(一) used to do 过去常常做某事. "过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。
例句: I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.
Mother used not to be so forgetful.
Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)
used to do曾经/过去常常做某事,如:
He used to live in the country.他曾经住在农村。
used to表示过去常常做某事.
例句: I used to play football after school. 过去我常常在放学后踢球.
used to do  "过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。
Mother used not to be so forgetful.
Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)
used to do  过去常常做某事
He used to do a lot of drinking but has signed off now.
used to表示过去常常做某事.
例句: I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.
used to do曾经/过去常常做某事,如:
He used to live in the country.他曾经住在农村。
used to do 表示过去常常做某事,映射现在不这样了react to的意思
I used to get up late in the morning, but now I often get up early.
(二) be used to sth/doing ……已感到习惯,或"习惯于"to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。
He is used to a vegetarian diet.
Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)
be used to doing习惯于做某事,如:
He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯了住在农村。
She is used to hard work. 她习惯于艰苦工作
be used to doing 的意思是习惯于做某事.
be used to doing 对…… 已感到习惯,或"习惯于"to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。
He is used to a vegetarian diet.
Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)
be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.
be used doing习惯于做某事,这里的to 是介词,后面不跟动词原形,跟ing形式,如:
He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯了住在农村。
be used to doing  习惯做某事
I am used to getting up early
(三) be used to do被用于,被用来做 如:
This knife can be used to cut things.这把刀能够被用于切东西
be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;
The knife can be used to cut meat.
(四) use doing 没有这个用法
(五) Use sth to do用某物干什么
use MSN to talk with each other 表示目的
be used to do 被用于做某事,被用来做某事;
used to do  过去常常做某事
be used to sth /doing  习惯于做某事
use doing 没有这个用法 赞同
be used to 被用来做
Be used to
1) be used to sth /doing习惯于
2) be used to do    被用来
