The possessive form of nouns in English can be formed by adding an apostrophe and an "s" ('s) to the noun. For example, "the dog's tail" or "Sarah's book".
名词所有格是英语中的一种语法形式,用来表示某物属于某人或某物的关系。名词所有格的构成方法是在名词后面加上撇号和字母"s",比如"the dog's tail"或者"Sarah's book"。react to后面加什么
In some cases, when the noun is plural and already ends in "s", only an apostrophe is added after the "s". For example, "the girls' toys" or "the teachers' lounge".
在一些情况下,如果名词已经是复数形式并且以"s"结尾,只需要在"s"后面加上一个撇号。比如"the girls' toys"或者"the teachers' lounge"。
When it comes to possessive pronouns, such as "mine", "yours", "his", "hers", "ours", and "theirs", there is no apostrophe used.
It's important to note that the possessive form is not used with inanimate objects or when talking about things that belong to a group or organization. In these cases, the preposition "of" is used instead. For example, "the roof of the house" or "the members of the team".
需要注意的是,名词所有格不适用于无生命的物体,或者在谈论属于某个团体或组织的事物时。在这些情况下,要使用介词"of"。比如"the roof of the house"或者"the members of the team"。
In summary, the possessive form of nouns in English is used to show ownership or a relationship between two things. It is formed by adding an apostrophe and an "s" to the noun, or just an apostrophe for plural nouns that already end in "s". Possessive pronouns do not use an apostrophe. If the noun is inanimate or belongs to a group, the preposition "of" is used instead.
