
Unit 1 
1.“材料科学”涉及到研究材料的结构与性能的关系。相反,材料工程是根据材料的结构与性质的关系来涉及或操控材料的结构以求制造出一系列可预定的性质。 2.实际上,所有固体材料的重要性质可以分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学、腐蚀性。  3.除了结构与性质,材料科学与工程还有其他两个重要的组成部分,即加工与性能。  4.工程师或科学家越熟悉材料的各种性质、结构、性能之间的关系以及材料的加工技术,根据以上的原则,他或她就会越自信与熟练地对材料进行更明智的选择。 5.只有在少数情况下,材料才具有最优或最理想的综合性质。因此,有时候有必要为某一性质而牺牲另一性能。  6.Interdisciplinary        dielectric constant Solid material(s)        heat capacity  Mechanical property      electromagnetic radiation Material processing      elastic modulus  7.It was not until relativcal properties relate deformation to an applied load or force.   
Unit 2 
1. 金属是电和热很好的导体,在可见光下不透明;擦亮的金属表面有金属光泽。 2. 陶瓷是典型的导热导电的绝缘体,并且比金属和聚合物具有更高的耐热温度和耐恶劣环境性能。  3. 用于高科技领域的材料有时也被称为先进材料。  4. 压电陶瓷在电场作用下膨胀和收缩;反之,当它们膨胀和收缩时,他们也能产生一个电场。  5. 随着能够观察单个原子或者分子的扫描探针显微镜的出现,操控和移动原子和分子以形成新结构成为可能,因此,我们能通过一些简单的原子水平的构建就可以设计出新的材料。  6. advanced materials                  ceramic materials high-performance materials            clay minerals alloy                              implant  glass fibre            carbon nanotube  7. Metallic materials have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons and many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.  8. Many of polymeric materials are organic compounds with very large molecular structures.  9. Semiconductors hace electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors(viz. metals and metal alloys) and insulators(viz. ceramics and polymers).  10. Biomaterials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body  tissues. 
Unit 3 react to stress的中文翻译
1.金属的行为(性质)不同于陶瓷的行为(性质),陶瓷的行为(性质)不同于聚合物的行为(性质)。  2.原子结构主要影响化学性质、物理性质、热学性质、电学性能、磁性能、光学性能。微结构和宏观结构虽也能影响这些性能但是他们主要影响力学性能和化学反应速率。  3.金属的强度表明原子是通过强的键结合在一起的。  4.元素的原子序数表明该元素的原子核内带正电的质子数。而原子的原子量则表明该原子核中质子数与中子数。  5.Microstructure                    macrostructure Chemical reaction                atomic weight  Balanced electrical charge          positively charged proton  6. 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings,  7.The facts suggests that metallic atoms are held together bu strong bonds.  8.  Microstructure which includes features that cannot be seen with the naked eye,but  using a microscope. Macrostructure includes features that can be seen with the naked eye.  9.  The atomic weight is the sum of proton number and neutron number in the  nucleus. 
Unit 4 
1.当密度小于水的密度时,物体将漂浮在水面上,当密度大于水的密度时,物体会沉降。相似的,当比重小于1时,物体将漂浮在水面上,当比重大于1时,物体会沉降。  2.由于相互排斥而往相反的方向移动,导致磁通量密度比真空中小,这种材料为反磁性材料。  3.使磁通量密度提高1倍以上小于或等于10倍的材料叫顺磁性材料,使磁通量密度提高10倍以上的材料叫铁磁性材料。  4.某些铁磁性材料,特别是一些粉末状或夹层铁,钢或镍合金的相对导磁率可高达1000000。反磁性材料的相对导磁率小于1,但是到目前还没有哪种材料的相对导磁率远小于1。  5.当顺磁性或铁磁性的芯插入线圈时,其磁感应系数等于相对磁导率乘以空芯时的磁感应系数。  6.specific gravity              boiling point        magnetic induction  coefficient of thermal conductivity        glass transition temperature non-ferrous metals            linear coefficient of thermal expansion  mass per unit of volume  7. Properties that describe how a substance changes into a completely different substance are called chemical properties.    8. Phase is a physical property of matter and matter can exist in four phases: solid, liquid, gas and plasma.    9. At some temperature below the melting point, polymers start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains, which tesults in a soft and pliabl
e material.  10. In engineering applications, permeability is often expressed in relative, rather than in absolute. 
Unit 5
1. 金属的力学性能决定了材料的使用范围及期望的服役寿命。  2. 因此,一般多测几次以得到力学性能,报导的数值一般是平均值或者计算的 统计最小值。  3.材料的承载方式极大地影响了材料的力学性能,也决定了材料失效形式,以及在失效前是否有预警。 4.然而,受力弯曲时会产生一个应力分布,应力大小与到轴线的垂直距离有关。 5.材料受到低于临界压力即屈服强度的力时,材料才会发生弹性形变。 6. Test specimen        static loading      force  normal axis    Engineering strain      critical stress    yield strength  stress area    Stress- strain curve  7. Temperatures below room temperature generally cause an increase in strength  properties of metallic alloys; while ductility, fracture toughness, and elongation usually decrease.  8.  From the respective of what is happening within a material, stress is the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and react to the loads applied to it.  9. Engineering strain is defined as t
he amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material.  10. A material with high strength and high ductility will hace more toughness than a material with low strength and high ductility.
