Unit 7 section A Woman at the management level 女性管理者
1When Monica applied for a job as an administrative assistant in 1971, she was asked whether she would rather work for a male or a female attorney. "I immediately said a man," she says. "I felt that a male-boss/female-employee relationship was more natura l, needing no personal accommodation whatsoever." But 20 years later, when she was asked the same question, she said, "I was pleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to their employees; they're much more sensitive and intimate w ith their employees."
1 当莫妮卡 1971 年申请一个行政助理的工作时,有人问她想与男律师共事还是
员的关系更自然,丝毫不需互相调整。”但 20 年后,有人问她同样的问题时,
preclude, discard, abandon, eliminate, abolish, dismiss
preclude 排除
discard 丢弃,抛弃(可指人也可指物)
abandon 放弃(某物)
eliminate 消除,淘汰
abolish (依法)废除
dismiss 解雇
2 Female bosses today are still finding they face subtle resistance. There is still a seg ment of the population, both men and, surprisingly, women who report low tolerance f
or female bosses. The growing presence of femalebosses has also provoked two major questions that revolve around styles: Do men and women manage differently, and, if so, is that a good thing?
2 今天的女上司仍然发现,她们面临着不易察觉的阻力。还是有一部分人——有
The development of genetic technology brings human beings huge profits, as well as a global puzzle on
the problem of distribution of interests coming from the technology.
3 Monica is disposed to think so, on both counts. Now a 40-year-old mother of four, s
he is president of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members. "Relations with m
y employees are probably different from those of male managers preceding me," she s ays. "I know what it's like to have to call and say my kid got the mumps so I won't be coming in. I have a more flexible style — not soft, just more understanding." The man
who is Monica's assistant agrees, "She tends to delegate more and is always looking f or a consensus. People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisio ns and they are not mere bystanders; their energies are harnessed. On the other hand, c onsensus takes longer."
3 莫妮卡对这两个问题都持肯定的意见。莫妮卡现在 40 岁,有四个孩子,并且
是一位拥有 45,000 名成员的公共部门工会的主席。“我与员工的关系可能跟在
react to翻译我之前的前任男性主管不同,”她说。“我知道当有人不得不打电话来说孩子
4 So, are the differences symbolic or real? Plausible studies suggest that men are typic ally hierarchica
l, goal-oriented and feel entitled. Women, by contrast, manage diplom atically, and share power. That point of view is often challenged and argued. Some pro claim that men and women of similar backgrounds, experience and aspirations basical ly manage in the same way. This view is echoed by younger women, especially those who have encountered little gender discrimination. That was certainly the lesson for N icole. When her father died of a heart attack, she was an employee at a petroleum prod ucts export company. She quit and took over her family's 160-acre fruit farm in St.Da vid's County. On her first day in the field, a worker called her "darling". "He was tryin
g to test me. I was shaking with anger," says Nicole, now 34. "I stood erect and said, ‘You wouldn't have called my father darling and you're not going to take that liberty with me. If you do, I'll fire you.'"
4 那么,这种差异是象征性的还是实质性的呢?可靠的研究指出,男人通常有等
卫县 160 英亩的果园。她第一天出现在果园时,一名工人称她为“亲爱的”。“他
是想试探我。我气得发抖,”现年 34 岁的妮可尔说。“我挺直腰板站在那里跟
5 When women work for women, a different dynamic often takes over. Susan, a cashi er in a Toronto auction house, says that she has explored friendships with some of her female bosses and feels she can rely on them more. While women may feel more at ea se with a female boss, men often have to make concessions to the new working styles. Brian, a marine biologist, says, "It took me a couple of years before I felt comfortable enough to relax around a female manager. In fact, my relations with her were much m ore businesslike." 5 当女性为女上司工作时,往往会用一种不同的工作和交流方
6 To some extent, the male-female differences come down to conflicting styles. One f emale vice-president discussed the time she burst into tears during a meeting. "Men th ink that tears are a nuclear weapon in a conventional war. They take exception to a wo man crying, inferring that she's feeling unhappy or violated." The men failed to unders tand that what prompted her tears was not hurt but genuine rage. "When we cry, it's be cause we have all this valid rage that has no appropriate release," she says. "Women cr y; men get relief by going on with the offense or by veiling their feelings to appear co mposed." 6 从某种程度上说,男女之间的差异归根结底是工作方式的冲突。一
7 Deborah, president of a firm with its headquarters in Toronto, says that even if men do understand, they sometimes react differently to the identical information and to her cooperative management style.
7 德博拉是一家总部在多伦多的公司的总裁,她表示,即使男人明白是怎么回事,
8 Deborah says that her authority is sometimes undermined by perceptions about her gender. "It stems from the whole social context of traditional roles for
men and women," she says. "Mom would tell you to do things, but perhaps you would n't take as much notice as when Dad told you to do things. Men also have a stronger u rge to control," she says. 8 德博拉说,她的权威有时因性别观念作祟而受到损
9 For female bosses, the great expectation of some female employees is one more o bstacle. Junior women assume a female boss will promote them more quickly than a man would. But, they also expect female bosses to be more self-sufficient. "They ask,
‘Why can't you scan your own stuff?' or ‘Why can't you do your own filing?'" says
one senior female executive. 9对女上司来说,一些女员工过高的期望是另一个
obstruction, barrier, hindrance, obstacle, bar
obstruction 常既指具体的障碍又可指抽象或喻意上的阻碍。
barrier 常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。
hindrance 指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。
obstacle 指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。
bar 既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。
10 On the other hand, there is no dispute that a few decades ago they would rarely h ave had a female boss in the workplace. Nina, a management consultant says she's va guely optimistic. "I'm looking forward to the day, before I die, when we recognize that
the best management styles will be composed of the best that both genders bring to th e table ..." Well, she pauses, maybe not before she dies, perhaps in her daughter's lifeti me. 10 另一方面,几十年前人们工作的地方几乎不可能有女上司,这一点毫无