Lesson 86 Out of control 失控   
As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands. He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea. The speedboat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speedboat was moving in a circle. It now came straight towards them at tremendous speed. In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. After it had passed, they swam on as quickly as they could because they knew that the boat would soon return. They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. On this occasion, however, it had slowed down considerably. The petrol had nearly all been used up. Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.
New words and expressions 生词和短语
swing                   v. 转向
speedboat             n.快艇
desperately           adv. 绝望地
companion           n. 同伙,伙伴
water ski             (快艇牵引水橇)滑水
buoy                     n.浮标
dismay                 n. 沮丧
tremendous          adj. 巨大的
petrol                   n.汽油
drift                      v.漂动,漂流
gently                   adv.缓慢地,轻轻地
1Out of control
1) 这个介词短语是标题,意思是“失控”。例如:
The plane got out of control and crashed in the mountains.
与此含义相反的短语就是under control(被控制住,处于控制之下react to的用法)。例如:The situation isunder control.   局势已经得到控制。Firemen said they had the blazeunder control. 消防队员说他们已经控制住了火势。
2) 介词短语out of可以表示“失去、欠缺”等含义。例如:
We are out of bread. 我们的面包吃完了
Tony walked so fast that he was soon out of sight.
She has been out of work for two months. 她失业两个月了。Think how rapidly medical knowledge has goneout of date in recent years.想一想近些年医学知识更新得有多快。
2As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands.   当那人试图让快艇转弯时,方向盘脱手了。
1)句中的连词as在这里表示“当…的时候(相当于when)as在表示这种含义的时候,通常用来表明,主句的动作发生在从句的动作发生的过程中;或者说,当从句的动作发生的时候,主句的动作在这个过程中也同时发生。关于aswhen用法的区别,大家可同时参看Lesson 7中的相关语法内容的解释
     He swung the car into the parking lot. 他使车子转弯进了停车场。      A car swung sharply round the corner. 一辆汽车在街角急转弯。
3)steer用作动词时的常用含义为“驾驶”、“引导”、“引领”;而steering可以用作名词,指(车辆等的)转向装置”,因此steering wheel指的就是“方向盘、驾驶盘”。
4)动词短语come away指“人”时,表示“离开”;用来指“物”时,表示“脱落、脱离、脱开”等含义。例如:
We were happy tocome away with a draw against Sweden. 我们很高兴能和瑞典队战平。She came away angry. 她气呼呼地离开了
When I tried to lift the suitcase, the handle came away.
The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。
3He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes.他绝望地向他的同伴挥手,他的伙伴在过去的15分钟里一直在滑水。
1)wave在本句中用作动词,意思是“挥手示意”;如果要具体说明向某个人挥手示意,可以在后面加上一个介词短语to sb.wave to sb.)。
Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.在她生命的最后6年,弗莱德一直是她忠实的伴侣I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.我问我的驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法
2) water ski本来是个名词,指“滑水”这种运动(人借助动力牵引,在水面上"行走"的水上运动。动力分好多种,多为汽艇)现在也可以用作动词,表示“滑水”这种动作。例如:
     Did you go water-skiing during your holiday? 你假期去滑水了吗?     Yes, it is really exciting to water-ski.   是的,滑水的确非常刺激     Has anybody water skied before?    以前有人做过滑水运动吗?
 句中的who had been water skiing采用的是过去完成进行时,强调的是“在他向同伴挥手之前,他的同伴一直在滑水,并且已经滑了15分钟”。关于这种时态的结构以及用法特点,大家可以参看本课以及之前相关课程的语法解释的内容
n who had been water skiing…minutes是个非限制性定语从句。这个定语从句的关系代词是
who是否可以换成that? 另外,如果要将前面的逗号去掉,即变为限制性定语从句的话,在含义上有何区别?
4. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,就被猛地抛入了海里。
在采用这种句型结构时,hardly用于主句中(本句中的主句为Both men…happening),并且主句通常用过去完成时;when引导的是时间状语从句,从句中通常采用一般过去时关于这种结构的详细用法介绍,大家可同时参看Lesson 38“重点词汇”中的相关内容
5Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speedboat was moving in a circle.  两个人刚开始向岸边游去,就突然惊愕地发现快艇正在转着圈行       驶。1)句中的介词短语with dismay在这里用作表示结果的状语。
