Energy (eV) Element Chemical bonding Ref 395.7N1s N-C 43 396N1s in the passive film and in the bulk 84 396N1s TiN 47 396.1N1s N-C in the TiN coatings before erosion 43 396.2N1s N bonded in AlN, Energy N2+=75,100,300,1000 eV, IAD 139
cristal 396.3N1s AlN
225 396.3N1s Cr-N 396.3N1s N bonded in AlN, Energy N2+=500 eV, IAD 139 396.4N1s CrN
powder 94 396.4N1s As-received
AlN 396.4N1s AlN/PVB binder burnout in air 94 396.4N1s AlN/PVB binder burnout in nitrogen 94 396.4N1s AlN/PPC binder burnout in air 94 396.4N1s AlN/PPC binder burnout in nitrogen 94
194 396.4N1s AlN 396.5N1s N bonded in AlN, Magnetron, N2,N2+ Ar 139
150 396.6N1s CrN
197 396.6N1s TiN 396.6N1s Cr traité au NaNO3 17 396.6N1s Fe traité au NaNO3 17 396.6N1s N ds Fe13 (nitré) 218 396.7N1s N-Ti 43 396.8N1s N:Ti 31
208 396.8N1s N:Ti 396.8N1s N ds CrN 55
W/TiN 396.9N1s Interface
396.9N1s Interface TiN/SiO2 (=> TiN) 148 396.9N1s TiN(100) using a photon energy between 440 and 470 eV 180 396.9N1s SS304 traité au NaNO3 17 396.9N1s interface W/TiN après bomb (275 min) 148 396.9N1s interface TiN/SiO2 après bomb (750 min) TiN pur 148 396.9N1s structure W/TiN/Si (Wpur) après bomb (525 min) 148 397N1s Mo traité au NaNO3 17 397N1s904L traité au NaNO3 17 397N1s AL6X traité au NaNO3 17 397N1s Nads 76 397N1s CrN in alloy 24 after sputtering the passive film 116 397N1s CrN in alloy 33 after sputtering the passive film 116
O0.17 31 397.1N1s TiN0.54
O0.08 31 397.1N1s TiN0.63
397.1N1s TiN0.75 31
208 397.1N1s TiN0,75
397.1N1s N-Ti in the TiN coatings before and after erosion 43
O0.44 31 397.2N1s TiN0.31
397.2N1s implantation de N dans SS304 225 397.2N1s TiN0,31O0,44
208 397.2N1s Nads sur l'acier de type 304 N 92 397.2N1s N ds 304 ss nitré 218 397.2N1s N ds l'acier 304 (nitré) 55 397.3N1s TiN0.09
O0.74 31 397.3N1s TiN 10
111 397.3N1s WN 397.4N1s Ni traité au NaNO3 17 397.4N1s N ds Cr2N 55 397.4N1s related to the NSi3 environment 213
150 397.5N1s Si3N4 397.5N1s K4Fe(CN)6
111 397.5N1s TiN(100) using a photon energy between 440 and 470 eV 180 397.5N1s N ds PMDA-ODA T=250°C av 0,16 nm de Cr(faible nrj) 131 397.5N1s N ds PMDA-ODA T=250°C av 1,0 nm de Cr(Cr-nitride) 131
225 397.6N1s Cr2N 397.7N1s large pic après bombardement (5 min) 182
192 397.7N1s nitridereaction between pvp and amino
111 397.8N1s NaSCN 397.8N1s nitride 57 397.9N1s C-N, pyridinic N in PVCA treated at 573, 873 and 1173K 42 397.9N1s C-N, pyridinic N in chars (1223K) 149
150 397.9N1s BN
111 397.9N1s BN
240 397.9N1s (a,a'-dipyridyl)Mo(CO)4
111 398N1s phthalocyanine 398N1s NHads 76 398N1s ds le 304 ss avec N2 implanté 218 398.1N1s Graphene N (into the conjug. struct. of graphene mlcl) 71
111 398.1N1s KCN
240 398.1N1s (a,a'-dipyridyl)Mo(CO)3(P(OPh)3)
pic 398.3N1s large 398.3N1sà une profondeur de 0,5 nm 84 398.3N1s-N= in a cyclic structure 158
