(一)react to sth
be pleased/displeased with对....感到满意/不满意,不悦
Be satisfied with,be content with对....感到满意
Inform sb of sth告知,通知某人某事,sb be informed of sth某人被告知某事,
get/make sb informed of sth使某人知道某事
Need doing sth=need to be done需要做某事:The bike needs repairing.-The bike needs to be repaired.
Remind sb of sth/doing sth提醒某人某事/做某事
as/so long as只要.....;as far as和.....一样远,至于;once一旦,有一次;while当....时(延续性动词),然而
感官动词的用法:hear sb do/doing sth;watch/see/notice listen to sb do/doing sth
take advantage of利用,欺骗show off炫耀
Show sb around sw带某人参观某地work out解决,计算出,锻炼身体
figure out弄清楚,弄明白,解决out of curiosity处于好奇
Be curious about对....好奇marvel at惊叹于....
Ring true听起来真实cater to设法适应,迎合(爱好)
Cater for为宴会等提供食品,服务娱乐:cater for large banquet承办大型宴会
Be related to sth/doing sth与....相关to a great extent很大程度上
To some extent从某种程度上讲make/set up one’s mind to do sth下定决心做某事
Have difficulty/trouble doing sth做某事有困难permit doing sth允许做某事Allow sb to do sth,agree to do sth允许做某事admit doing sth承认做某事
Mean to do sth打算做某事mean doing sth意味着做
Finish doing sth完成做某事deny doing sth否认做某事
Risk doing sth冒险做某事enjoy doing sth做某事
Advise/suggest doing sth建议做某事practice doing练习做某事
Avoid doing sth避免做某事imagine doing sth想象做某事Envy doing sth羡慕做某事require doing sth=require to be done Mind doing sth介意做某事appreciate doing sth感谢,感激做某事object to sth/doing sth反对做某事
Subject oneself to sth使服从于,受制于adapt oneself to sth/doing sth适应... Adjust oneself to sth/doing sth调整以适应....Resort to诉诸.......
Turn to sb for help向某人求助amount to/add up to总计,到达.... Take to sb/sth/doing sth:养成某种习惯,嗜好....,对...产生好感,轻易学会,照管,照料开始从事
submit to服从于,屈服于,投降
Respond/react/对...做出回应/反应/回复Correspond to与....一致,符合Attend to倾听,听取,照顾,照料,专心于,致力于
attend to one’s advice听取某人的意见,attend to customers招呼好顾客,attend to one’s duties 尽职
refer to指的是look forward to sth/doing sth盼望.... Lead to导致give birth to生孩子,产生,造成
Be exposed to sth被暴露于,接触....give rise to引起,导致
Have access to游进入,使用....的权利
approach to学习...的途径,处理...的方法,接近,靠近,通往....的方法
Pay attention to注意show mercy to同情,怜悯...
Be related to与...相关be connected to连接be relevant to与....相关
Be equal to等于,能胜任bid farewell to sb想某人告别
Owe to由于;owe sth to sb把某事儿归功于某人thanks to幸亏
Due to由于with regard to至于,关于,对于考虑到Contribute oneself to sth/doing sth为...做贡献make contributions to sth/doing sth Devote oneself to sth/doing sth投身于be devoted to sth/doing sth
Be 专心致力于.....Be engaged in参与,从事于,忙于
Be heavily involved in全神贯注于....Bury oneself in sth/专心致力于.... Focus on聚焦于,专注于concentrate on集中精力与....
Be occupied with sth,be occupied in doing sth忙于做某事
be busy with sth,be busy in doing sth忙于做某事
Get down to sth/doing sth开始认真注意或对待某事,着手认真做某事
Bend oneself to sth/doing致力于,热心从事,竭力做be addicted to sth/doing sth沉迷于
Commit oneself to sth/doing sth,be committed to sth/doing sth全身心投入...,承诺......Be 沉溺于,对....入迷
Commit a crime犯罪commit suicide自杀
take sth for granted,take for 把....视为理所应当
1.As is known(to us all),…=It is known(to us all)that…
2.It seems that sb./sth.…=sb./sth.seems to…
It appears(to sb)that…=sb./sth.appears to…
3.It(so)happened that sb./sth.…=sb./sth.happened to…
4.There is/are….
There seems to be…
There happened to be…
There must have been…
There is going to/will be…
5.Sth occu rr ed to sb
It(suddenly)occurred to sb t hat…
It never occurred to sb that…=It didn’t occur to sb that…
6.It is said/reported that sb./sth.…=sb/sth is said/reported to do…
It is believed that sb./sth.…=sb/sth is believed to do……
7.It is no good/use doing…
They think/consider/feel it no use/good doing
It is likely that sb./sth.…=sb/sth is likely to do…
It is possible/probable that sb./sth.…
8.It is hard to imagine/say/believe…
It is no wonder that…
9.It takes sb.some time to do sth.
Sb.takes some time to do sth.
Sb.spends time/money doing sth/on sth
10.When/Whenever it comes to sb./sth/doing sth,…
11.It(still)remains a question whether…=Whether…remains a question. Whether…remains to be seen.
Whether…(or not)mainly depends on…
12.It matters a lot/little whether/who/how…
It doesn’t matter whether/who/how…
What(really)matters(to sb)is…
13.You make it a rule to do/that…
They make it possible/clear(for sb)to do/that…
We find/feel/think/consider it+adj./n.(for sb)to do/that…
We think/consider/feel it a great honor to do sth
14.keep/bear sth in mind→keep/bear in mind that…
