电力系统 | power system |
大容量电力系统 | bulk power system |
电网 | power grid;power network |
火力发电厂 | thermal power plant;coal-burning power plant; fossil fuel power plant |
水电站 | hydroelectric power station |
核电站 | nuclear power plant |
抽水蓄能电站 | pumped storage power station |
变电站 | power substation |
用户变电站 | customer substation |
开关站 | switch station |
升压 | step up |
降压 | step down |
主网架 | backbone;network frame |
接入系统 | connection to the power grid |
联网 | interconnection |
特高压 | ultra-high voltage |
高压直流输电 | high-voltage direct-current transmission |
换流站 | converter station |
无穷大 | infinite |
等值电路 | equivalent circuit |
标么值 | per unit value |
实际值 | actual value |
基准值 | base value |
潮流 | power flow |
开环 | open-loop |
合环 | closed-loop |
有功 | active power |
无功 | reactive power |
电压降 | voltage drop |
载流量 | current carrying capacity |
视在功率 | complex power;apparent power |
自然功率 | natural power |
损耗 | loss |
功率因数 | power factor |
超前 | lead |
滞后 | lag |
无功补偿 | reactive power compenstaion |
感性补偿 | Inductive compensator |
容性补偿 | Capacitive compensator |
静止无功补偿 | static var compensation |
正序 | positive sequence |
负序 | negative sequence |
零序 | zero sequence |
电感 | inductance |
电容 | capacitor |
电抗 | reactance |
电阻 | resistance |
电纳 | reactive power什么意思 susceptance |
电导 | conductance |
导纳 | admittance |
阻抗 | impedance |
正弦稳态 | sinusoidal steady state |
暂态 | transient state |
次暂态 | subtransient state |
绕组 | winding |
抽头 | tap |
有载 | on-load |
无载 | off-load |
中性点 | netural |
电压比 | voltage ratio |
容量比 | capacity ratio |
过电压 | overvoltage ; surge |
负荷中心 | load center |
峰荷 | peak load |
基荷 | base load |
居民负荷 | residential load |
商业负荷 | commercialload |
甩负荷 | load shedding |
过载;过负荷 | overload |
负荷特性 | load characteristics |
负荷曲线 | load curve |
负荷率 | load factor |
发电 | power generation |
输电 | power transmission |
配电 | power distribution |
用电 | power utilization |
用电量 | power consumption |
停电 | blackout |
电力系统稳定 | power system stability |
功角稳定 | angle stability |
电压稳定 | voltage stability |
扰动 | disturbance |
同步 | synchronism |
不稳定 | instability |
可靠性 | reliability |
收敛 | converge |
定子 | stator |
转子 | rotor |
励磁系统 | excitation system |
空载 | no-load |
惯量 | inertia |
三相对称故障 | balanced three phase fault |
单相接地故障 | single line to ground fault |
短路 | short-circuit |
开路 | open-circuit |
接地 | grounding |
临界的 | critical |
平衡 | equilibrium |
感应电动机 | induction motor |
振荡 | oscillation |