Product Safety Assessment
Ethyl Acrylate
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Product Overview
Manufacture of Product
Product Description
Product Uses
Exposure Potential
Health Information
Environmental Information
Physical Hazard Information
Regulatory Information
Additional Information
•CAS No. 140-88-5 •2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester •Ethyl-2-propenoate •Ethyl acrylate •Acrylic acid, ethyl ester •Ethyl ester acrylic acid •Ethyl propenoate
Product Overview
•Ethyl acrylate is used in the production of coatings and inks, adhesives, sealants, plastics and elastomers.1 See Product Uses.
•Acrylic esters, including ethyl acrylate, have a very strong, unpleasant odor that may be bothersome.
However, the smell of acrylates does not necessarily indicate a health risk.2
Ethyl acrylate is an eye and skin irritant. Prolonged contact of liquid or vapor with eye or skin could result in injury. Ethyl acrylate can be absorbed through the skin in potentially harmful amounts and can cause an allergic skin reaction. Vapors can be toxic, and vapor exposure could result in irritation to upper respiratory tract and lungs. Ethyl acrylate has a moderate oral toxicity, and can cause burns to mouth and throat, and irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.3 See Health Information.
•Consumer exposure to ethyl acrylate is unlikely. Those working with ethyl acrylate in manufacturing operations could be exposed during maintenance, sampling, testing, manual transfer, or other procedures. See Exposure Potential.
•Ethyl acrylate is a flammable liquid and vapor. Its vapors are heavier than air and may travel
a long distance and accumulate in low lying areas. Ethyl acrylate vapors present an explosion
hazard. See Exposure Potential and Physical Hazard Information.
•Ethyl acrylate is stable under recommended storage conditions. Elevated temperatures can cause hazardous polymerization, so ethyl acrylate has inhibitors added to reduce the
probability of polymerization. See Product Description and Physical Hazard Information.  Back to top
Manufacture of Product
•Capacity4 – In 2004, global industry capacity for acrylate esters, which includes ethyl acrylate, was 7.3 billion pounds (3.3 million metric tons). U.S. consumption of ethyl acrylate in 2003 was 376 million pounds (171,000 metric tons). The Dow Chemical Company (and its
consolidated subsidiaries) is one of the largest global producers of ethyl acrylate and related chemicals, acrylic acid and esters. However, there are many global producers. Dow has
production sites in Louisiana, Texas and Germany.
U.S. End Uses for Acrylate Esters 7Surface Coatings 44%Textiles 15%Adhesives and Sealants 18%Other 9%Paper products 5%Plastics additives 9%• Process – Ethyl acrylate is normally produced by reacting acrylic acid  with ethanol, which
produces water as a byproduct. The reaction is shown below:
H 2C HC OH O +C 2H 5OH H 2C HC OC 2H 5O
+H 2O Acrylic acid Ethanol Ethyl acrylate
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Product Description 5,6
Ethyl acrylate is a colorless liquid with a sharp odor. It is readily miscible with most organic solvents. Ethyl acrylate contains one of the following three inhibitors to prevent polymerization under recommended storage conditions:
• Hydroquinone (HQ) − CAS 123-31-95 • Monomethyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ, 10 to 1100 ppm) − CAS 150-76-5
• Phenothiazine (~1 ppm) – CAS 1236-99-3
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Product Uses 7,8
Acrylate esters, the family of chemicals to which ethyl acrylate belongs, is primarily
used as a reactive building block to produce
coatings and inks, adhesives, sealants, textiles, plastics and elastomers. Specifically, ethyl acrylate is used in the following applications: • Adhesives  – for use in construction and pressure-sensitive adhesives
• Chemical intermediates – for a variety of chemical products  • Coatings – for textiles and adhesives,
and for surface and water-based coatings,
and coatings used for paints, leather finishing and paper
• Leather – to produce different finishes,
particularly nubuck and suede
• Plastics  – for the manufacture of a variety of plastics
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Exposure Potential 9
Ethyl acrylate is used in the production of industrial and consumer products. Based on these uses, the public could be exposed through:
• Workplace exposure – Exposure can occur either in an ethyl acrylate manufacturing facility
or in the various industrial or manufacturing facilities that use ethyl acrylate. It is produced, distributed, stored and consumed in closed systems. Acrylates should always be handled in well ventilated areas.10 Those working with ethyl acrylate in manufacturing operations could be exposed during maintenance, sampling, testing, manual transfer, or other procedures. Each manufacturing facility should have a thorough training program for employees,
appropriate work processes and safety equipment in place to limit unnecessary ethyl acrylate exposure. Preferred glove barrier materials include chlorinated polyethylene, polyethylene, ethyl vinyl alcohol laminate (EVAL), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), or styrene/butadiene rubber. Consult the relevant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or see Health Information .
