    Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the first chapter of "The Grapes of Wrath" written in an informal and conversational style:
    1. What did the Joad family decide to do when they lost their farm?
    A. They decided to stay and fight for their land.
react to的意思    B. They moved to the city hoping for a better life.
    C. They borrowed money to buy back their farm.
    D. They split up and each family member went their separate ways.
    2. How did Tom Joad feel about leaving their home?
    A. He was excited for the adventure.
    B. He was sad and couldn't believe they had to leave.
    C. He was indifferent, as he had never liked the farm.
    D. He was angry and blamed everyone for their situation.
    3. What did Ma Joad say about their journey?
    A. "It'll be easy, we'll be fine."
    B. "We'll never survive this."
    C. "Let's make the best of it and stick together."
    D. "We should have stayed put."
    4. How did the family react to the news of their eviction?
    A. They laughed it off, thinking it was a joke.
    B. They were silent, unable to believe it.
    C. They celebrated, finally free from the burden of the farm.
    D. They argued about who was to blame.
    5. What was the first thing the family did after they left their home?
