(中国石化润滑油有限公司北京研究院,北京 100085)
摘要:二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate,ZDDP)是目前润滑油中功能最全、应用最多的添加剂,因对环境有害致使其用量受到严格限制,深入理解ZDDP的摩擦化学反应机理对于推动润滑油技术发展具有重要意义。首先,介绍了ZDDP的基本性能及应用,商用ZDDP是一种复杂的混合物,每一种组分的类型或比例变化都会影响其使用性能。其次,概述了ZDDP摩擦化学反应机理的研究进展,重点论述了温度、应力(接触应力、剪切应力)、湿度、ZDDP烷基结构、配副材质(金属、非金属)和形貌等因素对ZDDP摩擦化学反应过程及摩擦膜摩擦磨损性能的影响,分析了ZDDP摩擦化学反应的主要驱动因素。
中图分类号:TH117  文献标识码:A    文章编号:1001-3660(2023)07-0103-14
Research Status of Tribochemical Reaction Mechanism and
Alternative of Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate
WANG Yan-yan, DU Xue-ling, LIU Bu-yu, ZHAO Hai-peng
(Beijing Research Institute, Sinopec Lubricant Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China)
ABSTRACT: Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) has been successfully used for seven decades in engine oil not only because of its cost-effectiveness but also for its multifunctional behaviors acting as antioxidant, extreme pressure and antiwear additive.
In recent decades, however, there is progressive reduction in the levels of permitted phosphorus and sulphur in engine oil which apparently leads to a reduction in the use of ZDDP. A thorough understanding of the tribochemical reaction mechanism of ZDDP is significant to the development of lubricating technology. The characteristics and applications of ZDDP were introduced, and the research progress on the tribochemical reaction mechanism and alternatives of ZDDP was discussed. Commercial ZDDP is a complex mixture and its performances vary with the type or proportion of each component. Therefore, the selection of suitable
Biography:WANG Yan-yan (1989-), Female, Doctor, Research assistant, Research focus: lubricating oil.
引文格式:王艳艳, 杜雪岭, 刘卜瑜, 等. 二烷基二硫代磷酸锌的摩擦化学反应机理及其替代品研究现状[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(7): 103-116.
WANG Yan-yan, DU Xue-ling, LIU Bu-yu, et al. Research Status of Tribochemical Reaction Mechanism and Alternative of Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate[J]. Surface Technology, 2023, 52(7): 103-116.
reaction视频怎么剪·104·表面技术 2023年7月
ZDDP products is of great importance for the quality of lubricating oil. ZDDP can bear extreme pressure and suppress wear by forming a protective, phosphate-based tribofilm on rubbing surfaces in boundary or mixed lubrication regimes. The ZDDP tribofilm has a gradient structure and is several tens of nanometer thick. It is generally composed of a short-chain phosphate layer, covered by a thin and long-chain polyphosphate one. The tribochemical reaction and the properties of tribofilm are related to many factors, including temperature, pressure (contact pressure and shear pressure), humidity and alkyl structure of ZDDP.
The increase of temperature and pressure is conducive to the formation of tribofilm, while water may cause ZDDP to hydrolyze and prevent phosphate polymerization. In addition, the ZDDP tribofilms form
ed on different mating surfaces are discussed. Most researches on ZDDP behavior are carried out on ferrous surfaces, but it indicates that ZDDP also forms both thermal film and tribofilm on a wide range of materials, including other metals, silicon, ceramics and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating. In other words, the film grows regardless of the presence of iron on the mating surfaces, highlighting the critical role of stress and thermal activation. In recent years, researchers aim to develop alternatives to ZDDP in two ways. One is to develop new additives different from ZDDP, e.g. nanoparticles and ionic liquid, and the other is to optimize the low/no phosphorus and sulphur additives similar to ZDDP. The results show that some new additives present good tribological properties equal to ZDDP, even better than ZDDP. Furthermore, some of them show synergistic effect with ZDDP. At present, China is in the international advanced level in nanotechnology and ionic liquid research. However, it will take long time from experimental study to industrial application for a new additive. In final, some opinions are put forward on the developing trend of ZDDP. It is expected that the optimization of ZDDP products, compatibility between ZDDP and new materials and coatings, interactions between ZDDP and new additives, and revealing the tribochemical reaction mechanism in situ micro-/nano-scale will be the research focus. In the future, with the increasing attention to environmental friendly lubricating oil and the developing of research technology, more new additives and optimized ZDDP products will be produced.
