专利名称:Method of recycling spent nuclear fuel 发明人:Yevgeny Georgievich Kudryavtsev,Petr Mikhailovich Gavrilov,Yury Alexandrovich
Revenko,Igor Alexandrovich
Merkulov,Vladimir Victorovich
Bondin,Vladimir Ivanovich Volk,Sergey
Ivanovich Bychkov,Vladimir Nikolaevich
公开号:US09147502B2reaction mass
摘要:The method concerns processing irradiated (spent) nuclear fuel (SNF), it is primarily aimed at isolating and trapping tritium, and can be used in nuclear power industry for treating SNF. This method provides for a two-phase voloxidation of a reaction mass using gas-air mixture, the reaction mass including fragmented uranium dioxide SNF elements with containers. The first phase is carried out at 400-650° C. in the presence of air and additional carbon dioxide. The second phase is carried out at 350-450°C. using a stream of an air-vapor mixture that can be oxygen-enriched. Both phases are carried out with a repeated mechanical activation of the reaction mass. Provided in the course of the voloxidation is the gas replacement at the hour rate of about 10-50 fold the reaction chamber gas volume. Before being introduced into the reaction chamber, the gas is preheated up to the chamber internal temperature.
申请人:Yevgeny Georgievich Kudryavtsev,Petr Mikhailovich Gavrilov,Yury Alexandrovich Revenko,Igor Alexandrovich Merkulov,Vladimir Victorovich Bondin,Vladimir Ivanovich Volk,Sergey Ivanovich Bychkov,Vladimir Nikolaevich Alexeyenko
地址:Moscow RU,Zheleznogorsk RU,Zheleznogorsk RU,Zheleznogorsk
RU,Zheleznogorsk RU,Moscow RU,Zheleznogorsk RU,Zheleznogorsk RU 国籍:RU,RU,RU,RU,RU,RU,RU,RU
代理机构:Fishman Stewart Yamaguchi PLLC
