周子豪药学院08级  2008302290026
X原子的引入可以使有机分子的理化性质、提高反应性能,为重要的有机合成中间体, C-X很容易转化成其它官能团
In chemistry, regioselectivity is the preference of one direction of chemical bond making or breaking over all other possible directions. It can often apply to which of many possible positions a reagent will affect, such as which proton a strong base will abstract from an organic molecule, or where on a substituted benzene ring a further substituent will add.
A specific example is a halohydrin formation reaction with 2-propenylbenzene:
The reaction product is a mixture of two isomers and the regioselectivity is said to be poor.
Regioselectivity in ring-closure reactions is subject to Baldwin's rules.
Reactivity–selectivity principle
In chemistry the reactivity–selectivity principle or RSP states that a more reactive chemical compound or reactive intermediate is less selective in chemical reactions. In this context selectivity represents the ratio of reaction rates.
This principle was generally accepted until the 1970s when too many exceptions started to appear. The principle is now considered obsolete .
A classic example of perceived RSP found in older organic textbooks concerns the free radical halogenation of simple alkanes. Whereas the relatively unreactive bromine reacts with
2-methylbutane predominantly to 2-bromo-2-methylbutane, the reaction with much more reactive chlorine results in a mixture of all four regioisomers.
Another example of RSP can be found in the selectivity of the reaction of certain carbocations with azides and water. The very stable triphenylmethyl carbocation derived from solvolysis of the corresponding triphenylmethylchloride reacts a 100 times faster with the azide anion than with water. When the carbocation is the very reactive tertiary adamantane carbocation (as judged from diminished rate of solvolysis) this difference is only a factor of 10.
Constant or inverse relationships are just as frequent. For example a group of 3- and 4-substituted pyridines in their reactivity quantified by their pKa show the same selectivity in their reactions with a group of alkylating reagents.
The reason for the early success of RSP was that the experiments involved very reactive intermediates with reactivities close to kinetic diffusion control and as a result the more reactive intermediate appeared to react slower with the faster substrate.
General relationships between reactivity and selectivity in chemical reactions can successfully explained by the Hammond postulate.
When reactivity-selectivity relationships do exist they signify different reaction modes. In one study the reactivity of two different free radical species (A, sulfur, B carbon) towards addition to simple alkenes such as acrylonitrile, vinyl acetate and acrylamide was examined.
react to do
The sulfur radical was found to be more reactive (6*108 vs. 1*107 mole-1.s-1) and less selective (selectivity ratio's 76 vs 1200) than the carbon radical. In this case the effect can be explained by extending the Bell–Evans–Polanyi principle with a factor accounting for transfer of charge from the reactants to the transition state of the reaction which can be calculated in silico:
with the activation energy and the reaction enthalpy change. With the electrophilic sulfur radical the charge transfer is largest with electron-rich alkenes such as acrylonitrile but the resulting reduction in activation energy (βis negative) is offset by a reduced enthalpy. With the nucleophilic carbon radical on the other hand both enthalpy and polar effects have the same direction thus extending the activation energy range.
[edit] External links
Reactivity–selectivity principle Gold Book Link
[edit] References
1.^ Minireview The Reactivity-Selectivity Principle: An Imperishable Myth in Organic
Chemistry Herbert Mayr, Armin R. Ofial Angewandte Chemie International Edition Volume 45, Issue 12 , Pages 1844 - 1854 Abstract
2.^ Search for High Reactivity and Low Selectivity of Radicals toward Double Bonds: The
Case of a Tetrazole-Derived Thiyl Radical Jacques Lalevée, Xavier Allonas, and Jean Pierre Fouassier J. Org. Chem.; 2006; 71(26) pp 9723 - 9727; (Article) doi:10.1021/jo061793w
3.^ Sulfur tetrazole radical derived from photolysis of disulfide and carbon radical derived
from photolysis of t-butylperoxide followed by proton abstraction from triethylamine
Electrophilic halogenation
In organic chemistry, an electrophilic aromatic halogenation is a type of electrophilic aromatic substitution. This organic reaction is typical of aromatic compounds and a very useful method for adding substituents to an aromatic system.
A few types of aromatic compounds, such as phenol, will react without a catalyst, but for typical benzene derivatives with less reactive substrates, a Lewis acid catalyst is required. Typical Lewis acid catalysts include AlCl3, FeCl3, FeBr3, and ZnCl2. These work by forming a highly electrophilic complex which attacks the benzene ring.
[edit] Reaction mechanism
The reaction mechanism for chlorination of benzene is the same as bromination of benzene. Ferric bromide and ferric chloride become inactivated if they react with water, including moisture in the air. Therefore, they are generated in situ by adding iron fillings to bromine or chlorine.
The mechanism for iodination is slightly different: iodine (I2) is treated with an oxidizing agent such as nitric acid to obtain the electrophilic iodine (2 I+). Unlike the other halogens, iodine does not serve as a base since it is positive. In one study the iodinization reagent is a mixture of iodine and iodic acid.[1]
In another series of studies the powerful reagent obtained by using a mixture of iodine and potassium iodate dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid was used. Here the iodinating agent is the tri-iodine cation I3+ and the base is HSO4-. In these studies both the kinetics of the reaction and the preparative conditions for the iodination of strongly deactivated compounds, such as benzoic acid and 3-nitrobenzotrifluoride, were investigated.[2][3]
Halogenation of aromatic compounds differs from the halogenation of alkenes, which do not require a Lewis Acid catalyst. The formation of the arenium ion results in the temporary loss of aromaticity, which has a higher activation energy compared to carbocation formation in alkenes. In other words, alkenes are more reactive and do not need to have the Br-Br or Cl-Cl bond weakened.
[edit] Scope
If the ring contains a strongly activating substituent such as -OH, -OR or amines, a catalyst is not necessary, for example in the bromination of p-cresol:[4]
However, if a catalyst is used with excess bromine, then a tribromide will be formed.
Halogenation of phenols is faster in polar solvents due to the dissociation of phenol, with phenoxide ions being more susceptible to electrophilic attack as they are more electron-rich.
Chlorination of toluene with chlorine without catalyst requires a polar solvent as well such as acetic acid. The ortho to para selectivity is low:[5]
No reaction takes place when the solvent is replaced by tetrachloromethane. In contrast, when the reactant is 2-phenyl-ethylamine, it is possible to employ relatively apolar solvents with exclusive ortho-
regioselectivity due to the intermediate formation of a chloramine making the subsequent reaction step intramolecular.
The food dye erythrosine can be synthesized by iodination of another dye called fluorescein:
