Product Name: SHINITE ®PBT E202G# (#: 5~40% glass content)
Revision Number:    4.1
Version Date: 2/10/2020
Page:1/3 1.Chemical, Product and Company Identification
SHINITE ®PBT E202G# (#: 5~40% glass content) COMPANY
2.Hazards Identification
Hazardous Decomposition Products :
Processing fumes evolved at recommended processing conditions contain trace levels of THF ( tetrahydrofuran ) and may also contain trace levels of hydrogen bromide.
3.Composition/ Information on Ingredients
Chemical Characterization :
Polybutylene Terephthalate ( PBT ) (CAS# 26062-94-2)
ISO 1043-4 Code number for Flame retardants: FR(17)
Glass Fiber ( CAS# 65997-17-3 ).
4.First Aid Measures
If molten polymer contacts the skin or eyes, cool rapidly with cold water. DO NOT use solvent for removal.
DO NOT attempt to remove the polymer from the skin!
Obtain IMMEDIATE medical attention.
5.Fire Fighting Measures
Suitable - water spray and foam. Water is the best.
Approved pressure demand breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be used for all fires.
6.Accidental release measuresreactive substance
Sweep up and dispose in proper containers to prevent slipping hazards.
Product Name: SHINITE ®PBT E202G# (#: 5~40% glass content)
Revision Number:    4.1
Version Date: 2/10/2020
Page:2/3 7.Handling and storage
Handling :
Follow recommendations in processing guide. Prevent contact with skin and eyes. Provide adequate ventilation in molding work.
Storage :
Store in a cool and dry place. Keep containers tightly closed to prevent moisture absorption and contamination
8.Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection
Industrial Hygiene :
A continuous supply of fresh air to the workplace together with removal of processing fumes through exhaust systems is recommended.
Personal Protective Equipment :
Respiratory protection - dust mask
Eye protection - safety glasses
Hand protection - thermal protective gloves should be worn around molten plastic
9.Physical and chemical properties
Melting Point ( ℃) : 225℃
Density @ 25℃:    1.35 – 1.75 g/cm3ASTM    D 1505
Form : Granules
Color : All Color
Odor : None
Vapor Pressure : Not applicable
Solubility in Water : Insoluble
Ignition Temperature ( ℃) : 450℃, estimated
10.Stability and Reactivity
Stability : Stable under recommended conditions of storage and handling.
Reactivity : Not reactive under recommended conditions of storage, handling, processing and use.
Thermal Decomposition : None under 400℃
Explosion : Not sensitive to impact and static discharge.
Product Name: SHINITE ®PBT E202G# (#: 5~40% glass content)
Revision Number:    4.1
Version Date: 2/10/2020
Page:3/3 11.Toxicological information
Product not considered primary eye and skin irritant.
12.Ecological information
We recommend this material be disposed of by properly scrubbed incineration or recycling
Not expected to present any significant ecological problems.
13.Disposal considerations
Product is not a RCRA hazardous waste. Recycling is encouraged. Dispose of using good manufacturing practices under local regulations for your area.
14.Transport information
ICAO/IATA-DGR : Not Regulated RID/ADR : UN No. : None GGVE/GGVS : ADNR :
DOT Hazard Class : Not Regulated
Proper Shipping Name : Not Regulated
Identification Number : Not Listed
TDGA : Not Listed
15.Regulatory Information
TSCA Status : This product complies with Chemical Substance Inventory requirements of the US EPA Toxic Substances Control Act ( TSCA ).
WHMIS Classification : Not a controlled product.
16.Other information
SHINITE is a registered trademark of the SHINKONG SYNTHETIC FIBERS CO.
