L69 But not murder
1. murder 1) n. 谋杀(ucn.),谋杀案(cn.)
          2)谋杀 murder sb.  poison 毒杀 strangle 勒死 hang 绞死
murderer /murderess  cn. 谋杀者 react to后面加什么
2. instruct 1)v. 向…下命令或指示,指导 eg. They haven’t instructed us where to go.  I instructed him to lock the door.
tell 告诉,用的最广,语气不强,日常生活用语            order 语气较强,常指有权威者让别人服从
instruct 意为对需采取的行动有准确说明,指示            command 主要用于军事场合
          2)教授,传授  instruct sb. in sth.  eg. Mr. White instructs us in maths.
  instructor n.教练,指导员    instruction n. 说明,指示
3. acquire  1)v. (靠自己的能力,努力而)获得,得到=gain
          2)v. 学得(知识,技术),养成(习惯,行为)eg. She acquired the knowledge of French.
He acquired a habit of smoking.
  acquisition n. 获得,得到 
4. confidence ucn. 信心,把握 be full of confidence 充满信心 have confidence in sth. 对…抱有信心
lose confidence in sb. 对..失去信心  with confidence有把握的
  confident adj. 有信心的
5. examine 1)v. 调查,检查 eg. You’d better examine the old records.  We had our suitcases examined at the airport.
          2)v. 测验 eg. I examined the students in English on the textbook.
          3)v. 诊察,检查疾病 eg. The doctor examined him thoroughly.
  examination(exam)测验  examiner 主考人 examinee被考人
6. suppose 1)v. 假定,假设 eg. Suppose that you are the manager, what will you do ?
          2)v. 认为,猜想=think eg. I suppose she will be there today. 
  be supposed to 理应,应当 eg. He is supposed to be there on time.    We are supposed to help each other.
7. tap 1)v. 轻拍某人,轻敲某物 (tapped-tapping) tap at/on sth. eg. He tapped on the window.
                              When I saw him, I tapped him on his shoulder.
      2)n. 龙头(美 faucet)turn on a tap    tap-water
8. react v. 反应 eg. It took me a long time to react.  She reacted strongly.
        react to sb. /sth. 对..有反应
  reaction n. 反应
8. brake (同音词 break) 1)n. 闸,刹车 put on the brakes 踩刹车  eg. His brake failed.
                      2)v. 刹车 eg. The driver braked hard as the dog ran onto the road.
9. pedal n. (自行车,缝纫机等的)踏板,脚蹬子
10. mournful adj.悲哀的,令人悲痛的 eg. There is a mournful look on her face. 
mourn v.( 因丧失某人或某物而)悲痛或哀悼 eg. She mourned for her cat.
                      We all mourn for the destruction of Yuanmingyuan.
  mourner n. 悲哀者   
1. get or gain something   acquire          2. hit or touch lightly   tap          3. very sad   mournful         
4. tester, quizzer   examiner      5. think, imagine, guess   suppose      6. show a response(反应) to something   react 
7. a piece of equipment(设备,装备) used to slow or stop a vehicle(车辆)   brake 
8. kill someone deliberately(蓄意地) and illegally(非法地)   murder 
9. belief in yourself and your abilities(能力)   confidence 
10. the parts of a bicycle that you push round with your feet to make the bicycle go forward   pedal
11. officially tell or teach someone what to do; order   instruct 
1. (murder) 据说一个人在海滩上被谋杀了。  It is said that one person was murdered on the beach.
2. (instruct)他的叔叔教他法语。  His uncle instructed him in French. 
3. (instruct)I’ve been instructed to wait here until the professor arrives.   我得到指示在这儿等到教授来。
4. (instruct)他奉命前往纽约。  He was instructed to go to New York.
5. (acquire)The collector has acquired a fine collection of oil paintings. 这位收藏家收集到大量油画。
6. (acquire)通过了这次重要的考试,他开始有自信了。 After passing the important exam, he began to acquire self-confidence.
7. (confidence)She has great confidence in her success. 她充分自信自己能成功。
8. (confidence)他很有把握的回答了这个问题。  He answered this question with confidence.
9. (suppose)We are not supposed to play football on Sundays. 不准我们在星期日踢足球。
10. (suppose)设想明天你失去了工作,你会怎么做?Suppose you lose your job tomorrow, what will you do? 
11. (react)他们对你的建议有什么反应?  How did they react to your suggestion? 
12. (tap)他一轻轻敲窗户,我就开门给他了。As soon as he tapped on the window, I opened the door.     
13. (mournful)他用一种悲哀的声音说。  He said in a mournful voice.
1. 被动语态的构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词现以do为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成:
一般现在时:amisaredone            一般过去时:wasweredone        一般将来时:willshall bedone   
现在进行时:amisare beingdone        过去进行时:was / were being + done           
过去完成时:had beendone                现在完成时:havehas beendone
2. 被动语态的特殊结构形式
例:①The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter.
