    Redisson is a Redis Java client for handling distributed and reactive applications. It provides a comprehensive and feature-rich API for interacting with Redis, making it easier to develop high-performance and scalable applications.
    Under the hood, Redisson leverages various design patterns and techniques to achieve its high performance and reliability. These include:
    Connection Pooling.
    Redisson uses a connection pool to manage connections to Redis servers. This pool is responsible for creating and maintaining a set of connections, which are then leased out to clients when needed.
    Redisson is fully multi-threaded, allowing multiple clients to concurrently access and modify data in Redis. This is achieved through the use of thread-safe data structures and synchronization mechanisms.
    Reactive Programming.
    Redisson supports reactive programming, which enables developers to write non-blocking code that can handle asynchronous events and data streams. Redisson provides a set of reactive APIs that allow developers to leverage the power of reactive programming in their applications.
    Data Structures.reactive power什么意思
    Redisson provides a comprehensive set of data structures, including:
    Redisson provides a distributed and concurrent implementation of the Map data structur
e. This map is backed by Redis and supports a wide range of operations, including put, get, remove, and iteration.
    Redisson provides a distributed and concurrent implementation of the Set data structure. This set is backed by Redis and supports a wide range of operations, including add, remove, contains, and intersection.
    Redisson provides a distributed and concurrent implementation of the List data structure. This list is backed by Redis and supports a wide range of operations, including add, remove, get, and iteration.
    Redisson provides a distributed and concurrent implementation of the Queue data struct
ure. This queue is backed by Redis and supports a wide range of operations, including enqueue, dequeue, and peek.
    Redisson provides a distributed and concurrent implementation of the AtomicLong data structure. This class allows multiple clients to atomically increment or decrement a long value.
    Redisson provides a variety of lock types, including reentrant locks, read-write locks, and fair locks. These locks are backed by Redis and support a wide range of locking mechanisms.
