Module 7
in case even if unless as although no matter as long as however whether wherever
1Remember you are a Chinese ________ you go.
2________ long a vacation is, I always feel I want a few days    more.
3He cares so little about his meals that anything will do ________ it fills his stomach.
4________ invited to speak, you should remain silent at the    conference.
5—Dad, I've finished my assignment.
—Good, and ________ you play or watch TV, you mustn't disturb me.
6________ the old worker has limited technical knowledge, he    has a lot of experience.
7________ it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.
8Try ________ she might, Carolina couldn't get the door open.
9________ what the results of the homemade gift look like, remember it's the thought that counts.
10You'd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.
答案:1.wherever 2.However 3.as long as 4.Unless 5.whether 6.Although 7.Even if 8.as 9.No matter 10.in case
Two days before Thanksgiving, I was trying to open my mouth wide enough for a roll of steel wire. The metal bands had been holding my __1__ for weeks, but this was the day for the wire to be set up. Only those who have had braces(畸齿矫正钢丝架) will understand the unexpected __2__ of being “wired”
For the next 24 hours, it felt like every tooth was being __3__ in slow motion by a giant claw hammer (拔钉锤). __4__ drinking water caused pain.
By Thanksgiving Day, I had gotten used to the wire. __5__ I didn't use my teeth, the pain was bearable. But this was a day when teeth had to work __6__.
We were __7__ at my grandparents' house with relatives stuffed in every room. The house was filled with all those wonderful Thanksgiving __8__. Everything happened the way it was supposed to happen at the beginning. Grandma said the magic words, We're ready And all the kids __9__ to be first in line. I was so excited; I __10__ about my braces and I __11__ my way up to the head of the line.
I piled my plate high with my favorite corn on the cob(玉米棒子) and opened my mouth and chomped(大声地咬). The pain was __12__. I would never be able to eat again. I put my plate away and ran outside in __13__.
Grandma had been secretly __14__. She cut all the corn off that cob. Then she rescued me from my __15__.
She handed me my plate piled high with corn, __16__ cut from the cob. Thanks I said. Then without __17__ I looked up and __18__ a strange sparkle in her eyes, a sparkle that still is __19__ to  me more  than  fifty  years  later. That  was  the Thanksgiving when I discovered something more __20__ than the taste of good food.
1. Amouth    Bhands
Cteeth    Dhead
答案:C 由下文可知,在安装畸齿矫正钢丝架上的钢丝之前,钢箍是用来支撑牙齿(teeth)的。
2A.subjects    Bresults
Csituations    Dproductions
答案:B 只有那些装过畸齿矫正钢丝架的人才懂得那种装线后想像不到的结果(results)
3A.pushed    Brepaired
Cbrushed    Dpulled
答案:D 钢丝架装上之后的24小时里,作者感觉就像有拔钉锤在慢慢地拔(pulled)他的牙齿。句子中的拔钉锤即可提示。
4A.Still    BThus
CEven    DYet
答案:C 甚至(Even)喝水都会引发疼痛。
5A.As long as    BEven though
CIn order that    DAs though
答案:A 到感恩节时,作者已经适应畸齿矫正钢丝,可以忍受痛苦了。只要(as long as)
6A.slightly    Bovertime
Cquickly    Dpainfully
答案:B 节日里,牙齿是要超负荷(overtime)工作的。
7A.mixed    Bcalled
Cgathered    Dsurrounded
答案:C 作者他们聚集(gather)在祖父母家,每个房间里都挤满了亲戚。
8A.experiences    Bexpectations
Ccolours    Dsmells
答案:D 屋子里充满了好吃的东西的气味(smells)
9A.rushed    Bstarted
Cstepped    Dwalked
答案:A 祖母一声令下,孩子们都争先恐后地冲向(rushed)前面。
10A.saw    Bcared
Cplained    Dforgot
答案:D 沉浸在欢乐中的作者变得非常兴奋,忘记了(forgot)带着畸齿矫正钢丝架的痛苦。
11A.forced    Bfound
Cled    Dgave
答案:A 拼命地挤到了(forced)第一位。
12reacttomotion翻译A.disappearing    Bunbearable
Cregretful    Dsurprising
答案:B 由下一句I would never be able to eat again可知,痛苦是难以忍受的(unbearable)
13A.anger    Bhorror
Cdifficulties    Dtears
答案:D 作者牙痛,在节日里享受不了美味佳肴,推开盘子,跑了出去,双眼含着泪水(tears)。其他选项均不合语境。
14A.cooking    Bwatching
Cfeeding    Dsmiling
答案:B 祖母知道作者在矫正牙齿,一直在默默地关注着(watching)他。
15A.fear    Bloneliness
Cpain    Dnerve
答案:C 祖母把我从痛苦中(pain)拯救了出来。
16A.properly    Bcorrectly
Ccarelessly    Dfreshly
答案:D 那些玉米粒是祖母刚刚(freshly)从玉米棒子上切下来的。此题可用排除法。
17A.thinking    Bdescribing
Cgoing    Dreviewing
答案:A 作者说完谢谢之后,不知怎么的,想都没想(thinking)就抬起了头。
18A.read    Bpassed
Ccaught    Dfilled
答案:C 看到了(caught)祖母眼中的光芒。
19A.modern    Bmysterious
Cdangerous    Dinteresting
答案:B 上文中的strange对此空有提示。
20A.lasting    Bendless
Cuseful    Ddelicious
答案:A 通过祖母的眼神,作者在感恩节发现了比美味的食物更加持久的(lasting)东西。上一句中的more than fifty years,对此题有提示作用。
Very old people do raise problem for almost everyone who es into touch with them. Their values—this can't be repeated too often—are not necessarily our values. Physical fort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important for them. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with going­bad food covered with dust on
the table, and an old person lying alone on bed, taking no notice of anything. Is it doing harm to personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers are the ones who clean up the dust, thinking we are in danger of carrying this idea of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.
