air bronchogram 支气管气像
angiography 血管造影
atrial impression of esophagus 心房食管压迹
bronchiectasis 支扩
catheter 导管
cavernous hemangioma 海绵状血管瘤
computed tomography 计算机体层摄影 CT
consolidation 实变
contrast enhancement 造影增强扫描
contrast media / 造影剂
crater 龛影
degenerative osteoarthropathy 退行性骨关节炎
destruction of bone 骨质破坏
diaphysis 骨干
digital radiography 数字X线成像 (DR)
emphysema 肺气肿
epiphysis 骨骺
filling defectreaction英语 充盈缺损
hilar shadow 肺门影
injury of skull 颅脑外伤
intervertebral disc 椎间盘
intravenous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影IVP
irritation 激惹
lacunar infarct 腔隙性脑梗塞
linitis plastica 皮革胃
liver abscess 肝脓肿
lung field 肺野
lung marking 肺纹理
magnetic resonance image 核磁共振成像 MRI
mediastinum 纵隔meniscus sign 半月征
metaphysis 骺端
obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张
osteoporosis 骨质疏松
osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 经皮肝穿胆道造影 ( PTC )
picture archiving communication system 图像存档与传输系统( PACS )
pleural effusion 胸腔积液
pneumonia 肺炎
pneumoperitoneum 气腹
pneumothorax 气胸
pulmonary edema 肺水肿
pulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压
rheumatic heart disease 风心
sequestrum 死骨
soap-bubble appearance 肥皂泡样改变
spatial resolution 空间分辨力
stenosis of spinal canal 椎管狭窄
stent 支架
sub-periosteal reaction 骨膜反应
一、部位 location:
同侧 ipsilateral;对侧 contralateral;患侧 affected side;健侧 intact side;近侧 proximal side;远侧 distal side;移位 deviation,shift,displacement;无移位 nondisplaced;抬高 elevation;下降 descent,fall;邻接 abutting,next to,secondary to;
二、范围 extent:局限 localized,regional;弥散 diffuse;
三、分布 distribution:
单侧 unilateral;双侧 bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称 symmetric;不对称 asymmetric;孤立 solitary;散在 scattered;融合 confluence(confluent);中心性 central;偏心性 eccentric;周围的 periphery,peripheral;主要 predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;
四、数目 number:
单发 solitary,single;多发 multiple;增多 increase;减少 decrease;消失 disappear;
五、大小 size:
大 large;小 small;扩大 enlarge/enlargement;扩张 dilatation;膨胀 distention;缩小 shrink;体积缩小 loss of volume;狭窄 stenosis,narrowing;闭塞 occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;
生长速率 rate of growth;倍增时间 doubling time;直径小于3厘米 less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米 (small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍 doubling of volume;大小不同的 of varying sizes;
六、形状 shape,morphology:
点状 dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状 mottling,stippled;粟粒状 miliary;结节状 nodular;团块状 mass,masslike;圆形 circular,round,rounded;卵圆形 oval;椭圆形 ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状 lobulated;片状 patchy;条索 stripe;线状 linar;网状 reticular;囊状 cystic;弧线形 curvilinear;星状 stellate;纠集 crowding,converging;舟状 boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状 dumb-bell;不规则形 irregular;细致 fine;粗糙 coarse;
变形 deformity;增粗、增厚 thicken;变细、变薄 thinning;变平 flattened;
七、边缘 border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;
光滑 (smooth); 清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊 hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则 irregular;毛刺状、针状 spiculated;分叶的 lobulated,multilobulated;
密度 density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(x线成像):透亮 lucency(lucent),transparent;
病灶 lesion:阴影 shadow;不透光 haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密 density(dense);低密度 hypodense,low density;高密度 hyperdense,high density;混杂密度 mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid) 回声 echo(echoic)(超声成像):* 无回声anecho,弱回声 poor echo,低回声 hypoecho,low l
evel echo;等回声 medium echo,iso-echo,高回声 hyper echo,high level echo,强回声 strong echo; 信号 signal(磁共振成像):低信号 hypointensity;高信号 hyperintensity;
九、程度:轻度 mild;slightly;中度 moderately;重度 severe;grossly;
一过性的,短暂的 ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定 stability(stable);密度水样密度 watery density等密度 isodense均匀密度 homogeneous density不均匀密度 nonhomogeneous density
等信号 isointensity
混合信号 heterogeneous intensity
信号强度减弱 decreased signal intensity
信号强度增高 increased signal intensity
流空现象 flow empty phenomena
增强 enhancement
静脉团注法 intravenous bolus injection technique
静脉快速滴注法 intravenous rapid infusion
增强扫描 enhancement scan
延迟扫描 delayed scan
动态扫描 dynamic scan
电影扫描 cine scan
增强前 pre-enhancement pre-contrast
增强后 post-enhancement post-contrast
动脉期 arterial phase
微血管期 capillary phase
静脉期 venous phase
延迟期 delayed phase
均匀增强 homogeneous enhancement
不均匀增强 nonhomegeneous enhancement
环状增强 circular enhancement
结节状增强 nodular enhancement
片状增强 patchy enhancement
脑回样增强 gyriform enhancement