    Helping Others Makes Me Happy
    My name is Michael, and I'm twelve years old. I'm in the 7th grade at Central Middle School. One of my favorite things to do is help other people. Whenever I lend a hand or do something nice for someone else, it makes me feel really good inside. Let me tell you about some of the times I've helped others and how great it made me feel.
    Last year, my neighbor Mrs. Johnson hurt her back and couldn't do any heavy lifting or yard work for a while. She lives alone, so I offered to help her out. A few times a week after school, I would go over to her house. I raked the leaves in her yard, took out her trash cans to the curb, and even helped carry in her groceries from the car. Mrs. Johnson was so appreciative. She called me her "little helper" and always had a warm smile for me. Seeing h
ow happy I made her by just pitching in for a bit made me beam with happiness.
    At school, sometimes thereaction member
    Helping Others is a Joy
    Growing up, my parents always told me that helping others is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life. At first, I didn't really understand what they meant. Why would doing extra work for someone else with no reward make me feel good? As I've gotten older though, I've come to realize just how right they were. Helping others truly is a joy that brings happiness to both the person being helped and the helper.
    My first real experience with the fulfillment of helping others came when I was about 8 years old. My elderly neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, had fallen ill and was confined to her home. My mom asked if I could help out by doing some chores and running errands for her. At first, I wasn't too excited about the idea of giving up my free time to do work. But my mom c
onvinced me it was the right thing to do.
    Every day after school, I went next door to Mrs. Johnson's house. I did basic housekeeping like vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms. I also did yardwork by mowing her lawn, pulling weeds, and raking leaves. Running errands involved going to the grocery store and pharmacy to pick up her groceries and medications. I'll admit, at first it was a bit of a hassle having these new responsibilities. But Mrs. Johnson was so kind and appreciative that it made it all worth it.
    The best part was getting to spend time with her each day. She had so many amazing stories to tell about her life growing up during the Great Depression and World War II. She helped me with my homework sometimes too. But mostly we just talked and joked around. Despite being bedridden, Mrs. Johnson always had a smile on her face and never complained. Her positive spirit was truly inspiring. Seeing how happy I made her just by doing small acts of kindness filled me with a profound sense of joy and satisfaction.
    After a few months, Mrs. Johnson had recovered enough to take care of herself again wit
h the help of her family. While I was sad my daily visits would end, I felt an immense pride in having helped her through a tough time. The experience showed me firsthand how helping others, even in seemingly small ways, can brighten someone's day and make a real difference in their life. It also taught me that asking for help is okay, and allowing others to help you shouldn't be seen as a sign of weakness.
    Since then, I've tried to make helping others a regular part of my life. I've volunteered at a local food bank and homeless shelter. I've participated in community cleanup events and highway litter pickups. At school, I'm part of a tutoring program where I help other students who are struggling with certain subjects like math and English. Whenever I see an opportunity to lend a hand, I try my best to take it.
    One of my favorite things is seeing the positive chain reaction that occurs when you help someone. They feel grateful, which makes you feel good about yourself. That prompts them to be more helpful and kind to others as well. Before you know it, a simple act of service has started a ripple effect of benevolence that can spread far and wide to uplift an entire community. It's a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of.
    There's also the side benefit of learning new skills when you help others. By volunteering at places like animal shelters, hospitals, schools, and nonprofits, you get exposed to different environments and situations. You learn things you may have never learned otherwise, like how to feed farm animals, change bed linens, use specialized equipment, or speak a new language. These skills give you more confidence in your abilities and allow you to be helpful in even more ways.
