Step Growth Polymerization
Dr. Mamdouh Al-Harthi
Department of Chemical Engineering
Dhahran, KSA
Classifications of polymerization reactions
•Step growth polymerization
•Chain growth polymerization
•Free radical polymerization
•Ionic polymerization
•Coordination polymerization
Step Growth Polymerization
•Step-growth polymerization is a polymerization process that involves a chemical reaction between multifunctional monomers molecules. In a step-growth reaction, the growing chains may react with each other to form even longer chains.
Step Growth Polymerization mer
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•Any two molecular species can react.
•Monomer disappears early.
•Polymer MW rises throughout.
•Growth of chains is usually slow (minutes to days).
•Long reaction times increase MW, but yield of polymer hardly changes. •All molecular species are present throughout.
>reaction between pvp and amino
