如何制作皮蛋松花蛋中英文翻译 How to make preserved egg文库.txt41滴水能穿石,只因为它永远打击同一点。42火柴如果躲避燃烧的痛苦,它的一生都将黯淡无光。How to make real preserved egg within 10 days.
react to中文Preserved egg is a Chinese traditional food. It is popular because it has a unique flavour, tastes excellent, long guarantee period and portability.
the lime (CaO:
1. Ashes Formula
The preserved egg taste delicious on the table, but it has an uggly "coat", don't get wrong with or underestimate it,it is the key for making a presvered egg,ashes.The formula for ashes contains:
Lime 50g,Soda 3g,Plant ash 1g,Salt 2g,Water 20g,a little bit of tea leaves.
2. Ashes Modulation
As required by the formula,put all the ashes into a container (ora big beaker)with water. Firstly, the lime with react with water generates hydrated lime (Na(OH)2:Calcium hydroxide),then the hydrated lime will react with soda and potassium carbonate seperately and generates sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. The chemical equations are as followed:
    Ca(OH)2+K2CO3= CaCO3↓+2KOH
For a full chemical reaction, you should use it after 24 hours.
3. Process eggs
Put the fresh egg into the modulated ashes to make an even layer of ashes on the egg face, and then take it out and put into rice chaff or sawdust makes another layer on the ash
es. Press the egg gently to make the second layer tight, and then put it into another container for taking these prepared eggs. Make all the eggs the same way and then seal the container, put it in a enviromental temperature of 18 to 24centigrade, it will edible 10 days later.
Why preserved egg doesn't rot even for half a month to few months? Firstly, it is because it contains salt, salt prevents rotting; Secondly, the alkali killed the bacteria which may cause the rotten of protein.
10days later,when you enjoy the delicious preserved eggs on table,you must be full of happy, and you will think of making more someday. But don't you forget to change the formula according to the percentage when you want to make a mass production of it.
生石灰(CaO)calcium oxide,纯碱(Na2CO3)sodium carbonate、草木灰(主要成分为K2CO3)potassium carbonate、食盐、茶叶等。结合学生实际情况,现仅以2枚松花皮蛋为例陈述一下如何在实验室里加工以及其中的化学原理:
按照灰料配方的要求,将所需灰料放人容器中(一个大烧杯即可),用水调制。生石灰quick lime首先遇水反应生成熟石灰slaked lime,然后熟石灰又分别与纯碱及草木炭中的主要成分碳酸钾发生复分解反应,生成氢氧化钠和氢氧化钾。反应的化学方程式表示如下:
    Ca(OH)2+Na2CO3=CaCO3↓+2NaOH (sodium hydroxide)
    Ca(OH)2+K2CO3= CaCO3↓+2KOH  (potassium hydroxide)
在这10天的变化过程中,鸡蛋内部也不像一潭深水那样平静。灰料中的强碱(NaOH、KOH)strong base经蛋壳渗入到蛋清和蛋黄中,与其中的蛋白质作用,致使蛋白质分解、凝固并放出少量的硫化氢(H2S)hydrogen sulfide气体。同时渗入的碱还会与蛋白质分解出的氨基酸进一步发生中和反应,生成的盐的晶体沉积在凝胶肽的皮蛋蛋清中,便出现了朵朵白的“松花”(这也是松花蛋得名的原因)。而硫化氢气体则与蛋清和蛋黄中的矿物质mineral