•Consumer exposure to products containing ethyl acrylate – Dow does not sell ethyl acrylate for direct
consumer use, but it is used as a raw material to make a variety of goods used by consumers or construction personnel and could be present in trace amounts as
residual monomer in consumer products, including paints. See Health Information. •Environmental releases – An acrylate leak, signaled by its strong odor, rarely poses any health risks.11 Evacuate the area and stay upwind of the spill. Ventilate the area of leaks or spills. Only trained and properly protected personnel should be involved in clean-up
operations. Eliminate all sources of ignition in vicinity of the spill or released vapor to avoid fire or explosion. Ground and bond all containers and handling equipment. Use appropriate safety and protective equipment. Absorb with non-combustible material such as dirt or sand.
Do not use clay absorbants. Consult the relevant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for more
information about protective equipment and procedures. See Environmental, Health and Physical Hazard Information.
•Large release – Industrial spills or releases are infrequent and are generally contained. If a large spill does occur, dike the area to contain the spill. Keep spilled material away from soil, ditches, sewers, wa
terways and groundwater. Ground and bond all containers and handling equipment and avoid all ignition sources. Pump with explosion-proof equipment. If available, use foam to smother or suppress vapors. Warn the public of downwind explosion hazards.
Ethyl acrylate may float on water and any runoff may create an explosion or fire hazard. The material should be captured, collected and reprocessed, or disposed of according to
applicable governmental requirements. For emergency and other conditions where the
exposure guideline may be exceeded, use an approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive-pressure air line with auxiliary self-contained air
supply. Follow emergency procedures carefully. See Environmental, Health and Physical Hazard Information.
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Health Information12,13
Acrylic esters, including ethyl acrylate, have a very strong, unpleasant odor that may be bothersome.
However, the smell of acrylates does not necessarily indicate a health risk. Acrylic esters have an extremely low odor “threshold,” meaning that even very small amounts in the air can be detected by smell.14 In fact, ethyl acrylate can be detected by smell at levels of 1.2 parts per billion.
Ethyl acrylate liquid may cause severe eye irritation or severe corneal damage. Vapors cause eye irritation with mild discomfort and redness. Contact may also cause pain greater than expected given the level of irritation.
Brief contact may cause severe skin irritation with pain, local redness, swelling, and tissue damage. Prolonged or widespread skin contact may result in skin burns or absorption of harmful amounts and may cause an allergic skin reaction.
Excessive exposure to ethyl acrylate vapors may cause severe irritation to upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and lungs. Vapor concentrations are attainable that could be hazardous on single exposure.
Ethyl acrylate has low toxicity if swallowed. It may result in gastrointestinal irritation or ulceration. Swallowing ethyl acrylate may result in burns of the mouth and throat.
reactive materials studiesCancer Information
Ethyl acrylate has caused cancer in some oral laboratory studies. Tumors were judged to result from irritation. Studies involving skin exposure and inhalation have been negative. However, workers exposed during 1933-1945 to very high vapor concentrations of ethyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate and to their byproducts during polymerization, showed an increase in deaths due to
colorectal cancer. This increase in deaths was not observed in workers exposed after that time.
Although suggestive, these findings do not establish a causal relationship between high levels of
exposure to these acrylates and colorectal cancer. Ethyl acrylate is listed as a possible
carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
For specific health information, review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
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Environmental Information15
The bioconcentration potential for ethyl acrylate is low. Its half-life in air is estimated at about 12
hours. Roughly half of ethyl acrylate is expected to biodegrade in 11-14 days.
Ethyl acrylate is moderately toxic to aquatic organisms. Efforts should be made to keep spills
from contaminating nearby soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and groundwater.
For specific environmental information, review the SDS.
