2.9.38. 筛分法评估颗粒度大小分布(17)
Sieving is one of the oldest methods of classifying powders and granules by particle-size distribution. When using a woven sieve cloth, the sieving will essentially sort the particles by their intermediate size dimension (i.e. breadth or width). Mechanical sieving is most suitable where the majority of the particles are larger than about 75 µm. For smaller particles, their light weight provides insufficient force during sieving to overcome the surface forces of cohesion and adhesion that cause the particles to stick to each other and to the sieve, and thus cause particles that would be expected to pass through the sieve to be retained. For such materials other means of agitation such as air-jet sieving or sonic-sifter sieving may be more appropriate. Nevertheless, sieving can sometimes be used for some powders or granules having median particle sizes smaller than 75 µm where the method can be validated. In pharmaceutical terms, sieving is usually the method of choice for classification of the coarser grades of single powders or granules. It is a particularly attractive method in that powders and granules are classified only on the basis of particle size, and in most cases the analysis can be carried out in the dry state.
估计,因为是否能通过筛孔,通常更多地取决于最大宽度和厚度,而非长度。Among the limitations of the sieving method are the need for an appreciable amount of sample (normally at least 25 g, depending on the density of the powder or granule, and the diameter of the test sieves) and the difficulty in sieving oily or other cohesive powders or granules that tend to clog the sieve openings. The method is essentially a two-dimensional estimate of size because passage through the sieve aperture is frequently more dependent on maximum width and thickness than on length.
This method is intended for estimation of the total particle-size distribution of a
single material. It is not intended for determination of the proportion of particles passing or retained on 1 or 2 sieves.
按照干筛法中所述对颗粒度大小分布进行估计,除非个论中另有规定。可能遇到的困难是在过筛临近终点时(如材料不容易通过筛子),或当需要使用筛分范围(小于75µm)中偏细的筛子时,使用替代粒度分级方法时必须慎重。Estimate the particle-size distribution as described under Dry sieving method,
unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. Where difficulty is experienced in reaching the endpoint (i.e. material does not readily pass through the sieves) or when it is necessary to use the finer end of the sieving range (below 75 µm), serious consideration must be given to the use of an alternative particle-sizing method.
Sieving is carried out under conditions that do not cause the test sample to gain or lose moisture. The relative humidity of the environment in which the sieving is carried out must be controlled to prevent moisture uptake or loss by the sample. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, analytical test sieving is normally carried out at ambient humidity. Any special conditions that apply to a particular material must be detailed in the individual monograph.
的质量就可以准确确定。这个测试方法可得出粉末在每个筛子孔径范围内的质量百分比。Principles of analytical sieving. Analytical test sieves are constructed from a woven-wire mesh, which is of simple weave that is assumed to give nearly square apertures and is joined to the base of an open cylindrical container. The basic analytical method involves stacking the sieves on top of one another in ascending degrees of coarseness, and then placing the test powder on the top sieve. The nest of sieves is subjected to a standardised period of agitation, and then the mass of material retained on each sieve is accurately determined. The test gives the mass percentage of powder in each sieve size range.
This sieving process for estimating the particle-size distribution of a single pharmaceutical powder is generally intended for use where at least 80 per cent of the particles are larger than 75 µm. The size parameter involved in determining particle-size distribution by analytical sieving is the length of the side of the minimum
square aperture through which the particle will pass.
适合药典测试的试验筛应符合ISO3310-1:试验筛-技术要求和检测- 第1部分:金属丝编织网试验筛(见表2.9.38.-1)现行版的要求。除非个论中另有规定,应使用表2.9.38.-1中列出的ISO筛主要尺寸,在个别地区推荐使用这些尺寸。Test sieves suitable for pharmacopoeial tests conform to the current edition of ISO 3310-1: Test sieves-Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth (see Table 2.9.38.-1). Unless otherwise specified in the monograph, use those ISO sieves listed as principal sizes in Table 2.9.38.-1 that are recommended in the particular region.
表  2.9.38.-1
Sieves are selected to cover the entire range of particle sizes present in the test
sample. A nest of sieves having a progression of the area of the sieve openings is recommended. The nest of sieves is assembled with the coarsest screen at the top and the finest at the bottom. Use micrometres or millimetres in denoting test sieve openings.
Test sieves are made from stainless steel or, less preferably, from brass or another suitable non-reactive wire.
的变化。或者,可采用尺寸范围212-850µm的标准玻璃球对筛孔开口进行有效性评估。除非在个论中另有规定,筛分检测必须在受控的室温和周围环境中的相对湿度条件下进行。Calibration and recalibration of test sieves is in accordance with the current edition of ISO 3310-1. Sieves are carefully examined for gross distortions and fractures, especially at their screen frame joints, before use. Sieves may be calibrated optically to estimate the average opening size, and opening variability, of the sieve mesh. Alternatively, for the evaluation of the effective opening of test sieves in the size range of 212-850 µm, standard glass spheres are available. Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, perform the sieve analysis at controlled room temperature and at ambient relative humidity.
试验筛的清洁。理想的情况下,只能使用低压喷气或液体流对试验筛进行清洗。如果某些筛孔被测试粉末颗粒堵住了,万不得已的条件下,可小心轻轻擦拭。Cleaning test sieves. Ideally, test sieves are cleaned using only a low-pressure air jet or a liquid stream. If some apertures remain blocked by test particles, careful gentle brushing may be used as a last resort.
测试样/供试品. 如果在药典个论中没有给出某个具体材料所需供试样品的质量,对于直径200mm的试验筛,可使用25-100克的测试样品,具体量取决于该材料的堆积密度。对于直径76mm的筛子,所能容纳的测试样品质量大约是直径200mm试验筛所能容纳样品质量的1/7。通过精密称取不用质量的样品,如25克、50克和100克在同一机械振动筛上振动同样的时间来确定最适当的用于筛分检测的测试样质量,
