毛额市鹌鹑阳光实验学校2014高考英语总复习单元导练系列(课文掌握+知识导学+例题精析):必修一 Module 5 a lesson in a lab
1. What does paragraph 1 tell us?
2. Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?
Science was not my favorite in the past.
3. Put the following sentence into Chinese.
The science facilities are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment.
4. Rewrite the following sentence, using “so…that” structure.
I’m becoming more and more interested in physics, and have decided that I want to study it at university.
5. Do you enjoy science? Explain why or why not.
● Mark’s attitude towards science
● 2 reasons
● the effect
1. Metals expand when they are heated. 金属遇热会膨胀。
expand vt & vi扩大,膨胀,张开,鼓起
(1)Finally, reading will and must broaden my sympathies, expand my love for others and set it in action. 最终,读书将会,并且一定会扩大我的同情心,拓展我对别人的爱并付诸行动。
(2)His company has expanded into a big one. 他的公司已扩大成为了一个大公司。
expand sth 扩大某物
expand into sth 扩大成为某物
(1) The eagle ______________________ before flying.鹰在起飞前张开了翅膀。
(2) The city ____________ a lot to the east in the last 5 years.在过去的五年间,这个城市向东部扩展了许多。
(3) As children grow older______________________ and become more confident. 随着儿童的成长,他们的兴趣会变广,人也会变得自信。
2. When it is very cold, the metal will contract. 天太冷时,金属会收缩。
contract vi &vt 缩小,签合同 n. 合同
(1)Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. 金属热胀冷缩。
(2)I contracted to pay in cash for the house. 我签约以现钱承购那栋房子。
(3)He has a two-year contract with the firm. 他与这家公司有两年的合同。
contract to do sth 签订合同做某事
contract sth with sb = contract with sb for sth 与……订立……
sign a contract 签合同
(1) _________________________, raising fears of further political problems. 经济进一步紧缩,越发加剧了人们对未来政治问题的担忧。
(2) They __________________________ fixed hours each work. 他们订立合同确定每周固定的工作时数。
(3) He ______________________ the design of a library. 他与该市订立设计图书馆的合同。
3. When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substances.使用金属时,要了解金属和不同的物质是如何反应的,这一点很重要。
react vi &vt 反应
(1) How do acids react with metal? 酸会与金属起怎样的反应?
(2) How did she react to the news? 她对这个消息反应如何?
(3) The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。
react to 对…… 做出反应
react with 和…… 产生化学反应
react against 反抗,反对
reaction to对…… 做出反应
(1) Children tend to ____________________ by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。
(2) Unkindness react to的用法often _____________ the unkind people. 恶人有恶报。
(3) _______________________ the news was surprisingly calm. 他父母对那消息的反应出乎意料地平静。
4. Put the crucible on the balance and weigh it. 把坩埚放天平上称一下。
balance n. 天平;余额;平衡 vt.使平衡,使均衡
(1)He kept his balance with his arms on the wall. 他在墙上用双臂保持平衡。
(2)I have a balance of $5000 in the bank. 我银行账户上有5000美元的余款。
(3)He can balance a ball on his finger. 他能把球稳稳地放在手指上。
keep/ lose one’s balance 保持/失去平衡
strike a balance 两全其美
balance sth with 协调好……与……的关系
(1) I __________________ and fell on my face. 我失去平衡,脸着地摔倒。
(2) She learned to ____________________. 她已学会协调家庭和事业两者之间的关系。
(3) We need to ______________________ the needs of community and the rights of the individual. 我们必须处理好社会需求与个人权利之间的平衡。
5. Read the aim below and predict the result. 读下面的目的并预测结果。
aim n. 目的,目标 v 瞄准;打算
(1) What’s your aim in doing that? 你做那个的目的是什么?
(1)Research was done with the aim of finding out opinions about studying abroad.做这个研究的目的是为了了解人们对于在国外学习的观点。
(2)He study hard, aiming at passing the entrance exam= He study hard, aiming to pass the exam. 他努力学习,为了通过入学考试。
(3)The program is aimed at the teen audience. 这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。
aim at doing = aim to do sth 致力于,打算
aim sth at ab. 使某物针对某人
with the aim of 带有…… 的目的
(1) ___________________the course is to improve students’ communication skills. 这门课的主要目的是为了提高学生的沟通技巧。
(2) Denver ___________ but did not shoot. 丹弗用瞄准了目标,但没有开。
(3) ____________________ lose 4kg during the summer holidays. 我的目标是在暑假期间减掉4公斤。