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“How Reliable is Your
Book Excerpt
50 Ways to Improve Product Reliability
By Mike Silverman
Foreword by Patrick O'Connor
BOOK EXCERPT Table of Contentsreact to的意思
• Foreword by Patrick O'Connor
• Preface
• Chapter 3: Reliability Integration Provides Integrity • Appendix A: Software Reliability Growth
• About the Author
• Getting the book and other books from Happy About
Foreword by Patrick O'Connor
序Patrick O'Connor
Modern engineering products, from individual components to large systems, must be designed, developed, and manufactured to be reliable in use. Designs must be robust in relation to the stresses and other factors that could cause damage or deterioration in transport, storage, use, and maintenanc
e. Product development must include testing to ensure that this is achieved and to show up weaknesses for correction. The manufacturing processes must be performed correctly and with the minimum of variation. All of these aspects impact the costs of design, development, manufacture, and use, or, as they are often called, the product's life cycle costs. The challenge of modern competitive engineering is to ensure that life cycle costs are minimized while achieving requirements for performance and time to market. If the market for the product is competitive, improved reliability can generate very strong competitive advantages, as well as cost savings to manufacturers and to users. Today, this message is well understood by most engineering companies that face competitive pressures.
The customers for major systems, particularly the U.S. military, drove the quality and reliability methods that were developed in the West from the 1950s onwards. They reacted to perceived low achievement by the imposition of standards and procedures. The methods included formal systems for quality and reliability management (MIL-Q-9858 and MIL-STD-758) and methods for predicting and measuring reliability (MIL-STD-721, MIL-HDBK-217, and MIL-STD-781). MIL-Q-9858 was the model for the international standard on quality systems (ISO9000). The methods for quantifying reliability were similarly developed and applied to other types of products and have been incorporated into other standards such as ISO60300. The application of these approaches has been controversial and not always effective.
In contrast, the Japanese quality movement that began in the 1950s was led by an industry that learned how manufacturing quality provided the key to greatly increased productivity and competitiveness, principally in commercial and consumer markets. The methods that they applied were based upon understanding of the causes of variation and failures, as well as continuous improvements through the application of process controls and motivation and management of people at work. It is one of history's ironies that the foremost teachers of these ideas were Americans, notably P. Drucker, W.A. Shewhart, W.E. Deming, and J.R Juran. The Japanese also applied methods for design for reliability, notably Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
于此相反,始于上个世纪50年代的日本质量运动由一个行业引领,该行业知道,生产质量对大量提高生产力和竞争力非常关键,尤其在商业和消费者市场。他们所使用的方法来源于对变异和故障的理解,以及通过流程控制使用而获得的持续改进。具有讽刺意味的是,这些方法的先驱是美国人,如P. Drucker、W.A. Shewhart、W.E. Deming和J.R Juran。日本人也为可靠性的设计提供了一些方法,如“质量功能部署(QFD)”和“失效模式和影响分析(FMEA)”。
By the turn of the century, methods of design for reliability and for manufacturing quality excellence had become refined. Most of the U.S. military standards were discontinued. More practical and effectiv
e methods were applied almost universally, particularly by industries whose products faced international competition or other drivers, particularly high costs of failures or strict customer requirements. However, some still cling to unrealistic mathematical precision for predicting and measuring reliability, as well as to bureaucratic approaches to quality management.
In the same time frame, there have been improvements in design capabilities with advances in computer-aided engineering, as well as in materials and in iv
