Unit One    Text A  How to Read A Book
1. Why are some people argumentative and domineering, while others are shy and hesitant?... Why are some people greedy, selfish , and cynical ,while others are easy to get along with?
1. 为什么有些人强词夺理,专横跋扈,而另一些人却羞羞答答,优柔寡断?……为什么有些人贪婪自私,玩世不恭,而另一些人却平易近人?
2. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological co-operation , aimed at widespread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man ,such as nutrition ,shelter ,communications ,health and sanitation.
2. 从发展中国家的观点来看,下一个十年应有一个大力加速科学技术合作的纲领,旨在广泛传播技术以满足人们诸如营养、住宅、交通、卫生保健之类的基本需要。
3. While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories ,it is preferable for journali
sts to rely on their own notions of significance and  make their own judgments.
3. 尽管律师的见解和反应可能会提升新闻报道的质量,但记者最好凭借自己对该新闻意义的理解做出自己的判断。
4.In his autobiography,Darwin points out modestly that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely,but he believes that this very difficulty may have  had he compensating advantage of forcing him to think ong and intently about every sentence,and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observation.
4. 达尔文在自传中谦虚地指出,他经常很难清晰而简洁地表达自己的思想,但他认为可能正因为有了这个困难,他才不得不对自己要说的每一句话进行长时间的认真思考,从而发现自己在推理和观察中的错误,结果这反而成了他的优点。
5. Presently, an educational reform is under way that centers on curriculums and teaching materials. As our main goal, we will try to reform the educational system so that it focuses on the enhancement of the students’ abilities instead of training them merely to pass exams. We used to have only one set of textbooks in line with a single syllabus for each course. With the reform deepening, we are beginning to have more than one series of textbooks under the same syllabus or, in some cases, even more than one syllabus for the same course. In order to enhance students abilities and strengthen educational administration for the variety of syllabuses and teaching materials available, it is necessary for us to formulate teaching targets suited to China’s situation and particular subjects. Formulation of such targets is a difficult scientific project that must be organized and coordinated by the appropriate state education authorities.
Unit Two    Text A  Recession-proofing your career 
1. The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradictions constitute the dialectical law of the development of things.
2.The 1967 UN document calls for a settlement of the Middle East conflict on the basis of Israel’s withdrawal from occupied territories an Arab acknowledgement of Israel’s right to exist.
2. 1967 年联合国文件要求在以列撤出所占领的土地以及阿拉伯承认以列的生存权的基础上来解决中东冲突。
3.The aggression took many foms: the unilateral denunciation of treaties and international commitments,the interference in the internal affairs of other states,the use of treats against weaker neighbors,the imposition of unequal relationships,the outright armed attack against the territories of other states and their dismemberment,the subjugation of colonial peoples
and the denial of the right to self-determination as well as fundamental human rights.
3. 侵略有多种方式:单方面废除条约与国际义务,干涉别国内政,威胁弱小邻国,强迫实行不平等,公然入侵别国领土瓜分别国,征服殖民地民族,否认自决权以及基本人权。
4.Sea gulls are excellent flyers.They can fly many miles without stopping.With a short rest here and there,they can fly from one end of a country to the other.They are good gilders,too.When they glide,they seem to be silding down invisible slides way p in the air.Sea gulls are good swimmers,too. Their feet are webbed-the little stretches of skin between their toes make paddles.Gulls are floaters.They stay on top of the water like pieces of wood. This is helpful because on long trips over the ocean they will drop down onto the water and float while they take a nap.
4. 海鸥善于飞行。它们可以连续飞很远。能从一个国家的一端飞到另一端,此间只需偶尔短暂休息一下。海鸥也善于滑翔。它们仿佛在高空中沿着无形的滑道轻松滑翔。海鸥还善于游泳。海鸥长着脚蹼一reaction研究脚爪间相连的小块皮肤一游泳时就是小小的浆。海鸥还善于浮水,它们可以像木块那样浮在水上。这对海鸥非常有用,因为在漫长的越洋飞行中,它们可以落
5. For many people in small towns and villages, the death of someone known to them or the installation of traffic lights at a busy street corner nearby can sometimes attract their attention more than a disaster far away in another country. Thats why British local newspapers almost have as large a circulation as its national counterparts. The local newspapers often make no comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely hold with sides on political affairs. But they can often be of service to the community in expressing the publics feeling onlocal  issues.
Unit Three            Text A Lies
1.Histories make men wise;poiets,witty;the mathematics,subtle;natural philosophy,deep;moral,grave;logic and rhetoric,able to contend.