KEY WORDS: ZDDP; antiwear; tribochemical reaction; tribofilm; alternative
近30年来,ZDDP作为润滑油添加剂的缺点逐渐显现,尤其是在发动机油中。一方面,ZDDP中的磷会使发动机尾气后处理系统(如三元催化转化器)中的贵金属催化剂中毒[3];另一方面,ZDDP摩擦膜会在边界和混合润滑条件下产生相对较高的摩擦,可能导致发动机燃油经济性下降[4]。因此,随着排放法规的日益严苛,发动机油中磷元素含量受到了更严格的限制,如最新的API SP和ILSAC GF–6规格汽油机油中要求磷含量为0.06%~0.08%。ZDDP在液压油中的应用也存在局限性,这是因为ZDDP容易水解产生酸性物质,腐蚀铜、银等有金属部件,是造成含锌液压油水解稳定性差、水层酸度和铜片失重大的主要原因[5]。此外,添加剂因含硫、磷及金属元素难以被降解,并且具有一定的生物毒性,在环境中留存的时间较长,对环境危害较大[6]。综合以上因素,含有硫、磷及金属元素的ZDDP在润滑油中的使用量受到了严格的限制。可以从两个途径探索以解决这一问题:一是开发不含硫、磷或低硫、磷含量的新型添加剂;二是通过优化ZDDP的生产工艺和性能,降低其在润滑油中的添加量。无论哪种途径,首先都要清楚地了解ZDDP在润滑油中的行为机理,这对于新型添加剂和润滑油配方的开发至关重要。
随着摩擦学在工业领域越来越受重视,以及基础研究技术的快速发展,研究人员对ZDDP摩擦化学反应机理的认识日渐深入,并基于此开展了大量的新型添加剂研究工作,以期开发出ZDDP的替代品。然而,ZDDP在润滑油中的摩擦化学反应是一个非常复杂的过程,目前关于ZDDP摩擦膜形成的驱动因素还有较大争议。深入了解ZDDP的特性,进一步揭示ZDDP 的摩擦化学反应机理对于开发在经济和性能上都可以媲美ZDDP的新型添加剂具有重要意义。因此,文中主要概述ZDDP摩擦化学反应机理及新型添加剂研究现状,为ZDDP的性能优化、替代品研制及润滑油新配方开发提供理论参考。
1 ZDDP的分类及应用
ZDDP是一种复杂的混合物,其总体化学结构式如图1所示,根据酸碱性的不同,可以分为中性ZDDP 和碱性ZDDP;根据所含烃基的不同,可以分为烷基和芳基两类,烷基可以是伯烷基、仲烷基或叔烷基,可以是1~14个碳原子之间的直链烷烃,也可以是支链烷烃。ZDDP的几种典型结构如图2所示,其中R
图1  ZDDP的分子结构(R代表烷基或芳基)Fig.1 Molecular structure of ZDDP (R refers to alkyl or aryl)
图2  伯烷基(a)和仲烷基(b)ZDDP的几种结构[4] Fig.2 Structures of primary (a) and secondary (b) ZDDPs[4]
·106·表面技术 2023年7月
链伯烷基、长链伯烷基、仲烷基及混合伯仲烷基等种类[11]。市售的主要产品及性能如表1所示。ZDDP通常与清净剂和分散剂复配用于内燃机油中,加剂量为0.5%~1.5%(质量分数),多是伯仲醇产品复合使用,以充分发挥各自特点;与抗氧剂、防锈剂、破乳化剂等复配用于有灰型抗磨液压油中,加剂量为0.2%~ 0.9%(质量分数),主要采用水解稳定性好的伯仲烷基产品[7]。
表1 ZDDP主要产品的性能与应用
Tab.1 Properties and application of the main ZDDP products
Code Compound Element content Property and application
T202 Primary alkyl zinc butyl
octyl dithiophosphate
S: 12.0%-18.0%
P: 6.0%-8.5%
Zn: 8.0%-10.0%
Suitable for the low- and medium-grade engine oil with good
antioxidant and antiwear properties, oil solubility and additives
T203 Primary alkyl zinc dioctyl
S: 12.0%-18.0%
P: 6.5%-8.8%
Zn: 8.0%-10.5%
Suitable for diesel engine oil with excellent antioxidant and
antiwear properties, good thermal stability and demulsibility; can
also be used for hydraulic oil when its pH value is higher than 5.8
T204 Basic primary alkyl zinc
dioctyl dithiophosphate
S: 14.0%-18.0%
P: 7.0%-8.0%
Zn: 8.5%-10.5%
