Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce
1.Answer the following questions
L business-to-consumer, business-to-business, business processes, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-government
2.A business model is a set of processes that combine to achieve a company's goal, which is to yield a profit.
3.A revenue model is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers.
4.books and CDs, etc.
5.Transaction costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather infonnation and negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction.
6.As more people or organizations participate in a network, the value of the network to each participant increases. This increase in value is called a network effect.
7.The key issues that any company faces when it conducts international commerce include trust and culture, language, infrastructure, international law and currency.
8.Localization means a translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in addition to local dialect variations in the language
II.Fill in the blanks in each of the following
1.Internet pure dot-com
5.electronic traditional
6.vertical integration.
7.information coordination
8.value chain
Chapter 3 E-Business Models
I.a) True b) False. This is the concept of a true auction. c) False A reserve price is the lowest price a
seller will accept in an auction d) True e) False. The name-your price model allows customers to get Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce 115
a lower price by clearing the price with a number of vendors This does not involve an auction. f) False. Brick-and-mortar business are offline businesses This term is often associated with companies who have both and online and offline presence g) False. Web-based training is currently
used by organizations around the world, h) True i) True j) True
II.a) Brick-and-mortar b) Demand sensitive pricing model c) shopping cart d) auction e) vertical, horizontal f) community g) reverse auctions h) B2B exchanges i) online trading j) comparison shopping
III.Categorize each of the following items as it best relates to the storefront model, the auction model or the dynamic pricing models:
a)Auction model    b) Auction model c) Storefront model
d) Storefront model    e) Dynamic pricing f) Dynamic pricing
Chapter 4 B2B E-Commerce
I.Write an Abstract of this paper in about 100 words.
Abstract- Just as the industrial revolution mechanized the manufacturing functions of firms, the infonnation
revolution is automating their merchant functions. Four types of potential productivity gains are expected from
business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce: cost efficiencies from automation of transactions, potential
advantages of new market intermediaries, consolidation of demand and supply through organized exchanges, and
changes in the extent of vertical integration of firms. The article examines the characteristics of B2B online
intermediaries, including categories of goods traded, market mechanisms employed, and ownership arrangements,
and considers the market structure of B2B e-commerce.
II.Answer the following questions
1.The popular phrase B2B e-commerce refers to the substitution of computer data processing and Internet communications for labor sendees in the production of economic transactions.
2.Expectations about productivity gains from B2B e-commerce can be usefully divided into four areas: possible efficiencies from automation of transactions, potential economic advantages of new market intermediaries, consolidation of demand and supply through organized exchanges, and chcinges in the extent of vertical integration of companies.
3.Intermediaries can reduce transaction costs relative to direct exchange, by reducing the costs of search, certifying product quality, mitigating communication costs, and providing guarantees for buyer or seller commitments
4.E-commerce intermediaries can be classified into four main categories: brokers, auctione
ers, dealers, and exchanges. 116电子商务专业英语(第二版)
III.State whether the following are True or False?
l.T 2.T    3.F    4.T    5.T
Chapter 5 Electronic Payment Systems
I.Answer the following questions
1.List five parties may be involved in the e-payment method
They are:
a)Customer/payer/buyer. The party making the e-payment in exchange for goods or services
b)Merchant/payee/seller. The party receiving the e-payment in exchange for goods and ser
c)IssueThe banks or nonbanking institutions that issue the e-payment instrument
