RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型
RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型
RIM(reaction injection molding)反应注射成型
RIM(reaction injection molding),中文俗称反应注射成型,是20世纪70年代后期在欧美率先发展起来的。是一种区别于传统注塑和其他成型工艺的一种特殊的工艺。
Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) is the process by which molded polyurethane(PU)  parts are made. In the process, 2 liquid components are mixed and injected into the mold where they chemically react and cure,which forms the polyurethane polymer parts.
聚氨酯具有强度高,耐磨性,抗撕裂,耐屈挠性,耐低温性和耐油,耐化学品性能优异及良好的血液相容性等优点等特点.聚氨酯树脂制成的产品有泡沫塑料,弹性体,涂料,胶粘剂,纤维,合成皮革以及辅面材料等品种,它广泛应用于运输,机电,船舶,土木建筑,轻工以及纺织等部门,产品与品种逐年递增,在材料工业中占有相当重要的比例,目前PU的使用量仅次于PP,ABS,PVC. 自本世纪30年代末问世以来,它的应用领域不断拓宽,产量逐年增加,发展非常迅速.
get your product to the market quickly at much low risk
RIM tooling can make large and complex, 3-dimensional parts at a fraction of the tooling investment of a comparable injection molding tool because such a low-viscous material exerts very little stress on the tool,and allows for ease of modification in economical challenging time. It allows you to get your product to the market quickly and at much lower risk than the tooling needed for injection molding.
Excellent choice for larger plastic parts produced in short run or low volume production quantities.
Designers have more creative ideas with RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) because it can mold thin and thick walls easily in the same part because of the excellent flowability of the materials and the part
shrinks a slight amount during the molding process,inserts, ribs and bosses can be molded in the part without sink marks.PU-RIM parts are
durable,chemically resistant,wear resistant,low weight and have high insulation values,and they can be rigid and solid like an injection molded ABS or they can be a structural foam or elastomeric like rubber.
3,制品封装镶嵌件工艺简单  Superb encapsulation ability
很多种嵌入件都可以在注塑RIM材料前放入模具中,这样,在成型过程中RIM材料就完成了嵌入件的封装,钢或铝合金的结构框架,电子传感器,电路板,电池,天线,磁铁,玻璃,金属部件等都可以用RIM 工艺封装,进而减少甚至是消除二次加工环节,这样可以:保护您的重要敏感元件免受灰尘,油污,化学药品的腐蚀污染等;使您的产品可以在潮湿甚至是水中工作;增加您的产品强度,保护重要部件免受冲击或减缓冲击带来的损害;这样从而使您的产品可以在更为恶劣的环境下工作。
Insert molding and encapsulation of delicate components is much easier with Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) because pressures and temperatures are low. RIM provides for reliable,
structural ‘on e-piece’ solutions wherever added functionality is needed or where sensitive equipment needs protection from the environment. Components to be encapsulated are fully or partially surround
ed by the molded part which provides for the structural and cosmetic properties of the finished unit. Reinforcements or attachment hardware, electronic components, magnets, batteries or antennas can be molded right into the RIM part.This can reduce your assembly costs, make assemblies tamper-proof or solve sealing problems for you.
Superior cosmetic appearance for visibly critical applications
PU-RIM parts have good performance in decorating,we can deliver your parts complete with silk-screened or pad-printed letters and logos or what your expectations,but one of the largest costs of painted plastic parts is the painting and finishing process,in RIM process,we can painting the mold cavity immediately prior to injecting the polyurethane
materials,during the molding process the coating chemically bonds to the polyurethane thereby elimina
tes the possibility of the paint chipping and flaking-off. These options give you tremendous flexibility to decortate your parts while saving you time and money.
