Albert Einstein (Ulm, Germany, March, westenburg, April, Princeton, New Jersey) is a theoretical physicist. He is the creator of special relativity and general relativity. He has made great contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics.
He is also famous for his theory of relativity (especially mass energy equivalence). He has gained great achievements in the interpretation of photoelectric effect After winning the Nobel Prize in Physics (his "wonderful year" or "miracle year") and "contribution to theoretical physics", Einstein is widely regarded as one of the greatest physicists living in the mass culture. The name "Einstein" has become a synonym for great wisdom and genius.
Ji Hongchang, a reactionary of the Kuomintang, was arrested and killed in November On the execution ground, Ji Hongchang calmly wrote a poem with lofty spirit on the paper of a T-shaped branch. Then, on the execution ground, he declared fiercely: "I die for the Japanese. Aiqiang doesn't kneel.
I can't fall to death with a chair. I sit in the dead." sitting on the chair, he also said to the enemy, "I died of resistance against Japan. I died openly.
It's not AI Qiang Chao behind me When the butcher gave him a gun in front of him, he solemnly called out: "long live the Anti Japanese War" and "long live the Communist Party of China". They sacrificed bravely.