Unit 5 Wonders of Our Body
写 得 准
用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)
1.stickvi./vt.       刺,戳
2.techniciann.  技术人员;专门技师
n.  燕子
8.infection n.感染→react to sthinfectvi.感染,传染
9.primarily adv.主要地,首先→primaryadj.首要的,主要的
10.frequency n.频率,周率→frequentadj.时常发生的→frequentlyadv.频繁地
11.bacterium n.细菌→bacterian.(复数)细菌
12.donate vt.捐赠;赠送→donorn.捐赠者;赠与者→donationn.捐赠
13.react vi.反应→reactionn.反应,反作用
14.sense n.感官(觉)vt.意识到,感觉→sensitiveadj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的
1.Stop feeling embarrassed because you are a sensitive (sense) person and your emotions are close to the surface.
2.Traffic accidents have decreased in frequency (frequent) over recent years.
3.In the United States, Halloween evolved (演变) into a holiday celebrated primarily (primary) by children.
4.These bacteria (bacterium) make food from the sun like plants do.
5.Health care workers should have the right to be able to protect themselves against infections (infect).
6.As a generous donor,_Mark made another donation to the Project Hope last week. So far he has donated up to 15 million dollars to it.(donate)
7.This produced a chain reaction,_which made everyone present react violently.(react)
taste     尝
smell  嗅
hear  听
see  看
touch  摸
allow vt.    允许
②shallow adj.  浅的,肤浅的
③fellow n.  小伙
④pillow n.  枕头
⑤follow vt.  跟随
technician n.   技术人员
②technique n.  技术,技巧
③technical adj.  有技巧的
④technology n.  技术,工艺
⑤technologist n.  技术专家

写 得 准
用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)
1.be_up_to        从事于,做……事情
2.knock_out  击倒,打破
3.rob_(...)_of  使……失去
4.neither_..._nor_...  既不……也不……
5.protect_(...)_from  保护(……使不受)
6.take_(...)for_granted  想当然;认为……理所当然
7.be_made_up_of  由……组成
8.put_together  把……加起来;装配,使成整体
9.fire_off  发射;开(、炮等),射击
10.finish_off  结束,完成
1.I'll finish_off this dress in a few minutes; I'm just giving it the last finishing touches.
2.I don't have time to go out tonight; I am_up_to my work.
3.Neither has she changed her mind, nor will she do so.
4.The boxer knocked_out his opponent in the second round.
5.We shouldn't take it for_granted that our parents should arrange everything for us.
①rob of       使……失去
②approve of  赞成
③complain of  抱怨
④consist of  由……组成
⑤dream of  梦想,梦见
⑥think of  想起,记起;考虑
2.“v.+together” 短语集合
①put together       把……加起来
②go together  相配
③get together  聚会
④pull together  齐心协力
⑤join together  连接
背 原 句
明 句 式
学 仿 写
1.So can an imbalance of the blood's components.
I was attracted by the beautiful scene of Lijiang, and so_were_my_friends.
2.Suppose you lost a lot of blood, what would a doctor do?
Suppose it_rained,_we would still go.
1.donate vt.捐赠;赠送
[教材原句] Replace the blood as quickly as possible by giving you a transfusion of blood donatedby another person.
(1) sb.      向某人捐赠某物
(2)donation n.  捐赠;捐赠物;捐款
give/make/present a donation to ...
(3)donor n.  捐赠者,赠送者
①Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need.
②He immediately made a charitable donation (donate) of 10.5 million yuan to the Henan Charity Federation.
他立即将1 050万元的慈善捐款捐赠给了河南慈善总会。
2.stick vi./vt.(stuck, stuck)刺,戳;阻塞;扎入;伸出;粘贴n.棍;棒,手杖
[经典例句] The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.
stick to/at       坚持;坚守;不放弃
stick out  伸出;突出
get/be stuck in  被困在;被卡住;陷入
①Have you been sticking to your diet?
②—Sorry I'm late. I got stuck (stick) in traffic.
—Never mind. You're here now. Come in and sit down.(2012·山东高考单选)
3.react vi.反应;起作用
[经典例句] You never know how he is going to react to the news.
(1)react against    反对;反抗
react to  对……作出反应;起反应
react on/upon  对……产生影响
react with  与……产生化学反应
(2)reaction n.  反应;起作用(与to连用)
The children should be taught how to react to an earthquake.
Children tend to react_against their parents by going against their wishes.
4.apply vt.应用;应用于;申请
[教材原句] Blood vessels in the skin will shrink instantly if they are cut or if pressure is applied.
(1)apply (to sb.) for sth.(向某人)申请某物
apply oneself to (doing) sth.
apply to  适用于;向……申请
apply ...to ...  把……运用于……
(2)application n.  申请;申请表;运用,应用
applicant n.  申请人,求职人
If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her.
I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I'm writing to_apply_for_the_position as a student volunteer.(2015·陕西高考书面表达)
