɛŋθ/n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处
1.2 prejudice英/'predʒʊdɪs/ 美/'prɛdʒədɪs/n. 偏见;侵害vt. 损害;使有偏见
2、The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicate s the strong feeling in our society that all citizen s, whatever their special conditions, deserve
the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.过去30年间公共教育表现出的对特殊儿童的巨大
2.1 indicate英/'ɪndɪkeɪt/ 美/'ɪndɪket/vt. 表明;指出;预示;象征
2.2 citizen英/'sɪtɪz(ə)n/ 美/'sɪtɪzn/n. 公民;市民;老百姓
2.3 deserve英/dɪ'zɜːv/ 美/dɪ'zɝv/vi. 应受,应得vt. 应受,应得
2.4 capabilities英/ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlətɪs/ 美/,kepə'bɪlətis/n. 能力(capability的复数);功能;性能
Paragraph 4
1、“All men are created equal.” We`ve heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country`s founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpret ed to mean equality of opportunity. “人人生来平等”。这句话我们已听过无数次,但在民主社会它对教育仍然有着极其重要的寓意。尽管这句话被国家建立者们用来表示法律面前人人平等,它也被解释为机会面前人人平等。
1.1 democratic英/demə'krætɪk/ 美/'dɛmə'krætɪk/adj. 民主的;民主政治的;大众的
1.2 phrase英/freɪz/ 美/frez/n. 短语习语措辞乐句vt. 措词将(乐曲)分成乐句
1.3 denote英/dɪ'nəʊt/ 美/dɪ'not/vt. 表示,指示
1.4 interpret英/ɪn'tɜːprɪt/ 美/ɪn'tɝprɪt/vi. 解释;翻译vt. 说明;口译
2、That concept implies educational opportunity for all children -- the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. 这个概念暗示了所有儿童都有接受教育的机会——即每个儿童,不管其本身的能力大小与否,都有权利在学习上最大限度地得到帮助。
3、Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children -- disabled or not -- to an appropriate
education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. 最近的法庭裁决已再次确定了所有儿童——不论残疾与否——都有接受适当的教育的权利,并已命令公立学校采取必要的措施来提供这种教育。
3.1 confirm英/kən'fɜːm/ 美/kən'fɝm/vt. 确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固
3.2 appropriate英/əˈprəʊprɪət;(for v.)əˈprəʊprɪeɪt/ 美/əˈproprɪət;(for v.) əˈproprɪet/adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的vt. 占用,拨出
4、In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs. 作为回应,学校也在调整课程安排,使授课能够适应特殊儿童,适应那些不能从常规课程中真正获益的儿童的需要。
4.1 modify英/'mɒdɪfaɪ/ 美/'mɑdɪfaɪ/vt. 修改,修饰;更改vi. 修改
4.2 instruction英/ɪn'strʌkʃ(ə)n/ 美/ɪn'strʌkʃən/n. 指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明
4.3 substantially英/səb'stænʃ(ə)lɪ/ 美/səb'stænʃəli/adv. 实质上;大体上;充分地
1994 Text 4
Paragraph 1
1、I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we`ll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise,” says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. “我有极大的信心相信到这个十年期结束时我们将会详尽地知晓癌细胞的生成原因,”微生物学家罗伯特·温伯格,一位癌症专家如此说道,
1.1 vast英/vɑːst/ 美/væst/n. 浩瀚;广阔无垠的空间adj. 广阔的;巨大的;大量的;巨额的
1.2 microbiologist英/,maikrəu,bai'ɔləgist/ 美/,maikrəu,bai'ɔləgist/n. 微生物学家
2、“But,” he caution s, “some people have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. “但是,”他又告诫说,“有些人认为一旦人们弄清了病因,方法很快就会跟上。
2.1 caution英/'kɔːʃ(ə)n/ 美/'kɔʃən/n. 小心,谨慎;警告,警示vt. 警告
3、Consider Pasteur, he discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available.”其实不然,想想法国细菌学家巴斯德,他发现了许多传染病的成因,但方法却在五六十年后才问世。”
3.1 infection英/ɪn'fekʃ(ə)n/ 美/ɪn'fɛkʃən/n. 感染;传染;影响;传染病
Paragraph 2
1、This year, 50 percent of the 910,000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates that figure will be 75 percent. 今年,91万癌症患者中有一半将至少再活5年。国家癌症研究所估计,到2000年存活率将升至75%。
1.1 estimate英/'estɪmeɪt/ 美/'ɛstə,met/n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价vi. 估计,估价
2、For some skin cancers, the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival statistics are still discouraging -- 13 percent for lung cancer, and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas (胰腺). 现在对于一些皮肤癌来说,5年期存活率高达90%,但其他类型癌症的存活数据却仍令人沮丧——肺癌13%,胰腺癌2%。
Paragraph 3
1、With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes (基因), are inactive in normal cells. 癌症种类现有多达120多种,发现其规律实属
1.1 in existence现有的;现存的;实际存在的;实有的
