specimen 试样
speckle 散斑
speckle holography 散斑全息照相术 speckle interferometry 散斑⼲涉法
spectral condition 谱条件
spectral curve 谱曲线
spectral density 谱密度
spectral displacement 谱位移
spectral distribution 谱分布
spectral frequency 谱频率
spectral function 谱函数
spectral line 谱线
spectral method 谱⽅法
spectral position 谱位置
spectral shift 谱位移
spectral theory 谱理论
spectrum 谱
spectrum matrix 谱矩阵
spectrum tensor 谱张量
speed 速率
speed change 变速
speed control 速率第
speed error 速率误差
speed governor 蒂机
speed indicator 速度计
speed limiting device 限速器
speed of autorotation ⾃转速度
speed of heat propagation 热传播速率 speed of light 光速
speed of perception 感觉速率
speed of response 响应速度
speed of sound 声速
speed per hour 时速
speed range 变速范围
speed reduction 减速
speed regulation 速度第
speed regulator 蒂机
speedometer 转速表
sphere 球
sphere of reflection 反射球
sphere shaped 球形的
spherical angle 球⾯⾓
spherical bearing 球⾯⽀承
spherical coordinates 球⾯坐标
spherical function 球⾯函数
spherical joint 球形接头
spherical motion 球⾯运动
spherical pendulum 球摆
spherical shell 球壳
spherical shock wave 球⾯激波
spherical space 对映空间
spherical strain tensor 球⾯应变张量 spherical stress tensor 球⾯应⼒张量 spherical surface 球⾯
spherical tensor 球⾯张量
spherical top 球形陀螺
spherical wave 球⾯波
spheroidal wave function 球波函数 spillway 溢淋
spillway dam 溢劣
spin angle ⾃旋⾓
spin angular momentum ⾃旋⾓动量 spin axis ⾃旋轴
spin coordinate ⾃旋坐标
spin eigenfunction ⾃旋本寨数
spin eigenstate ⾃旋本宅
spin interaction ⾃旋相互酌
spin orbit potential ⾃旋轨道势
spin relaxation ⾃旋弛豫
spin resonance ⾃旋共振
spin resonance frequency ⾃旋共振频率 spin slip spectrum ⾃旋反转谱
spin tensor ⾃旋张量
spin tensor operator ⾃旋张量算符
spin wave ⾃旋波
spin wave theory ⾃旋波理论
spindle 轴
spinning 尾旋
spinning detonation 旋焰爆炸
spinning obstacle 旋转障碍
spinning top 旋转陀螺
spinning wind tunnel 螺旋风洞
spinor field 旋量场
spinor gravitation 旋量引⼒
spinor wave 旋量波
spinor wave equation 旋量波⽅程
spinor wave function 旋量波函数
spiral 螺线
spiral dislocation 螺旋形位错
spiral fiber structure 螺旋形纤维结构
spiral flow 螺旋流
spiral of archimedes 阿基⽶德螺线
spiral orbit 螺线轨道
spiral propeller 螺旋推进器
spiral spring 螺旋形弹簧
spiral trajectory 螺线轨道
spiral vortex 螺旋形涡流
spiral vortex model 螺旋涡模型
spire 尖塔
spirit level ⽔准器
split hopkinson bar 分离式霍普⾦森杆 split pattern 分离模式
splitting 分裂
spoiler 绕菱
sponge 海绵
spongy 海绵状的
spontaneous combustion ⾃燃
spontaneous crack propagation ⾃发裂缝传播 spontaneous emission ⾃发发射
spout 瘤⼝
spouted bed 喷出床
spouting spring 喷泉
spray 喷雾
spray pump 喷淋泵
spray resistance 喷雾阻⼒
spraying effect 雾化效应
spraying nozzle 喷雾嘴
spring 弹簧
spring back 弹性回复
spring balance 弹簧秤
spring buffer 弹簧绶冲器
spring constant 弹簧常数
spring dynamometer 弹簧秤
spring force 弹簧弹⼒
spring hammer 弹簧锤
spring manometer 弹簧式压⼒计
spring model 弹簧模型
spring oscillator 弹簧振⼦
spring pressure 弹簧压⼒
spring pressure gage 弹簧式压⼒计
spring ring 弹簧圈
spring scales 弹簧秤
spring tension 弹簧张⼒
spurious frequency 寄⽣频率
spurious oscillation 寄⽣振荡
spurious scattering 虚散射
squagging ⾃锁
reaction in the shaft square measure ⾯积单位
square wave ⽅形波
square wave oscillation 矩形波振荡
square wave pulse 矩形脉冲
squashing 压碎
squeezing 压榨
stability 稳定性
stability condition 稳定性条件
stability constant 稳定性常数
stability curve 稳定性曲线
stability layer 稳定层
stability limit 稳定性极限
stability line 稳定性曲线
stability of equilibrium 平衡稳定性
stability of motions 运动稳定性
stability of parallel flow 平⾏寥定性
stability of stratified flow 分层寥定性
stability of structures 结构稳定性
stability of vibration 振动稳定性
stability tensor 稳定性张量
stability theorem 稳定性定理
stabilization 稳定化
stabilized equilibrium 稳定平衡
stabilizer 稳定器
stabilizing force 稳定⼒
stabilizing gyroscope 稳定陀螺
stable axis 稳定轴
stable equilibrium 稳定平衡
stable equilibrium position 稳定平衡位置 stable motion 稳定运动
stable orbit 稳定轨道
stable state 稳定状态
stable system 稳定系
stable wave 稳定波
stage 阶段
stage discharge curve ⽔位量曲线
stage efficiency 分级效率
staged rocket 多级⽕箭