240 398.4N1s (a,a'-dipyridyl)Mo(CO)3(P(O(n-Bu))3) 398.5N1s BN à 1.6ev FWHM 164
150 398.6N1s NH3 398.6N1s BuNH2
111 398.6N1s pyridine 398.6N1s amine ou pyridine du Polyimide Kapton 15
111 398.7N1s S2N2
111 398.7N1s NaN3
240 398.7N1s (o-phenanthroline)Mo(CO)4
398.8N1s C-N-Cu in [Cu(H2daaen)] 166 398.8N1sà une profondeur de 0,5 nm 84 398.8N1s free N in i
nterstitial sites, Energy N2+= 75 eV, IAD 139 398.9N1s C-N, pyridinic N in initial resin 149 398.9N1s N ds NH2 surf PET-APTES(24H) av red par LiAlH4 177 398.9N1s plasma: NH3 et N2 188
188 398.9N1s -C=NH 398.9N1s Plasma: NH3 + N2 / réf: 284,3 eV pour C1s 189
111 399N1s PhCN 399N1s AlN (N a été remplacé par O) 175 399N1s N ds PMDA-ODA T=250°C av 0,16 nm de Cr 131
131 399N1s Cr-N
122 399N1s plasma:
111 399.1N1s tetracyanoquinodimethane
188 399.1N1s PhNH2
C-NH-C 399.1N1s R-C=NH;
O2/NH3 399.1N1s plasma:
399.1N1s AlN (N-O bond) 194
111 399.2N1s PhNH2
111 399.2N1s H2N*C6H4NO2 399.2N1s NO- in 316L before sputtering the passive film 116 399.2N1s NO- in 316L after sputtering the passive film 116 399.2N1s NO- in alloy 24 before sputtering the passive film 116 399.2N1s NO- in alloy 33 before sputtering the passive film 116
240 399.2N1s (N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine)Mo(CO)4
111 399.3N1s H2NSO2C6N4NO2
N 399.3N1s Aromatic 399.3N1s Nitrogen in an NH2 state 213 399.4N1s C-N, pyrrolidonic N in PVPO treated at 573K 42 399.4N1s C-N, pyridinic N in PVPI treated at 573, 873 and 1173K 42 399.4N1s N at surface of SS304 225 399.4N1s N For N2/Ni(100) 64
111 399.5N1s guanidine
104 399.5N1s N-C
114 399.5N1s R-NH2 399.5N1s N at surface 84
122 399.5N1s plasma:
399.6N1s CN in H4daaen 166 399.6N1s N-O 43 399.6N1s N-C-O
114 399.6N1s R-CN 399.7N1s PhNHCSNHPh
111 399.7N1s Ni traité à NH3 17 399.7N1s SS304 traité à NH3 17 399.7N1s phi-NH2
surface 84 399.7N1s en
399.7 N1s  NH amide group 171399.8 N1s  Conjugated N (C=N type, not in graphene molecules) 71399.8 N1s  Fe traité à NH3 17399.8 N1s  AL6X 17399.8 N1s  NH3 sur l'acier de type 304 N 92399.8 N1s  NH3 57399.8 N1s  O=C-NH-(C,H) 114399.8 N1s  -NH2 (-NH) 158399.81 N1s  C-N in Kapton(TM), polyether imide film 205399.9 N1s  3ary amine (red° under X-ray beam) in initial resin 149399.9 N1s  PhNNPh 111399.9 N1s  Co(NH3)8Cl3 111399.9 N1s  Mo treated with NH3 17399.9 N1s  317LX treated with à NH3 17400 N1s  phthalocyanine 111400 N1s  adsorption de N2,NH3, NH3 sur SS304 225400 N1s  N2H4ads 76400 N1s  N Ox fretted (5V for 5 min) in blood serum 207400 N1s  N ds Fe13 (adsorbé) 218400 N1s  N-O in the TiN coatings before and after erosion 43400.1 N1s  C-N, pyridone in chars (1223K) 149400.1 N1s  Na2N2O2 111400.1 N1s  ds PE-Ar et PE-N (groupe organique nitrogène) 48400.2 N1s  C-N, 2ndary prod. of PVPO treated at 573 and 873K 42400.2 N1s  