2007年在职申硕(同等学力)英语真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Dialogue Communication 3. Vocabulary 4. Reading Comprehension 5. Cloze 6. Error Detection 7. Translation 9. Writing
Paper OneDialogue Communication
Section ADirections: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
1. A: How about having lunch with me today, Paul?  B: ______
A.Ill see you then.
B.Thanks a lot.
C.Sounds great!
D.I can come any time.
解析:C项意思简单明了:  “这主意听起来好极了”,表示接受邀请。B项没有表态是否接受邀请,D项回答说任何时候都可以来,而Paul发出的邀请是在今天,所以信息不对等。 
2. A: Im anxious to get started on my project. Can we discuss it sometime before the weekend?  B: ______
A.Why didnt, you tell me earlier?
B.Yes, that could be arranged.
C.I cant spend any time.
D.Yes, its easy to discuss it.
3. A: Hello, George. What a lovely home you have!  B: ______
A.Yeah, this garden is beautiful.
B.Nice to have you drop by.
C.Thank you! Im glad you could come.
D.Lets sit here so we can admire the view.
4. A: Do you feel like doing anything this weekend, Jerry?  B: ______
A.No, I dont mind doing anything.
B.Yes, all right. What do you suggest?
C.We could always go to Daves party.
D.How do you like science fiction movies?
解析:意思是“好的,你建议咱们做什么呢?”。A项是对“Do you mind…”的回答;C、 D两项都没有对他人的建议做出是与否、同意或不同意的直接回答。 
5. A: Excuse me, boss. Theres a Jack Welsh on the line. Do you want to talk to him?  B: ______
A.Oh, Im afraid I wont.
B.No, have him call back later.
C.Does he want to leave a message?
D.Would you please hold my calls?
Section BDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
6. Woman: You were late again this morning.Man: So what?Question: How does the man react to the womans blame?
A.He felt sorry for being late.
B.He did not admit he was late.
C.He got nervous for being late.
D.He did not care about being late.
解析:So what?的意思是“那又怎么样呢?”,由此可见该男士对迟到之事根本就不在乎,故选D项。 
7. Woman: This software is very user-friendly.Man: Yes, but it leaves something to be desired.Question: What does the man think of the software?
A.It is of excellent standard.
B.It is of very low standard.
C.It has reached the expected standard.
D.It does not reach the expected standard.
解析:It leaves something to be desired意思是“还有一些不尽人意之处”,故选D项,“没有达到预期标准”,两者句意相近。 
8. Man: Hi, Susan. I hear your ski trip was out of this world!Woman: It was wonderful! I didnt want to come back to the real world!Question: What can we learn about Susan?
A.She preferred to live in an unreal world.
react to后面接什么B.She enjoyed the skiing very much.
C.She lost contact with this world.
D.She failed to carry out her ski plan.
解析:out of this world是固定用法,意思是“好极了!世间少有!”,故选B项。 
9. Woman: Wally, the necklace is beautiful, but really, you shouldnt have!Man: Youre welcome. I think it looks beautiful on you.Question: What did Wally do for the woman?
A.He bought her a necklace.
B.He helped her put on the necklace.
C.He helped her choose a necklace.
D.He tried to flatter her.
解析:You shouldnt have!的完整句意为“(尽管项链很美)You shouldnt have bought it for me”。D项中flatter的意思是“恭维,奉承”。 
10. Woman: When we lived in Paris I worked part time. But since we moved I just cook and clean. I get tired of doing the same old things day by day.Man: It sounds like you need to get out of the house.Question: What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.To get a job.
B.To move to another place.
C.To visit some friends.
D.To do some outdoor exercises.
Section ADirections: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
