一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)
正确答案:(正确答案:Well, those are our plans.)
正确答案:(正确答案:Well, those are our plans.)
正确答案:(正确答案:In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled as a member of the so-called reactionary gang. What I feared most was not being forced to queue up among this gang of so many, but the horrible fate of being publicly denounced on a truck in front of my own house. This would be a terribly vicious trick! Well, fear or no fear, the lot fell on me soon enough. When the truck drove to the gate of my house, my mother, already over eighty, spotted me on the truck. With lips trembling and eyes shut, she first lea
正确答案:(正确答案:In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled as a member of the so-called reactionary gang. What I feared most was not being forced to queue up among this gang of so many, but the horrible fate of being publicly denounced on a truck in front of my own house. This would be a terribly vicious trick! Well, fear or no fear, the lot fell on me soon enough. When the truck drove to the gate of my house, my mother, already over eighty, spotted me on the truck. With lips trembling and eyes shut, she first lea
ned against the wall, then collapsed, weak and limp, like soft mud on the ground. Meanwhile, my wife just stood there dumbfounded like a blockhead, forgetting even to help my mother up.)
解析:解析:1.本段体裁为叙事文,以一般过去时翻译妥当。 2.第1句的“动乱”本意为“动乱年代”,即十年,故可意译为tumultuous years;“划进”英语可表达为belabeled;“黑帮”此处指中的所谓的反动派,可译为reactionary gang。汉语常用引号来表示“所谓的”之意,故英文增补so-called一词。 3.第2句“这一招太损了”也是中文表达习惯,可采用意译法。“这一招”可以译为practice或trick,“损”在汉语里意为“邪恶”“缺德”等,译为vicious或wicked均很贴切。若翻译为bad或evil也可保底。全句译为This would be a terribly vicious practice(trick).用would be而不用was,是为了体现作者当时害怕这类事情的发生。 4.第3句的“嗨,越害怕还越有鬼”是个承上启下的句子,翻译时不应拘泥于词句形式上的对应,这里意译为Well,fear or no fear,the lot fell on me soon enough,其中lot是英语中的幽默表达,意思是“命运,运气”。 5.第5句翻译时加上过渡性词语meanwhile衔接更紧密。“眼睛都直了,跟个傻子一般”可译为dumbfounded like a blockhead,符合英文的习惯表达方式;“忘了去扶持母亲”是结果,可译为分词短语作状语。
正确答案:(正确答案:The hardships he (Fan Zhongyan) had experienced in childhood had toughened his willpower and endowed him with such broadmindedness that he began to concern himself about the affairs and future of the state, regardless of personal gains or losses. When his friend Teng Zijing, relegated to Yuezhou (where Yueyang in Hunan Province stands today), decided to renovate the Yueyang Tower and wrote to ask him to write a memorial note of the renovated tower, Fan Zhongyan, though in poor health, agreed and gladly composed the famous "Note of the Yueyang Tower" at Huazhou Academy in Dengzhou where he himself had been relegated following a series of setbacks in his political career.)
正确答案:(正确答案:The hardships he (Fan Zhongyan) had experienced in childhood had toughened his willpower and endowed him with such broadmindedness that he began to concern himself about the affairs and future of the state, regardless of personal gains or losses. When his friend Teng Zijing, relegated to Yuezhou (where Yueyang in Hunan Province stands today), decided to renovate the Yueyang Tower and wrote to ask him to write a memorial note of the renovated tower, Fan Zhongyan, though in poor health, agreed and gladly composed the famous "Note of the Yueyang Tower" at Huazhou Academy in Dengzhou where he himself had been relegated following a series of setbacks in his political career.)
解析:解析:1.本段叙述历史人物的生平事迹,故应采用一般过去时为总体时态。 2.第1句的“坚忍不拔的毅力”通常可译为indomitable或strong willpower,本句中前面有“磨炼”,连在一起可译为toughened his willpower.也可译为had formed his indomitable/strong willpower。 3.“利害得失”是汉语四字词组,“利害”和“得失”意思相仿,译为英语时只需翻译其一,即译为personal gainsor losses,简洁明了,贴切原文的意思。 4.“心怀天下”也是典型的四字词语,意思是“关心国家大事”,此处意译为concern oneself about the affairsand future of the state,使读者一目了然。 5.第2句和第3句的意思联系紧密,可以把前者作为后者的原因,译文中使用following连接,这样处理较为妥当。following在这里是个介词,意为“由于,因为”。 6.“挥毫”完全是汉语的表达形式与意象,描述书写时的潇洒与洒脱形象,也可指书写时的兴奋心态,其中“毫”指的是毛笔,英语中没有对应。若直译成wield one's brush反而不妥,故将其省略而不译,可以保底。译作gladly composed可作为一种拔高译法生动形象地表现出范仲淹的大家气派。
正确答案:(正确答案:History bears proof that the prominent role outstanding figures play in the advancement of science should not be ignored. Distinguished scientists not only make contributions to the accumulation of material wealth with their scientific achievements, but also leave behind them rich cultural heritages with their exemplary integrity. In his appreciation of Madam Marie Curie, Albert Einstein once remarked that the moral qualities of outstanding people are perhaps of greater significance to their times and to the advancement of human civilization than their intellectual accomplishments. The "Academician of Chinese Academy of Science" ("Academia Sinica") is the nation's highest academic title granted by the Government in science and technology, a title of great honor and academic authority.)
正确答案:(正确答案:History bears proof that the prominent role outstanding figures play in the advancement of science should not be ignored. Distinguished scientists not only make contributions to the accumulation of material wealth with their scientific achievements, but also leave behind them rich cultural heritages with their exemplary integrity. In his appreciation of Madam Marie Curie, Albert Einstein once remarked that the moral qualities of outstanding people are perhaps of greater significance to their times and to the advancement of human civilization than their intellectual accomplishments. The "Academician of Chinese Academy of Science" ("Academia Sinica") is the nation's highest academic title granted by the Government in science and technology, a title of great honor and academic authority.)