Basic component content is higher than T203; suitable for low
temperature hydraulic oil with good antioxidant and antiwear
properties, corrosion resistance and thermal stability; can also be
used for vehicle and marine engine oil
T205 Primary and secondary
alkyl zinc propyl octyl
S: 17.0%-19.0%
P: 8.5%-9.5%
Zn: 9.5%-10.8%
Can inhibit the wear and corrosion of cam-tappet, and high
temperature oxidation caused by oil viscosity increase, especially
suitable for high-grade gasoline engine oil, owing to its excellent
antioxidant properties and demulsibility
T206 Primary and secondary
alkyl zinc dithiophosphate
S: 20.0%-22.0%
P: 9.5%-10.5%
Zn: 10.3%-11.8%
Can be used for gear oil, hydraulic oil, bearing oil, guide oil and
metal processing oil with excellent antioxidant and antiwear
T207 Primary and secondary
alkyl zinc dithiophosphate
S: 14.0%-18.0%
P: 7.5%-8.8%
Zn: 8.5%-10.5%
Can be used for the medium- and high-grade gasoline engine oil
and hydraulic oil with good antiwear properties, corrosion
resistance and hydrolysis stability
2 ZDDP的摩擦化学反应机理
2.1 摩擦膜的形成过程
图3  摩擦因数和ZDDP摩擦膜厚度随滑动时间
Fig.3 Evolution of the friction coefficient and
tribofilm thickness of ZDDP over rubbing time
(three stages for tribofilm formation)[13]
2.2 摩擦膜的成分、结构与形貌
图4  ZDDP摩擦膜截面的透射电子显微镜
Fig.4 TEM image and elements distribution
of ZDDP tribofilm section[13]
ZDDP摩擦膜并不是连续分布于基体表面,而是呈独立的扁平垫状并沿滑动方向伸长,宽度2~6 μm,厚度50~150 nm[18-21],其在扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)下的形貌分别如图5—6所示。磷酸盐层较厚,其硬度为1~3 GPa,弹性模量为15~40 GPa;硫化层较薄,其硬度约为4.7 GPa,弹性模量约为90 GPa[21-23]。
图5  ZDDP摩擦膜的SEM形貌[19]
Fig.5 SEM morphology of ZDDP tribofilm[19]
ZDDP摩擦膜中的玻璃态磷酸盐是由磷酸盐四面体构成的交联网络结构,这些四面体通过共价桥氧键连接构成不同类型的磷酸盐,其长度取决于金属阳离子(Zn或Fe)与磷的含量比值[24]。几种磷酸盐的结构如图7所示,其中P—O—P为桥氧键(Bridging Oxygen, BO),—P==O和P—O—Zn为非桥氧键(Nonbridging Oxygen,NBO)。玻璃态磷酸盐的重要特性之一就是BO与NBO的比值,即BO/NBO= (n–1)/2(n+1),n代表玻璃态磷酸盐的链长。磷酸盐链长与BO/NBO比值的关系如图8所示,当n=1时,为正磷酸盐;当n=2时,为焦磷酸盐;当n>2时,为
图6  ZDDP摩擦膜的AFM形貌[20]
Fig.6 AFM morphology of ZDDP tribofilm[20]
图7  不同类型磷酸盐的结构[2]
Fig.7 Structures of different types of phosphates[2]
图8  BO/NBO比值与磷酸盐链长的关系[24]
Fig.8 Relationship between BO/NBO ratio and
the chain length of phosphate[24]
