My Awesome School Year
This has been such an awesome school year! I've learned so many cool things and had a ton of fun with my friends. Let me tell you all about it.
At the start of the year, I was a little nervous because 6th grade seemed so much bigger and harder than 5th grade. I wasn't sure if I was ready. But my teachers were all really nice and they helped me get used to the new routines and expectations. Shout out to Mr. Davis my homeroom teacher - he's the best!
In English class, we read some great books like "The Giver" and "Holes". At first I didn't really get into them, but once I gave them a chance I got hooked on the stories. My favorite w
as probably "Holes" because of all the crazy adventures and mysteries. For our final project, we even got to write and perform our own play based on the book. My group's play was hilariously funny (even though I messed up a couple of my lines)!
Math was really tough, I'm not going to lie. We started learning pre-algebra stuff like variables and simple equations. My brain felt like it was going to explode sometimes! But I worked really hard, asked a lot of questions, and eventually it started to make sense. I'm proud that I never gave up, even when I struggled. Solving those crazy equations felt so satisfying once I figured them out.
Science was definitely my favorite class. We learned about chemistry, physics, Earth science, you name it. The best part was all the hands-on experiments and activities we got to do. Whether it was building simple machines, growing bacteria cultures, or burning different materials, we were always in the lab doing something fun and interesting. One time we even got to launch tiny model rockets outside! I think I might want to be a scientist when I grow up.
In social studies, we focused a lot on ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, Egypt, and China. At the beginning of the year, I didn't know much about them beyond what I'd seen in movies. But by the end, I could tell you all about the different rulers, cultures, religions, and technological advances. My favorite was learning about the philosophers and crazy myths/legends from ancient Greece. The stories about the gods were so epic and imaginative!
Physical education was a blast too. We got to play all the classic games like dodgeball, kickball, basketball, and more. I'm definitely not the most athletic kid, but I tried my best and had fun either way. Towards the end of the year, we also learned some cool new sports like floor hockey, tennis, and archery. Archery was my surprise favorite - I was shockingly good at it! Who knows, maybe I'm a secret archer deep down.
Aside from the core subjects, I also took an art elective where we worked on all sorts of different projects like painting, drawing, sculpting, and more. I discovered that I'm not half bad at arts and crafts! My painting of a countryside landscape turned out especially nice. I'm thinking of maybe joining the art club next year to keep practicing.
Some of my favorite memories were from the school field trips and events we went on. In the fall, we went on a hiking trip in the local state park and saw some incredible scenery and wildlife. In the winter around the holidays, we had a door decorating contest and epic classroom parties with way too many sugary snacks. And this spring, we took a history-themed trip to a recreated colonial village where we got to experience life from the old days. From candle-making to milking cows, it was both educational and delightfully silly.
My Summer Vacation
reactions是什么单位 Summer vacation was awesome! I had so much fun and did all kinds of cool things. In Unit 1, we learned about hobbies and free time activities. My biggest hobby is definitely playing video games. Over the break, I got to play my favorite games for hours every day! I beat all the levels of Cosmic Conquest 5 and earned a ton of achievements. My friends and I also love playing multiplayer games online together.
Another hobby I have is reading comic books and graphic novels. I'm a huge fan of the Astro-Twins series. The hero twins have amazing superpowers and always defeat the evil Dr. Destructicus. I get really excited when a new issue comes out! This summer, I finally finished collecting the entire Protector Princess series too. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes.