AC relay | 交流继电器 | |
Abnormal information | 异常信息 | |
abnormal load | 不规则负荷 | |
absorption capacitor | 吸收电容器 | |
active load | 有功负荷 | |
active loss | 有功损耗 | |
active power | 有功 | |
active power balance | 有功电力平衡 | |
Adaptive control | 自适应控制 | |
Air conditioning loads | 空调负荷 | |
Alert state | 警戒状态 | |
alternating current | 交流 | |
alternating current commentator motor | 交流换向器电动机 | |
alternating field | 交变场 | |
Analytical solution | 解析法 | |
angle stability | 功角稳定 | |
Angular velocity | 角频率 | |
asynchronous | 异步的 | |
Asynchronous Motor | 异步电机 | |
Asynchronous operation of a synchronous machine | 同步电机异步运行 | |
ABC | Automatic bias compensation | 自动偏压补偿 |
automatic field-suppressing | 自动灭磁 | |
Automatic generator control | 自动发电控制 | |
Automatic supervision function | 自检功能 | |
Automatic voltage regulator | 自动电压调节器 | |
recloser | 自动重合闸 | |
Available transfer capability | 可传输能力 | |
Backbone | 主网架 | |
Backup protection | 后备保护 | |
Base load set | 基本负荷机组 | |
basic theory of circuitry | 电路基本理论 | |
blackout | 停电 | |
Brittle, fragile | 脆弱 | |
Bulk power system | 大型电力系统 | |
bulk transmission system | 大容量输电系统 | |
Bundled conductor | 分裂导线 | |
bus bar | 母线 | |
Cable | 电缆 | |
Capability curves | 运行极限图 | |
cascading failure | 连锁故障 | |
condenser | 调相机 | |
Conditional stability of a power system | 电力系统条件稳定性 | |
Constant active power load | 恒功率负荷 | |
Constant energy loads | 恒能量负荷 | |
Contingency screening and ranking | 事故筛选与排序 | |
continuous current generator | 直流发电机 | |
conversion equipment | 换流设备 | |
Converter | 整流器 | |
copper loss | 铜耗 | |
Corona | 电晕 | |
critical clearing time | 极限切除时间 | |
Critical voltage | 临界电压 | |
curve fitting | 曲线拟合 | |
Customer power | 定制电力 | |
daily load curves | 日负荷曲线 | |
damping | 阻尼 | |
DC converter | 直流换流器 | |
degree of compensation | 补偿度 | |
destabilizing perturbation | 不稳定扰动 | |
digital sampling control | 数字采样控制 | |
DC | Direct current | 直流 |
direct current transmission | 直流输电 | |
Distribution network | 配电网 | |
Distribution voltage regulator | 配电电压调整 | |
Disturbance | 扰动 | |
Dynamic analysis method | 动态分析方法 | |
dynamic reactive power compensation | 动态无功补偿 | |
Dynamic simulation | 动态仿真 | |
dynamic stability | 动态稳定 | |
reactive power什么意思DVR | Dynamic voltage restorer | 动态电压恢复器 |
earth fault | 接地故障 | |
Economic loading schedule | 经济承载计划 | |
Effective short circuit ratio | 有效短路比 | |
electric apparatus | 电气设备,电气装置,;电机;电器 | |
electric drive | 电力传动 | |
electrical braking | 电气制动 | |
Electrical islanding | 电器孤岛 | |
electronic commutation | 电子换向,电子整流 | |
emergency state | 紧急状态 | |
EMS | energy management system | 能量管理系统 |
Epoch angle | 初相角 | |
equal incremental cost rule | 等微增率准则 | |
equal-area criterion | 等面积定则 | |
Equilibrium | 平衡 | |
Equilibrium point | 平衡点 | |
equivalent circuit | 等值电路 | |
equivalent network | 等值电网 | |
excitation | 励磁 | |
excitation control | 励磁控制 | |
Fast fault clearing | 快速故障切除装置 | |
Fault clearance time | 故障清除时间 | |
Fault location | 故障定位 | |
Ferror-resonance | 铁磁谐振 | |
field regulator | 励磁调节器 | |
Filter | 滤波器 | |
fixed series capacitor compensation | 固定串联电容补偿 | |
flexibility | 灵活性 | |
FACTS | Flexible AC transmission system | 柔性交流输电 |
Frequency drift | 频率漂移 | |
frequency response characteristics | 频率特性 | |
Fundamental frequency temporary voltage | 基频短时过电压 | |
fuzzy identification | 模糊识别 | |
generation capacity | 装机容量 | |
generation mix | 多能源发电 | |
Generation schedule | 发电计划 | |
Generation shedding | 切机 | |
Generator capability curve | 发电机运行极限图 | |
Generator Q-V curve | 发电机Q-V曲线 | |
generator terminal | 机端 | |
generator tripping | 切机 | |
Governor power flow | 调速器潮流 | |
harmonic | 谐波 | |
harmonic distortion | 谐波畸变 | |
High pass filter | 高通滤波器 | |
High performance excitation system | 高性能励磁系统 | |
high voltage shunt reactor | 高抗 | |
High-side voltage control | 高压侧电压控制 | |
Hunting of interconnected synchronous machines | 并联同步电机振荡 | |
hydro generation | 水力发电厂 | |
Induction motor | 感应电动机 | |
Inherent stability of a power system | 电力系统固有稳定性 | |
Initial mechanical power | 初始机械转矩 | |
In-phase (voltage)control | 纵向电压调节 | |
instability criterion | 不稳定性判据 | |
installed capacity | 装机容量 | |
Insulation fault | 绝缘故障 | |
intangible depreciation | 无形损耗 | |
integrated system | 综合系统 | |
interconnected systems | 互联系统 | |
internal combustion | 内燃机 | |
Interrupt | 开断 | |
Inverter | 逆变站 | |
Inverter control | 逆变器控制 | |
iron loss | 铁耗 | |
isolator | 刀闸(隔离开关) | |
LDC | LDC(line drop compensation) | 线路补偿器 |
Line Commutation | 电网换流 | |
Line drop compensation | 线路压降补偿 | |
Load characteristic | 负荷特性 | |
load curve | 负荷曲线 | |
load disconnection | 切负荷 | |
Load diversity | 负荷不同时性 | |
Load dynamics | 负荷动态 | |
Load factor | 负荷率 | |
load forecasting | 负荷预测 | |
Load patterns | 负荷形式 | |
Load rejection | 甩负荷 | |
load reserve | 负荷备用 | |
load saturation curve | 负载饱和曲线 | |
Load shedding | 切负荷 | |
LTC | Load tap changing | 有载调压 |
Load testing | 负荷测试 | |
Load-ability curve | 负荷能力曲线 | |
load-frequency and load-voltage characteristics | 负荷特性 | |
Loss of synchronism | 同步失稳 | |
low frequency oscillation | 低频振荡 | |
low water condition year | 枯水年 | |
lower limit | 下限 | |
Magnetic and electric field | 电磁场 | |
magnetizing current | 励磁电流 | |
Management forecast of a system | 电力系统预测负荷 | |
Mature power system | 饱和电力系统 | |
mean absolute deviation | 平均绝对偏差 | |
measurement of phase sequence and phase angle | 相序和相位测量 | |
mechanical stability against short circuit | 动稳定性 | |
MSC | Mechanically switched capacitors | 机械投切电容器 |
Mid-term stability | 中期电压稳定 | |
Modal analysis | 模型分析 | |
modulator | 调制器 | |
Negative (sequence) component | 负序分量 | |
negative damping | 负阻尼 | |
negative sequence impedance | 负序阻抗 | |
feeder | 馈电线 | |
Network maximum power transfer | 网络最大传输能力 | |
network optimization | 电网优化 | |
Neutral | 中性点 | |
Nodal admittance matrix | 节点导纳矩阵 | |
no-load current | 空载电流 | |
nonlinear control | 非线性控制 | |
nonlinear model | 非线性模型 | |
one machine - infinity bus system | 单机无穷大系统 | |
Online security assessment | 在线安全估计 | |
OLTC | On-load tap changing | 有载调压 |
Operating point | 运行点 | |
optical operation collapse prevention | 灾变防治 | |
optimal control | 最优控制 | |
optimal power flow | 最优潮流 | |
ORF | optimal reactive power | 无功优化 |
optimization of reactive power distribution | 无功功率最优分布 | |
Optimum load | 经济负荷 | |
Optimum power flower | 有功潮流优化 | |
oscillation | 振荡 | |
Oscillatory instability | 振荡不稳定 | |
Oscillatory voltage instability | 振荡性电压失稳 | |
outage | 断电 | |
Outage state | 停运状态 | |
Out-of-step operation | 失步运行 | |
Over-excitation limiter | 过励磁限制器 | |
Overload capacity | 过载能力 | |
Over-voltage | 过电压 | |
parallel AC/DC | 交直流并联 | |
Past Voltage within Power system | 电力系统内部过电压 | |
Per Unit | 标幺值 | |
Per unit system | 标幺制系统 | |
perturbation theory | 小扰动理论 | |
Positive (sequence) component | 正序分量 | |
positive sequence impedance | 正序阻抗 | |
Post-disturbance stability | 扰动后电压稳定 | |
Post-transient stability | 暂态后电压稳定 | |
Potential | 电位 | |
potential distribution | 电位分布 | |
Power circle diagram | 功率圆 | |
Power factor | 功率因数 | |
Power flow simulation | 潮流仿真 | |
power frequency voltage | 工频电压 | |
Power instability | 功率不稳定性 | |
power line/over head | 功率损线 | |
power plant | 发电厂 | |
Power quality | 电能质量 | |
Power shortfall | 电力短缺 | |
Power system abnormality | 电力系统异常 | |
Power system fault | 电力系统故障 | |
Power system management | 电力系统管理 | |
Power system planning | 电力系统规划 | |
Power system stability | 电力系统稳定性 | |
Power transmission line | 输电线 | |
power(load) flow | 电力潮流 | |
power-angle | 功角 | |
power-factor | 功率因数 | |
Power-regulation coefficient of load | 负荷的功率调节系数 | |
primary power-system | 一次系统 | |
pulse | 脉动 | |
Power quality | 电能质量 | |
quick action | 速动,快动,快作用 | |
quick action valve | 速动阀,快动阀门 | |
Radial operation | 辐射运行 | |
Radial system | 辐射型系统 | |
reactive compensation equipment | 无功补偿装置 | |
reactive component | 无功分量 | |
reactive load | 无功负荷 | |
reactive loss | 有功损耗 | |
reactive power | 无功 | |
reactive power absorption | 无功功率吸收 | |
reactive power compensation | 无功补偿 | |
reactive power dispatch | 无功调度 | |
reactive power distribution | 无功分布 | |
reactive power flow | 无功潮流 | |
Reactive power margin | 无功功率裕度 | |
reactive power source | 无功电源 | |
reactive-load compensation equipment | 无功补偿设备 | |
reactor | 电抗器 | |
receiving system | 接收系统 | |
Rectifier | 整流站 | |
Redundant equipment | 冗余 | |
Region of attraction | 吸引域 | |
reinforced excitation | 强行励磁 | |
Reinforcement of a system | 电力系统改造 | |
relay failure disoperation | 误动作 | |
reliability | 可靠性 | |
Reliability criteria | 可靠性准则 | |
reliability evaluation | 可靠性评估 | |
reliability of transmission system | 输电系统可靠性 | |
remote kilowatt-hour-meter reading | 远方自动抄表 | |
retarding/synchronizing torque | 阻滞转矩/同步转矩 | |
robust | 鲁棒性 | |
Rotor | 转子 | |
Rotor angle stability | 功角稳定性 | |
rotor coil | 转子线圈 | |
Schematic | 示意图 | |
secondary power-system | 二次系统 | |
security monitoring | 安全监视 | |
Self-(or mutual) induction | 自(互)感 | |
Self-synchronization | 自同步 | |
series capacitor | 串联电容器 | |
series compensation | 串联补偿 | |
Severe voltage dip | 电压跌落严重 | |
Short circuit capacity | 短路容量 | |
Short circuit ratio | 短路比 | |
SC | shunt capacitor | 并联电容器 |
shunt commutator motor | 并励换向器式电动机 | |
shunt reactor | 并联电抗器 | |
simulation analysis | 仿真分析 | |
Skin effect | 集肤效应 | |
Slip | 转差 | |
stability | 稳定性 | |
Stability limit of a system state variable | 系统状态变量稳定极限 | |
Stability margin of a system state variable | 系统状态变量稳定裕度 | |
Stability zone | 稳定区 | |
Stall-prone motor | 堵转电机 | |
State estimation | 状态估计 | |
State transition diagram | 状态转移图 | |
Static models | 稳态模型 | |
