Dangerous goods are substances that are potentially hazardous for health, safety or the environment. In order to minimize risks associated with their transportation, dangerous goods are required to comply with some special conditions for their handling, loading or labeling.
危险品是对健康、安全或环境有潜在危险的物质。为了最大限度地减少与运输有关的风险,危险货物在处理、装载或贴标签时必须遵守一些特殊条件。International legislation国际法规
Due to their singularity and the specific requirements, dangerous goods’ transportation is subject to a strict international regulation in every transport modality.
They are classified in five categories它们被分为五个类别:
∙European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Signed in 1957 in Geneva by the United Nations, it currently includes 51 countries.The agreement regulates the terms of dangerous goods’ road carriage.
∙European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (AND)欧洲内陆水道国际运输危险货物协定(AND)。:
It is the body of rules for dangerous goods transportation within the continent’s inland waterways (rivers, lakes or navigabl e canals).
∙RID Regulation - RID条例:
Current since 1980, this is the regulation for dangerous goods transportation by rail. 44 countries are currently affiliated.
∙International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG)- 国际海运危险品准则(IMDG)。:
Published by the IMO (International Marine Association), collects all provisions and regulations for dangerous good maritime transportation. It is updated every two years.
∙IATA DGR Regulation- IATA DGR条例。:
The IATA (International Air Transport Association) regulates international dangerous goods shipments by air.
Dangerous goods classification危险品分类
All dangerous merchandise is classified according to its chemical characteristics and degree of danger.
There are 9 types of dangerous goods. 有9种类型的危险货物。
Class 1: Explosives一类:爆炸物
Explosive substances and objects, and substances or objects designed to have an explosive or pyrotechnic effect.
Class 2: Gases二类:气体
Gases include all substances which, under 50⁰C, have a steam pressure above 300 kPa, or are compl
etely gaseous at 20⁰C at a pressure of 101,3 kPa. To determine the transportation conditions they are classified according to their physical state in 5 categories (compressed gas, liquefied gas, refrigerated liquefied gas, dissolved gas and a bsorbed).
Flammable gas 易燃气
Nonflammable gas 非易燃气体
Toxic gas 有毒气体
Class 3: Flammable liquids 三类:易燃液体
This category includes liquids, liquid mixes and liquids containing solid, in solution and in suspension matter with a flashi ng point at 60⁰C, or lower temperatures in closed-cup tests. It also includes desensitized liquids.
There are different risk divisions in Class 3 according to their flashpoint temperatures 根
Class 4: Flammable solids and substances 四类:易燃固体和物质
Including substances not classified as explosives which may easily ignite or activate fire in transportation conditions. 包括不属于爆炸物的物质,在运输条件下可能容易点燃或引发火灾。
react to中文here are different risk divisions in Class 4在第四类中有不同的风险划分。:
Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides 五类:氧化性物质和有机过氧化物
Due to their different chemical properties it’s not possible to set unique criteria to classify them all. They can however be  differentiated in two main subcategories:
Oxidizing substances 氧化性物质
Organic peroxides 有机过氧化物
Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances 六类:有毒和感染性物质
They are classified according to each substance’s toxicity risk. 它们根据每种物质的毒性风险进行分类。
Toxic substances 有
Infectious substances 感染性物质
Class 7: Radioactive material 七类:放射性材料
Radioactive material refers to all materials containing radionuclides with an activity concentration higher than the specified values.放Fissionable substances Uranium 233, uranium 235, plutonium 239, plutonium 241 or any other combination of these radionuclides.
铀Low toxicity Alpha emitting materials Natural uranium, depleted uranium, natural thorium, uranium 238, thorium 232, thorium 228, and thorium 230.天
