To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, provided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than
twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.
Nowadays in the city’s tonier residential districts there are people named as singles, who are usually young, rich and tech-savvy professionals and choose independently their own lifestyles. The number of singles has increased dramatically over the recent years. The reasons of remaining single are various: some may be busy exploring careers without putting their marriage into the agenda, some may indulge in their jobs, travel, entertainment, physical fitness or friendship, More than 80% of them have not abandoned the value of marriage, and they say they aspire to marry or they want to be married someday, but they are patient and feel content being single until they meet the right person.
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People who are energetic, happy, and relaxed are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, nervous, or angry. When the brain is “happy”, it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound. Your chance of developing the common cold, pneumonia, or even cancer may very well be decreased by keeping your brain in a healthy state. In addition, happy and relaxed people are prone to better health practices than their negative and stressed counterparts. They are more likely to get plenty of sleep and to engaged in regular exercise, and have been shown to have lower levels of certain stress hormones.
As one travels broad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us is taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts.
Wealth exposed American manners to continuing international scrutiny because it underwrote an expansion of tourism. In the late nineteenth century the American abroad symbolized for some the dangers of sudden wealth and became an instrument to expose comparative social codes and standards of morality. Boasting, vulgarity, obsessive acquisitiveness, and insensitivity were soon associated with this early version of the Ugly American. Representing a small portion of the population, the international travelers seemed to stand for the whole country in the eyes of many foreigners, and it was the prodigality of their wealth, the apparently limitless wallets and purses, that seemed most dangerous. American money threatened to loot the Old World of its historic treasures, and aggressive celebrity hunters and relic gatherers to invade European privacy as well.
财富使美国人的行为一直受到国际上的关注,因为它是旅游业的基础。19 世纪末,有人认为,在海外的美国人是那些骤增财富的内在危险的象征,并使他们那并非完美无缺的社会准则和道德标准面临腐蚀的危险。自吹自擂、粗俗鲁莽、贪得无厌、麻木不仁很快成了早期的丑陋美国人的象征。周游列国的旅行者在全国人口中虽然只是一小部分,但在许多外国人眼里,他们好像代表了这个国家的所有人。他们挥霍无度,看起来有用之不尽的资产,这是最
I agree to this ideal: people should be good in all aspects, It is necessary to have not only the mind, but also magnificent physique. I hope to get some kind of happiness and joy. The United States is the best place to get these things, because the people here and their ideas come from all over the world. So far , here are still many people to seek a dream. Now I know, It is not education, not opportunities, and not hard work, but power and fear that decide whether the American dream can come to be or not. The higher your position is in enterprise, the more you lose something. The American dream is not the end. The idea is very popular in the United States today: never lose one’s dream.