SVC | static var compensator | 静止无功补偿器,静止无功补偿装置 |
SVG | static var generator | 静止无功发生器 |
Static voltage stability analysis | 静态电压稳定分析方法 | |
Stator | 定子 | |
steady short-circuit current | 稳态短路电流 | |
steady state operation | 稳态运行 | |
steady-state analysis | 稳态分析 | |
steady-state analysis of power system | 电力系统稳态分析 | |
Steady-state load characteristic | 静态负荷特性 | |
steady-state stability | 静态稳定 | |
Steady-state stability of a power system | 电力系统静态稳定性 | |
stochastic modeling | 随机模型(统计建模) | |
Sub synchronous resonance | 次同步谐振 | |
substation | 变电站 | |
Sufficient resilience | 足够的恢复能力 | |
SCADA | Supervisory control and data acquisition system | 监视控制和数据收集系统 |
Supply-interruption costs | 停电费用 | |
Surge impedance | 波阻抗 | |
surge impedance loading | 冲击阻抗 | |
Surge voltage | 冲击电压 | |
swing | 摇摆 | |
Swing curve | 摇摆曲线 | |
switching station with single bus | 单母线配电站 | |
Switchyard | 开关站 | |
Synchronism restoration | 再同步 | |
synchronize | 同步 | |
Synchronous condenser | 同步调相机 | |
Synchronous operation of a machine | 电机同步运行 | |
Synchronous time | 同步时间 | |
SPC | System protection centre | 系统保护中心 |
System black start generator | 系统黑启动发电机 | |
System demand control | 系统需量控制 | |
SPT | System protection terminals | 系统保护终端 |
System reliability | 系统可靠性 | |
System robustness | 系统的鲁棒性 | |
tap | 分接头 | |
Tap changer instability | 分接头不稳定性 | |
Terminal voltage | 端电压 | |
The time-overload limit of transmission lines | 输电线路过载时间限制 | |
Thermal capacity | 热容量 | |
Thermal limit | 热极限 | |
Thermostatically-controlled heating loads | 温控加热负荷 | |
threefold line of defense | 三道防线 | |
three-phase fault | 三相故障 | |
three-phase ungrounded fault | 三相非接地短路故障 | |
Time frame | 时间框架 | |
Tolerance | 容差 | |
topological structure | 拓扑结构 | |
Torque-slip curve | 转矩-转差曲线 | |
Transfer limits | 传输极限 | |
transformer amplifier | 变压器耦合放大器 | |
Transient angle instability | 瞬时功角失稳 | |
Transient load characteristic | 暂态负荷特性 | |
transient overreach | 暂态超越 | |
Transient rotor angle stability | 暂态功角稳定 | |
transient stability | 暂态稳定 | |
Transient voltage stability | 暂态电压稳定 | |
transient-state analysis of power system | 电力系统暂态分析 | |
transmission and distribution energy losses | 线损 | |
Transmission grid | 输电网 | |
transmission line | 输电线 | |
Transmission losses | 输电损耗 | |
transmission network | 输电网 | |
trigger amplifier | 触发放大器 | |
turbine generation | 汽轮发电厂 | |
two-step earth-fault protection | 二级接地保护 | |
ULTC blocking | ULTC闭锁 | |
ULTC | under load tap changer | 有载调压变压器 |
Under-frequency load shedding | 低频减载 | |
Under-voltage load shedding | 低压减载 | |
unit commitment | 开停机计划 | |
UPFC | United power flow controller | 联合潮流控制器 |
unstable equilibrium point | 不稳定平衡点 | |
unstable oscillation | 不稳定运行 | |
unsymmetrical short-circuit | 不对称短路 | |
upper limit | 上限 | |
urgency control system | 紧急控制系统 | |
Utilization time of power losses | 最大功率损耗等值时间 | |
v-curve | V形曲线 | |
vibration absorber | 减振器,消振器,振动吸收器 | |
voltage collapse | 电压崩溃 | |
VCPI | Voltage Collapse Proximity Indicator | 电压崩溃邻近指标 |
Voltage control | 电压控制 | |
Voltage control area | 电压控制区域 | |
voltage curve | 电压曲线 | |
Voltage fluctuation | 电压波动 | |
voltage grade | 电压等级 | |
Voltage instability mechanisms | 电压失稳机理 | |
