Unit 1 The Roots of Chemistry
Ⅲ. Translation
1 化学过程  ⑵自然科学  ⑶蒸馏技术
2 在你使用这种材料之前,你必须弄清楚它的各种性质。
3 根据水的蒸发现象,人们认识到液体在一定条件下可以变成气体
4 正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等
5 化学具有悠久的历史,事实上,人类的化学活动可追溯到无记录时代以前。
Ⅳ. Translation
Chemistry is one of three fundamental natural sciences, the other two being physics and biology. Chemical processes have continually unfolded since the Big Bang and are probably r
esponsible for the appearance of life on the planet Earth. One might consider that life is the end result of an evolutionary process in three steps, the first step being very fast and the other two rather slow. These steps are ( i ) physical evolution ( the formation of chemical elements ); (ii)chemical evolution (the formation of molecules and biomolecules); and (iii) biological evolution (the formation and development of organisms).
有史以来 史前化学 希腊化学 炼金术 科学化学  考古学发现 早于文字记录     普遍特征     物质的结构  吸引力和排斥力  特定形状  规则多边形(体)  平面几何 共同属性 不纯金属 解码系统 过渡期 基本特征  燃素理论  本质上来讲  实验基础
Unit 4 Drinking Water Quality and Health
Ⅲ. Translation
Ⅳ. Translation
One of the major sources of organic pollution is effluents from sewage treatment works. In the United Kingdom, such effluents are supposed, as a minimum requirement, to meet the Royal Commission Standard, allowing no more than 30mg/L of suspended solids and 20mg/L BOD(a 30:20 effluent).A dilution with at least eight volumes of river water, having a BOD of no more than 2mg/L, is required to achieve this standard. Unfortunately, the design capacities of many sewage treatment works are below the population they now have to serve. This may cause chronic pollution of rivers or result in periodic flushes of poor quality water that damages the aquatic community. In the majority of poorer countries of the world there are few, or indeed often no, sewage treatment facilities and the faecal contamination of water results in many parastic infections and waterborne and diseases such as dysentery, cholera and poliomyelitis. Contaminated water supplies still cause more than two million deaths a year and countless more illnesses.
Unit 5 The Periodic Table
Unit 9 Chemical Kinetics Basic Principles
There are two basic questions that a chemical engineer must ask concerning a given chemical reaction:
(a)How far does it go, if it is allowed to proceed to equilibrium? (Indeed, does it go in the direction of interest at all?)
(b)How fast does it progress?
Question (b) is a matter of chemical kinetics and reduces to the need to know the rate equation and the rate constants (customarily designated k) for the various steps involved in the reaction mechanism. Note that the rate equation for a particular reaction is not necessarily obtainable by inspection of the stoichiometry of the reaction, unless the mechanism is a one-step process and this is something that usually has to be determined by experiment. Chemical reaction time scales range from fractions of a nanosecond to millions of years or ore. Thus, even if the answer to question (a) is that the reaction is expected to go to essential completion, the reaction may be so slow as to be totally impractical in engineering terms.
reaction mass
1、卤代反应      2、竞争反应    3、微观速率方程 4、正逆反应5、微观可逆原理    6、单价电子7、活化能8、碰撞速率    9、计量方程10、积分形式
1 物质既不能创造也不能消灭。
2 任何物质,不论是固体、液体或气体,都是由原子组成的。
3 试验是成功的,它的结果正如我们预期的一样。
Unit 12 What Is Analytical Chemistry
A gravimetric method is one in which the analysis is completed by a weighing operation. A volumetric method is one in which the analysis is completed by measuring the volume of a solution of established concentration needed to react completely with the substance being determined. Ordinarily, volumetric methods are equivalent in accuracy to gravimetric procedures and are more rapid and convenient; their use is widespread.
Unit 15 Mass Spectrometry
A molecular formula is normally derived from an exact mass measurement. Exact mass measurements frequently can be made to an accuracy of better than Da using an internal standard of known exact mass. Even with this accuracy, however, a unique fit is seldom obtained when all possible elemental compositions at any nominal mass are considered. The number of possible elemental compositions at any nominal mass are considered. The number of possibilities increases with the number of elements that may be present, with the number of atoms of each element possible, and with the molecular weight. For organic compounds that have only the common hecteroatoms (O, N, Cl, Br, I, S, and Si ) and molecular weights less than 500 Da, only a few possibilities need be considered. Thus, while exact mass measurement seldom gives a single formula, it often gives a singly reasonable formula, especially when other information on the sample is considered. Some of this ancillary information may come from the mass spectrum itself including isotopic abundance distributions, which are considered in the next section.
