译林牛津版高二英语必修五unit1 知识点及语法总结
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1. betray. vt.
1) 出卖;背叛
He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy.
2) 显露;泄露
    The expression on her face betrays her anger.
2. pretend. vt/vi
1)vt. 假装,佯装, 后接不定式和从句做宾语。
She pretended to be reading. 她假装在看书。
2)vi. 假装
She wasnt really crying, she was only pretending.
3. admit. vt
1) 承认;供认
admit doing sth. 承认做某事  admit to sb. 向某人承认
He admitted his crime.
2) 许可进入,准许进入
  admit sb. to/into--- 接纳某人进入...; 吸收某人参加...
He is admitted to Nanjing University this year.
3) 容纳, 容许
The cinema admits about 2000 people.
4) admit of 容许有; 有...可能; 容有...的余地
His illness admits of no delay.
4. swear. vt/vi 发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂
swear to sb. / swear that 从句    向某人承诺发誓
swearswore ---sworn
5. focus. n/vt/vi
1) n. 焦点,注意力
put focus on 集中注意力于..
2) vi/vt
focus on集中注意力于.
concentrate on
pay full attention to
devote to
6. guilty. adj 有罪的
1) be guilty of 犯了……罪
In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.
2)be found guilty 被判决有罪
Maggie could be sentenced to up to three years in prision if (he was) found guilty.
7. remark. Vt / n 评论
make remarks on sth = make comments on sth 作出评论
8. apologize. vi 道歉
apologize to sb=make an apology to sb 向某人道歉
9. sensitive. adj 敏感的;体贴的
be sensitive to 体贴,敏感
10. blame. n/vt 责备
1) n. put blame on sb 责备某人
2) vt. blame sb for sth  因某事责备某人
    blame sth on sb  把某事归咎于某人
  He blamed his faiure on his teacher.
sb be to blame= sb should be blamed 主动形式表被动
You are to blame. 你应该受责备。
11. gifted. adj = talented 有天赋的
1) be gifted for/as 有天赋
2) have a gift for有天赋
II. 重点词组
1.beg sb to do sth 恳求某人做某事
2.stare at 凝视
glare at 怒视
gaze at 瞪眼看
3.keep ones word 守诺言
break ones word 食言
have a word with 与交谈
have a words with 与吵架
4.feel like doing 想要做某事
sound like 听起来像
5.go straight to 径直去
6.spy on 监视
watch over 看管
7.keep pace with 协调一致
keep up with 跟上
8.as a result of 由于
because of= due to=owing to 由于
as a result 结果
result in 导致
result from 源于,由于
9.turn into 转变成
turn up 出现,出席
turn out 结果是
turn sb down 拒绝
turn around 转身;逆转
turn to 转向
10.as well as
as  well 也
  may as well 不如不妨
11.shout at 大喊( 生气,愤怒)
shout to朝大喊(指远处)
12.make some cruel remarks 咒骂某人,说坏话
13.even though 即使
14.can not help doing sth 禁不住做某事
cant help but do sth 只好做某事
cant help to do sth 不能帮助做某事
15.accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事
inform.. of 告知
approve of 同意
warn of 警告
1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. (page 2)
(1)“must+完成时”表示对过去事情语气比较肯定的推测。对现在推测,用must be.
They must have been laughing behind my back. (page 2)
① “must+完成时”结构的反义疑问句,疑问部分应根据must后的动词形式采用相应的形式,可用have (has),也可用did。但若句中出现了过去时间状语,则只能用did
He must have read it, hasnt /didnt he? 他一定读过它,是吗?
He must have left yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天一定走了,是吗?
② 表示推测的否定结构要用“can not /cant”, 或者是can +其他具有否定意义的副词。例如:
You cant be tired — you’ve only been working for an hour. react to和respond to的区别
(2).., saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark 是非谓语动词doing做原因状语;how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark 是how 引导的名词性从句做say的宾语。
2. I thought that Hannah must have told everyone about my grades after promising me not to.(page 2)
1) must have told 表示对过去推测;
2)after promising me not to=after she promised not to tell anyone.
  a. after引导的状语从句,当从句的主语she与主句的主语Hannah 一致时,从句的she 可以省略,同时从句的谓语动词promised 要变成非谓语形式promising;
  b. promising me not to 属于 to do 不定式省略动词do 的情况,在某些动词后,如:promise, like, hope, want 等,为避免与上一句to do中的动词重复,可省略to后的动词。
3. I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. (page 3)
1)if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me为wonder 的宾语从句
2)wonder vt. (对)...感到奇怪; 想知道,不知道
I wonder if/whether you 可用来客气地提出请求;wonder后可接其他连接词引导的宾语从句。例如:
I wonder if youd give me some advice.
I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came.
② wonder后可接“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语:例如:
They waited and wondered what to do.
there is no wonder that 从句 : 难怪…….
There is no wonder that you were late for school, for your bike broke down.
4. He accuse me of some bad things just to hurt me. (page 3)
1) accuse sb of sth= charge sb with sth 指控某人.
2)just to hurt me属于非谓语to do形式,在句中做目的状语,类似的词组还有:only to (表示出乎意料的结果),in order to/ so as to (表示目的)
