Hey, Leonard, if you're not busy tomorrow, 莱纳德 如果你明天不忙的话
I have to do a little reception after work. 我明天下班后有个小活动
Oh, I would, 我愿意去
but we need to make a push on the air force project. 可我们明天要赶工弄一下空军的项目
Oh, are you sure? 你确定不来吗
react to中文We're celebrating our new A.D.D. Drug, 是要庆祝我们的注意力缺失症新药
and it'll probably be over in, like, six minutes. 到时候估计六分钟就结束了
Did you say you guys are working on the guidance system tomorrow? 你刚才说你们明天要弄导向系统吗
Yeah, why? 对啊 怎么了
Well, Sheldon said that he was gonna work with me 谢尔顿说他明天要跟我一起弄
on our quantum perception project. 我们的量子认知研究呢
We've had this planned for a week. 我们一周前就计划好了
Well, he reconfirmed with me this morning. 他今早还跟我重新确认过时间呢
Guys, before this gets ugly, remember, 两位 在事态开始恶化之前 别忘了
the winner gets Sheldon. 赢的人得到的可是谢尔顿
Hey, Raj, do you want to go with me tomorrow? 拉杰 你明天想跟我一起去吗
Are you asking because you want me there or out of pity? 你邀请我是希望我出席 还是可怜我
Actually, never mind, don't answer. 算了 别回答了
I'd love to. 我愿意去
Hello. 大家安安
Why did you tell Leonard you're working on 你为什么跟莱纳德说你明天
- the gyroscope tomorrow? - Because I am. -要跟他弄陀螺仪的项目 -的确是啊
But you said you were working with me. 但你答应我要跟我一起做我们的项目
Someone's got two dates to the nerd prom. 某人邀了两妞去参加宅男舞会呢
I have a plan to work on both projects simultaneously. 山人自有妙计 我有办法同时做两个项目
And for your information, the summer conference 顺便告诉你 加州理工学院的
on algebraic topology at Caltech is nerd prom. 代数拓扑夏季大会才是真的宅男舞会呢
I'm sorry, what is this plan you have? 抱歉 不知阁下有何妙计
Well, I'm not needed at both places at the same time. 我不需要同时出现在两个地方啊
And I can also free up extra hours with simple tricks, 我用些简单小技巧就能腾出几小时
such as using a minimal amount of words to convey my point. 比如表达意见时做到言简意赅
When does that start? 你什么时候能开始这样
Soon. 快
See, I could've said "In the near future," 你看 我本来可以说"快开始了"
but I didn't say "In the near future," 但我没有说"快开始了"
'cause "In the near future" is three more words than "Soon." 因为"快开始了"比"快"多了3个字
"In" one, "the" two, "near" three, "future" four. "快"是1 "开"是2 "始"是3 "了"是4
See "In the near future" is four, "Soon" is just one, "快开始了"4个字 而"快"是1个字
four is more than one; saving time already. 1字比4字少 所以就省下了时间
Genius. 天才
I was gonna say, 我本来想说
"Why does anyone think Sheldon's a genius?" "为什么会有人觉得谢尔顿是天才"
But I didn't. 但我没说出全部
Gentlemen, I've got Amy up and running. 先生们 我帮艾米开好头了
Shall we get to work? 我们该开始了吗
Uh, before we do, what are you wearing, 在开始前我想问 你背着什么啊
oh, friend who we pretend is normal? 我们假装你一切正常的这位朋友
These are hydration backpacks. 这是补水背包
Eh, for efficiency, whenever I'm thirsty, 为了效率 这包在我口渴时
I have access to water. 能让我直接补充水分
Eh, when I'm hungry, I have lentil soup. 而当我饿了时 我有扁豆汤
It's getting harder to pretend. 越来越装不下去了
Anyway, Sheldon, we're at a decision point 谢尔顿 我们现在到了这决策点
to run the xenon stream through the cryocooler 是让氙气流通过低温制冷机
or through the vacuum filter. 还是通过真空过滤器
Run down the pros and cons of each for me. 说说看两者的优缺点
Well, if we run the xenon stream through the cryocooler, 如果我们让氙气流通过低温制冷机
it'll be cooled immediately before it reacts with the conduction. 它会立即冷却 不会跟导管起反应
Oh, sorry, uh, carrot chunk. 抱歉 胡萝卜丁卡着了
You can just feel the time being saved. 节省时间的感觉太强烈了
Ah, I'm back, you got me for eight minutes. 我回来啦 我可以在这八分钟
Sheldon, this is silly. 谢尔顿 这样太蠢了
You can't expect us to do quality work 你这样进进出出
with you popping in and out like this. 我们怎么有办法做出高质量的成果
The coefficient isn't lambda, it's lambda sub one. 系数不是Λ是Λ₁
And over here, you should consider the possibility 而这边 你应该考虑一下
that the brain itself is in two different quantum states. 大脑本身处于两种不同量子态的可能性
And lastly, do you have any little soup crackers? 最后问一下 你有配汤小饼干吗
The rate of spinning for the central axis centrifuge 中央轴离心机的旋转速度
has to be four revolutions per second. 必须是每秒钟4转
It can't be four revolutions, it's got to be seven. 怎么会是每秒钟4转 必须得是7转
Seven?! 7个鬼
Look at the board, it's four. 看清楚了 必须是4转
Oh, my God, it's seven! 天啊 是7转好吗
- Four! - Seven! -4转 -7转
It's five and a half. 是5.5转
Son of a bitch, it's five and a half. 我了个去 还真是5.5转
B.R.B., that's short for "Be right back." 马回 就是"马上回来"的缩写
I'm saving so much time! 我省下了好多时间啊
The two signals meet up in the corpus callosum 两个信号在脑胼胝体相遇
and T equals zero. 而T=0
And I know a boy who just earned a slurp of soup. 而我知道某个小男孩值得嘉奖一口汤