    The 2024 Fujian English Exam was Hecka Hard!
    Hey guys, it's me Jimmy! I just took the super big English test for 9 cities in Fujian Province and man was it tough. My mom made me study like crazy for weeks. I had to learn all these crazy vocabulary words and grammar rules. I'm just a 5th grader! Why do I need to know words like "quintessential" and "superfluous"?
    The reading part was soooo long and boring. We had to read all these passages about things like the history of the cotton gin and the mating habits of penguins. Hello? I'm 10 years old! I don't care about that stuff. The questions were really hard too. Like "What can be inferred about the author's perspectives on 19th century agriculture based on this excerpt?" How am I supposed to know that?
    Then there were the listening sections where we had to listen to people talking. That wouldn't be so bad except half the speakers had these crazy accents I could barely understand. There was this one guy from Scotland or somewhere that sounded like "Oblahdee oblahdah oblahmurphey!" Everything he said sounded like gobbledygook.
    Don't even get me started on the writing section. We had to write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay about whether kids should have to go to school year-round. First off, that's a horrible idea that I'm totally against. Summer vacation is sacred! But forming a real academic argument with details and examples and transition words was so hard. I don't know all that mumbo jumbo.
    The part I struggled with most though was the speaking section at the end. We had to go in one-at-a-time and have a whole conversation with a test grader about household chores. The grader just kept firing all these crazy questions at me like "Compare and contrast the benefits of hand-washing dishes versus using an automated dishwasher." "Describe the process of changing bed linens using sequence adverbs." Who thinks of this stuff?
reaction to a book or an article
    I was so stressed out that when the grader asked me "What are some challenges pre-teens face regarding household responsibilities?" I totally blanked. All I could say was "Umm, doing chores is harrrrrd! My mom makes me clean my room and take out the trash and I hate it!" Sure, that's not a very academic answer, but give me a break! I'm just a kid!
    My mouth got dry, my palms were sweating, and I started stuttering like crazy. I could barely get any words out toward the end. The grader just gave me this look like "Wow, you completely bombed this section." Gee, thanks lady!
    When I finally finished, I had to stumble out of the testing room feeling dizzy and nauseous. I chugged down two Gatorades in the hall. All the other kids looked just as freaked out as me, saying stuff like "That test was literal torture!" and "I'm gonna fail for sure!"
    Nobody at my school has gotten their scores back yet, but I'm not feeling too confident. My parents are gonna kill me if I bombed this test after all that study time and expensive tutoring. Maybe I'll get lucky and squeak by with a passing score? Finger crossed!
    Either way, I'm just super glad that awful testing experience is over. No more memorizing Word Smart vocabulary flashcards or doing practice essays for me, woo-hoo! Now I can just veg out this summer playing video games and watching TV without a care in the world.
    Well, that's my take on this year's crazy Fujian English exam! I feel bad for any poor kids who have to suffer through that in the future. If you're one of them, Just do your best, don't stress too much, and remember that one test doesn't define you. Okay, that's enough academic talk from me. Time for this 5th grader to go play some Fortnite!
    2024 Fujian Province English Exam Analysis
    Hi everyone! Did you take the big English test this year? The one for kids in Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and those other cities in Fujian? I thought it was pretty tough, but also kind of fun. Let me break it all down for you!
    The Listening Section
    The listening part had some tricky questions this year. There were those conversations between kids that we had to listen to carefully. Like the one about the boy who lost his backpack on the school bus. That one was confusing because some of the voices sounded really similar. I got mixed up at first on who was talking!
    Then there were the stories we had to listen to and answer questions about. Like the one about the girl who went camping with her family and got scared by an owl hooting at night. The questions asked what sounds the owl made and what the girl's reaction was. You really had to pay close attention.