C-N, pyrrolic N in PVPO treated at 1173K 42400.2 N1s  N-H ou N-O 192400.3 N1s  C-N, pyrrolic N in PVCA treated at 573, 873 and 1173K 42400.3 N1s  N Ox, 316 L alloy fretted (30 min) in blood serum 207400.3 N1s  Plasma: NH3 + N2 / réf: 284,3 eV pour C1s 189400.4 N1s  C-N, pyridonic N in PVPI treated at 573, 873 and 1173K 42400.4 N1s  C-N du Polyimide Kapton 15400.4 N1s  plasma: NH3 et N2 188400.4 N1s  groupe aliphatique 188400.5 N1s  N Ox in 316 L alloy dipped in blood serum 1h 20
7400.5 N1s  N Ox"corrosion products" after fretted in blood 207400.7 N1s  C-N-H in [Eu(H2daaen)] 166400.7 N1s  C-N, quaternary N in PVPI treated at 1173K 42400.7 N1s  N ds NH3+ surf PET-APTES(24H) av red par LiAlH4 177400.7 N1s  N For N2/Ni(100) 64400.8 N1s  C-N-Cu in [CuEu(daaen)] 166400.8 N1s  N ds PMDA-ODA 130400.8 N1s  PE après 5 min d'expo au plasma nitrogène 48400.9 N1s  N incorp. in the condensed struct. units : chars 1223K 149400.9 N1s  H3N+CHRCOO- 111400.9 N1s  NH4NO3 111401
N1s  EtNH3Cl 111
401N1s NO ( - delta ) ads 76 401.1N1s C-N, quaternary N in PVCA treated at 1173K 42
111 401.1N1s Me4NBr 401.1N1s PE-N après protonation avec H2SO4(0,1M) 48 401.1N1s NH4+ in 316L before sputtering the passive film 116 401.1N1s NH4+ in 316L after sputtering the passive film 116 401.1N1s NH4+ in alloy 24 before sputtering the passive film 116 401.1N1s NH4+ in alloy 33 before sputtering the passive film 116 401.2N1s NH4+ in alloy 24 after sputtering the passive film 116 401.2N1s NH4+ in alloy 33 after sputtering the passive film 116 401.3N1s C-N, quaternary N in PVPO treated at 1173K 42
PE-Ar-PFB 48 401.3N1s ds
401.3N1s ds
PE-Ar-TFE 48
158 401.3N1s "oxidized
111 401.4N1s (NH3OH)+Cl-
PE-Ar-PFPH 48 401.4N1s ds
150 401.5N1s NH4Cl 401.5N1s amino-sulfate -pyrite n°1- 163
114 401.5N1s C-N+
111 401.6N1s p-NH3+C6H4SO3-
PE-Ar 48 401.6N1s ds
401.7N1s N-methyl pyridinium in initial resin 149
150 401.7N1s NH4NO3 401.7N1s NH4+ sur l'acier de type 304 N 92
111 401.8N1s N2H6SO4 402N1s Pyridine-N-oxyde in chars 149 402N1s chloranil-pyridine
111 402N1s amino-sulfate -pyrite n°2- 163
192 402N1s NH4+ 402.1N1s Me4NCl
in PVPI treated at 1173K 42 402.4N1s C-N,
402.7N1s N2 peak, Energy N2+= 75 eV, IAD 139
111 402.8N1s Me3NO 402.8N1s plasma: NH3 et N2 188 402.8N1s Plasma: NH3 + N2 / réf: 284,3 eV pour C1s 189
111 403N1s NaN3 403N1s AlN (N a été remplacé par O, Air 100°C) 175 403N1s N2 peak, Energy N2+= 1000 eV, IAD 139 403.1N1s Shake-up satellites (pi-pi*) (entrapped NOx) 149
111 403.2N1s NaNO2 403.2N1s PE après traitement par pentafluorobenzaldehyde 48 403.6N1s C-N, pyridine-N-oxyde in PVPO treated at 873 and 1173K 42
150 403.6N1s NaNO2 403.7N1s N2 peak, Energy N2+= 100,300 eV, IAD 139 403.8N1s N2 peak, Energy N2+= 500 eV, IAD 139 404.1N1s Shake-up satellites (pi-pi*) (entrapped NOx) 149