voltage profile | 电压分布 | |
Voltage reduction | 电压降低 | |
voltage regulation | 电压调整 | |
Voltage security | 电压安全 | |
Voltage sensitive load | 电压灵敏性负荷 | |
Voltage sensitivity | 电压灵敏性 | |
Voltage stability | 电压稳定 | |
Voltage stability factor | 电压稳定因子 | |
Voltage stability limit | 电压稳定极限 | |
Voltage stability margin | 电压稳定裕度 | |
voltage stresses | 电压强度 | |
Voltage-weak point | 弱电压节点 | |
V-Q curves | V-Q曲线 | |
vulnerability | 脆弱性 | |
Weather sensitive loads | 对天气变化灵敏的负荷 | |
WAPS | Wide Area Protection System | 广域保护系统 |
wireless radio-controlled | 无线控制 | |
zero (sequence) component | 零序分量 | |
zero sequence reactance | 零序电抗 | |
abnormal overload | 异常过载,事故过载 | |
active power | 有功功率 | |
ampere-hour efficiency | 充电效率 | |
aperiodic damping | 非周期阻尼 | |
arithmetic circuitry | 运算电路 | |
capacitive voltage transformer | 电容式电压互感器 | |
closed electric circuit | 闭合电路 | |
de-energizing circuit | 去激电路,去励磁电路 | |
distribution network | 配电网 | |
earthing arrangement | 接地系统 | |
electrical phase angle | 电相(位)角 | |
electronic transducer | 电子式互感器 | |
end pressure | 端部压力 | |
energy conversion factor | 能量转换系数 | |
equivalent admittance | 等效导纳 | |
equivalent generator | 等效发电机 | |
equivalent parameter | 等效参数,等值参数 | |
equivalent reactance | 等效电抗,等值电抗 | |
equivalent resistance | 等效电阻,等值电阻 | |
excitation characteristic | 励磁特性 | |
extended uncertainty | 扩展不确定度 | |
faulty line selection | 故障选线 | |
Ferro resonance | 铁磁谐振 | |
field inspection | 现场检验 | |
fully energized | 全激励,满励磁 | |
fundamental frequency | 基本频率,基频 | |
high tension lead | 高压引线 | |
insulation | 绝缘 | |
interrupt mode | 中断模式 | |
inverter | 逆变器 | |
Laplace's transformation | 拉普拉斯变换,拉氏变换 | |
leakage magnetic flux | 漏磁通 | |
load of normal running | 正常运行负荷 | |
measuring apparatus | 测量装置 | |
mechanical strength | 机械强度 | |
monitoring apparatus | 监控装置 | |
negative feedback amplifier | 负反馈放大器 | |
neutral | 中性点 | |
neutral lead | 中性点引出线 | |
nodal admittance matrix | 节点导纳矩阵 | |
open-circuit characteristic | 开路特性,空载特性 | |
optimal allocation | 最佳分配,最优配置 | |
optimal design | 优化设计 | |
output end | 输出端 | |
phase-frequency | 相频 | |
physics distributing | 物理分布 | |
polarity check | 极性检测 | |
potential transformer | 电压互感器 | |
power factor | 功率因数 | |
power rush | 功率冲击,功率骤增 | |
practical capacity | 实际容量 | |
proportional gain | 比例增益 | |
reactance amplifier | 电抗耦合放大器 | |
reactive power absorption | 无功功率吸收 | |
reactive power compensation | 无功补偿 | |
realistic model | 仿真模型 | |
resonance characteristic | 谐振特征 | |
rotor winding | 转子绕组,转子线圈 | |
running load | 运行负载 | |
rupturing current | 切断电流 | |
safety impedance | 安全阻抗 | |
sampling function | 采样函数 | |
sampling period | 采样周期 | |
scheduling algorithm | 调度算法 | |
secondary wiring mode | 二次接线方式 | |
shielding windings | 屏蔽绕组 | |
single-phase rotor | 单相转子 | |
the stability and reliability | 稳定性和可靠性 | |
three phase current transformers | 三相电流互感器 | |
time to chipping | 截断时间 | |
track-and-hold amplifier | 跟踪保持式放大器 | |
transfer admittance | 转移导纳 | |
transformer amplifier | 变压器耦合放大器 | |
transient signal | 暂态信号 | |
transistor amplifier | 晶体管放大器 | |
voltage feedback amplifier | 电压反馈放大器 | |
wave analyzer | 波形分析器 | |
wavelet transform | 小波变换 | |