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    How to Stay Safe While Riding a Bicycle
    Riding a bicycle is a lot of fun, and it's also a great way to exercise and get around. But just like with any other activity, it's important to stay safe while you're doing it. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when you're out riding your bike.
    Wear a Helmet
    This is probably the most important rule of all when it comes to bike safety. A helmet can protect your head from serious injury if you fall off your bike or get into an accident. Make sure your helmet fits properly and is securely fastened before you start riding.
    Follow the Rules of the Road
    When you're riding your bike on the street, you need to follow the same rules as cars and other vehicles. This means stopping at stop signs and red lights, using hand signals to let others know when you're turning, and riding in the same direction as traffic.
    Be Visible
    It's important for drivers and pedestrians to be able to see you when you're riding your bike. Wear bright or reflective clothing, and use lights on the front and back of your bike if you're riding at night or in low light conditions.
    Watch for Hazards
    There are lots of things on the road that can be dangerous for bike riders, like potholes, debris, or slippery surfaces. Keep your eyes open and be ready to steer around anything that could cause you to fall or lose control of your bike.
    Ride Single File
    If you're riding with friends or family members, make sure you're riding in a single file line, one behind the other. This makes it easier for cars to pass you safely and reduces the risk of collisions.
    Use Hand Signals
    Just like drivers use their turn signals to let others know when they're turning, you should use hand signals to let people know when you're turning or stopping on your bike. This helps keep everyone safe and aware of what you're doing.
    Stay Alert
    It's important to pay attention to what's going on around you when you're riding your bike. Don't wear headphones or use your phone, and keep your eyes and ears open for any potential hazards or dangers.
    Maintain Your Bike
    Make sure your bike is in good working condition before you go for a ride. Check the brakes, tires, and other parts to make sure everything is working properly and there's nothing that could cause a problem while you're riding.
    Wear Protective Gear
    In addition to a helmet, you might want to wear other protective gear like knee and elbow pads, especially if you're going to be riding on rough terrain or doing any tricks or stunts.
    Know Your Limits
    If you're just starting out riding a bike, or if you're trying something new or challenging, make sure you know your limits and don't push yourself too hard. It's better to take it slow and stay safe than to try something you're not ready for and end up getting hurt.
    Following these tips can help you stay safe and have a great time while riding your bike. Remember, safety should always be your top priority, whether you're riding around the neighborhood or hitting the trails. Happy riding!
    How to Stay Safe While Riding Your Bike
    Bikes are so much fun! I just love riding my bike around the neighborhood and feeling the wind in my hair. Biking lets me go places on my own without having to ask my mom or dad for a ride. It's great exercise too and helps keep me healthy. But riding a bike can also be dangerous if you're not careful. That's why it's really important to follow some basic safety rules anytime you hop on your bike.
    The most important thing is to always wear a helmet. I know helmets can feel dorky, but they are absolutely essential for keeping your brain safe if you happen to fall off your bike or get in a crash. Bike accidents can easily cause serious head injuries, but wearing a properly fitted helmet reduces your risk of a life-threatening brain injury by almost 90%! How crazy is that? Your mom and dad bug you about wearing a helmet because they love you and want to keep you safe.
    Next up is making sure your bike fits you properly. If your bike is too big or too small, it will be harder to control and you're more likely to tip over. You should be able to straddle the frame with your feet flat on the ground. The seat should be level and allow a slight bend in your knee when you're pedaling. If your bike doesn't fit right, ask your parents to adjust it or consider getting a new bike as you grow.
    Before every ride, do an ABC check - Air, Brakes, Chains and Cranks. Make sure your tires are properly inflated by checking the pressure. Brakes should be working smoothly and able to stop you quickly. The chain shouldn't be hanging loose or making weird noises. And the cranks that you pedal should be tight and not wobbling around. A quick check only takes a minute but could prevent an accident!