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Physical Hazard Information16,17
Ethyl acrylate is a flammable liquid and vapor. Ethyl acrylate should be kept away from heat,
sparks, flame and any sources of ignition. Its vapors are heavier than air and may travel a long
distance and accumulate in low lying areas. Ignition and/or flash back may occur.
Fire Fighting Instructions
Should ignition occur, extinguish with water fog or fine spray, dry chemical fire extinguisher,
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, or foam. Alcohol-resistant foams (ATC type) are preferred.  •Personal protection for fire fighters should include positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire-fighting clothing includes fire fighting helmet, coat,
trousers, boots, and gloves.
•Avoid contact with this material during fire-fighting operations. If contact is likely, change to full chemical-resistant fire-fighting clothing with self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). If this is not available, wear full chemical-resistant clothing with SCBA and fight fire from a remote location.
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Ethyl acrylate is stable under recommended storage conditions. Elevated temperatures can cause hazardous polymerization. Polymerization can be catalyzed by the absence of air, the presence of free radical initiators and peroxides, or high temperature. The presence of moisture can also accelerate polymerization rate.
Ethyl acrylate contains inhibitors to minimize polymerization under recommended storage conditions.
See Product Description or SDS. Maintain inhibitor and dissolved oxygen level. Uninhibited monomer vapors can polymerize and plug relief devices.
Avoid unintended contact with activated carbon or silica gel, which may cause polymerization. Avoid contact with clay-based absorbants, and with incompatible materials, such as: •Oxidizing materials
•Aldehydes, amines, aides, ethers, free radical initiators, halides, mercaptans, mineral acids, peroxides, rust, strong inorganic bases
•Metals such as brass or copper
Additional physical property information for ethyl acrylate is available on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
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Regulatory Information
Regulations may exist that govern the manufacture, sale, transportation, use and/or disposal of ethyl acrylate. These regulations may vary by city, state, country or geographic region. Information may be found by consulting the relevant SDS or Contact Us.
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Additional Information
•Safety Data Sheet (www.dow/webapps/msds/msdssearch.asp)
•Technical Data Sheet, Ethyl Acrylate, The Dow Chemical Company,
Form No. 745-00108-1004-AA
(www.dow/PublishedLiterature/dh_0448/09002f1380448ef8.pdf?filepath=acrylates /pdfs/noreg/745-00108.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc)
•The Basic Acrylic Acid Monomers Manufacturers’ website (www.bamm)
•The European Basic Acrylic Monomer Group (www.petrochemistry/?HID=62) •Acrylate Esters: A Summary of Safety and Handling, 3rd Edition, Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers (ICSHAM), 2002
•Health Effect Assessments of the Basic Acrylates, CRC Press, 1993
For more business information about ethyl acrylate, visit the DOW Acrylic Monomers web site. Back to top
1  C hemical Economics Handbook (CEH) Marketing Research Report Acrylic Acid and Esters,
SRI Consulting, 2004, page 35.
2Fact Sheet: Acrylic Acid and the Basic Acrylic Esters, Basic Acrylic Monomer Manufacturers, Inc., March 2003.
3Ethyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, pages 1-2.
4CEH Marketing Research Report Acrylic Acid and Esters, SRI Consulting, 2004, pages 5-8, 31. 5Ethyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, page 2.
6Ethyl Acrylate, Technical Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, Form No. 745-00107, October 2004, page 1.
7CEH Marketing Research Report Acrylic Acid and Esters, SRI Consulting, 2004, page 35.
8  DOW Acrylates website: Applications (www.dow/acrylates/app/index.htm)
9Ethyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, pages 3–4.
10 Acrylate Esters: A Summary of Safety and Handling, 3rd Edition, Intercompany Committee for
the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers (ICSHAM), 2002, page 7.
11F act Sheet: Acrylic Acid and the Basic Acrylic Esters, Basic Acrylic Monomer Manufacturers, Inc., March 2003.
12E thyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, pages 2,6.
13A crylate Esters: A Summary of Safety and Handling, 3rd Edition, Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers (ICSHAM), 2002, pages 6–9.
14F act Sheet: Acrylic Acid and the Basic Acrylic Esters, Basic Acrylic Monomer Manufacturers, Inc., March 2003.
15E thyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, page 6–7
16E thyl Acrylate, Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, January 18, 2007, page 5–6.
17A crylate Esters: A Summary of Safety and Handling, 3rd Edition, Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers (ICSHAM), 2002, page 9–10.
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