Based on PLC 10 KV dynamic reactive compensation control system(SVG)
本文介绍的无功补偿装置整个系统利用PLC技术、IGBT技术、链式逆变器技术等来完成。功率单元采用链式结构, 多个两电平H 桥电路串联起来, 以达到电压叠加的目的。在10KV 系统应用时, 每相连接多个两电平逆变器模块。SVG由连接电抗器、逆变器组成, 每相电路通过IGBT 变流模块级联, 经过连接电抗器直接接入10KV 电网。SVG 首先通过充电电阻对直流侧电容充电至预定值, 之后充电接触器闭合以短接充电电阻, 充电过程结束, 补偿装置并入电网开始工作;并网一段时后, 将固定电容器投入, 主控制器根据母线侧电压、电流信号计算得出需补偿的无功电流, 并生成逆变器所需的IGBT 驱动信号, 控制逆变器产生与无功电流幅值相等、相位相反的补偿电流, 从而实现补偿无功的目的。
In recent years, along with the power electronic technology development, the nonlinear load balance and the impact that the reactive power loss increases, and the power of reactive power transmission will lead to network loss and step-down voltage, large Numbers of reactive power in the transmission grid to greatly reduce the energy utilization rate and the serious influence the quality of power supply. So in the power of reactive power compensation devices become meet the demand of the reactive power necessary means.
This paper introduces the whole system of reactive power compensation equipment use PLC technology, IGBT inverter technology, chain technology to complete. Power units used by the chain structure, multiple two level H bridge circuit series up, in order to achieve the purpose of voltage stack. In the 10 KV system application, each phase two level inverter connect to several modules. SVG by connection reactor, inverter components, each phase by IGBT module circuit converter cascade, after connection reactor connected directly 10 KV power grid. SVG first by charging resistance on dc side capacitance charges to a preset value after charging contactor closed with the short by charging resistance, charging process over, compensation device connection with power grid began to work; When a grid, will be fixed capacitors investment, according to the main controller busbar voltage, curre
nt signal to the compensation calculated.
Key words:reactive compensation;PLC;SVG;capacitance
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1 课题研究的背景 (1)
1.2 无功补偿研究及发展趋势 (1)
1.3 本文主要研究内容 (3)
1.4 用PLC实现的投切电路结构及原理 (4)
第二章电网参数测量算法与无功补偿研究 (5)
2.1 概述 (5)
2.2 电网参数测量算法研究 (5)
2.3 无功补偿原理 (6)
2.4 无功补偿控制量的选择 (9)
第三章系统硬件设计 (12)
3.1 电子式无功功率自动补偿控制器 (12)
3.1.1 检测功率因素值的检测单元 (12)
3.1.2 无功功率单元与电平比较单元 (14)
3.1.3 投切控制部分 (14)
3.1.4 过压保护部分 (14)
3.1.5 存在的主要问题 (14)
3.2 PLC选型及模拟量扩展模块的选择设计 (14)
3.3自动投切程序设计 (19)
3.3.1 实时自动投切流程 (19)
3.3.2 手动投切自动流程 (19)
3.3.3 自动切换程序流程 (20)
3.4 投切方式的选择原则 (21)
第四章系统软件设计 (22)
4.1 系统软件综述 (22)
4.2 信号采集模块 (24)
4.3 显示处理模块 (24)
4.4 保护模块 (26)
第五章实验与总结 (27)
5.1 实验原理 (27)
5.2 主要功能 (27)
5.3 应用领域 (28)
5.4 SVG技术优势 (30)