Book Report of The Map A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies
Abstract: Translation studies have been developing rigorously since the middle of 20th century and gradually became an independent discipline. There are many books about translation theory and translating theory but few about translation studies methodology. The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies is such a book. It offers main methods of translation studies to translation studies researchers. This book report aims to summarize the book and to give a brief review on it.
Key Words: The Map, translation studies, translation methodology
The core of The Map is that research must have its value. From the introduction of The Map, we know that we can make our contribution to translation studies research by providing new data, suggesting answers to specific questions, testing or refining existing hypothesis or proposing a new idea, hypothesis or methodology. The Map helps us make our research valuable in two aspects: research contents and research methods.
The introduction of research contents lies in Chapter 1 and the other chapters discuss research methods.
Chapter 1 introduces 12 areas of research in translation studies.
Detailed research procedures and scopes as well as important reference books for each area are also provided. For example, in translation quality assessment three general approaches are introduced: source-oriented approach concentrates on the equivalence between the translation and the source text.
As to research methods, the book mainly discusses the basic concepts of research, concrete methods and the quality assessing of research.
First, basic concepts of research are referred in Chapter 3,Chapter 4 Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
Second, concrete methods are discussed in Chapter2, Chapter7, Chapter 8 and Chapter9.
Chapter 2 tells us how to make a feasible research plan from the initial idea. The procedures includes talking to other people who knows a lot about the topic, finding out other recourses and materials, reading the materials critically, taking notes, keeping complete bibliographic records, planning time, determining the scope of the project, work with supervisor, etc. Chapter 7 discusses a very important part in research process: selecting and analyzing data which includes the categorization and statistics
of materials. Chapter 8 first tells us the proper way of writing literature review, quotations and references and then reminds us of remembering the
KISS(keep it short and simple) and other principles for the sake of the readers. Chapter 9 points out that the most important part in preparing the presentation of the research is to answer ourselves three questions: Who are your audiences, why are you going to present your research to them and what are you going to talk.
The assessing includes self-assessment and internal assessment which is given by supervisor and external assessment which is given by editors of journals.
To be concluded, The Map, introducing so many research methods of translation studies, is indeed a beginner’s guide to doing research in translation studies.
[1]Williams, J & Chesterman, A (2002) The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
[2]陈岷婕. 翻译研究方法初探――兼评《路线图:翻译研究方法入门》.科技咨询导报,2007.2
[3]杨晓荣. 工欲善其事,必先利其器――《路线图:翻译研究方法入门》评析. 中国翻译,2008.6
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