    Mineral Dressing
    Non-ferrous Metals
    Reducing Agent
    Electromotive Series
    Closely related metals
    Rare earths
    Shaft furnace
    Fossil fuel
    Silico-thermic-reduction process
    Imperial smelting process
    Play an important role
    Prominence (come into prominence)
    In spite of
    Remain the same
    Flash smelting
    Continuous smelting
    Control device
    Fluid(ized) bed roasting
    Shaft furnace smelting
    Cathodes (Anodes)
    Blast furnace
    Leaching reaction
    Chemical kinetics
    Residence time
    Resistant to
reaction in the shaft    Feed stock
    Ohmic drop
    Refractory metal
    Fossil fuel
    Conceptual skill
    Fiscal policy
    Income tax
    Expansionary effect
    Capital goods
    Magnetic resonance image
    Dielectric constant
    Microprocessor chip
    Trade off
    Synthetic fiber
    Steam jacket
    Batch process
    Pilot plant
