1. The process of brick manufacturing.
1. 介绍过程要使用一般现在时
2. 使用定语从句将有关联的两句话连接。
3. 大量使用被动语态。
4. 使用一些表示顺序的连接词。
reactor then5. 一般不需要写总结。
The flow chart illustrates the production process of bricks usually used in building industry. Generally, seven stages are included, from material exploitation to delivery.
Firstly, underground clay is dug up as the raw material by a large digger. Clay lumps are then stacked on a metal grid which serves to break up chunks into much smaller pieces. After falling on a roller, the stuff is further conveyed and mixed with sand and water.
In following stage, the well-blended compound is pressed in a mould or cut by a wire cutter, in order to form brick-shaped pieces. During next 24-48 hours, dozens of these fresh bricks are kept in a room, namely drying oven.
Once the bricks are dry, the next stage is heating and cooling process. bricks are transferred in a so-ca
lled kiln, another type of hotter oven, in which they are burned twice, moderately and highly, in temperature from 200°C-980°C to about 870°C-1300°C. This is followed by depositing heated bricks in a cooling chamber for 2 or 3 days.
Finally, cooled hard bricks get packed and delivered by trucks to their destination, a building site.(194)
2. The production of steam using a gas cooled nuclear reactor.
1. 看懂基本过程和原理,定位流程的起点和终点。
2. 按照箭头依次进行描述,不能出现顺序颠倒,或是过程缺失。
3. 图中的文字提示应加入到描述之中。
4. 分段原则:流程图基本不分段,一个主体段包含所有过程,但请注意过程之间的连接词,eg,首先,然后,接下来,最后。
The process of how a gas-cooled nuclear reactor works consists of the reactor itself and a heat exchanger.
The reactor contains uranium fuel elements which are surrounded by graphite moderators and topped by charge tubes for loading fuel elements, and boron control rods. The whole reactor is contained in a pressure vessel surrounded by a concrete shield.
From the reactor the hot gas flows through a duct into the heat exchanger which is outside the concrete radiation shielding. In the heat exchanger, steam is generated in a secondary loop. There a pipe brings in water which is heated to steam, and this then flows out to the turbo-alternator. Meanwhile the hot gas sinks to the bottom of the heat exchanger and passes through a gas blower whi
ch pushes it into a cool gas duct and back to the reactor.
As can be seen, this is a continuous cycle that keeps the reactor from overheating, while carrying away the heat and steam, which will power the turbines.(166)
3. The process of collecting rain water and purifying it to drinking water in Australia.
1. 需要看懂图形之间的顺序,并到流程的起点和终点。
2. 所有图片及其图片信息都需要被描述,尽量不要忽略图形。
3. 在文字上,由于是进行客观描述,需要采用大量的被动句式和定语从句。
4. 为了突出顺序性,需要采用大量的连接词进行辅助说明,如At first, Secondly, then, next, after that, finally等。
7.灵活地使用定语从句来进行细节补充,如in which。
The flow chart above shows the process of purification of rain for drinking water in Australian. Overall, 4 main stages are involved: collection, filtration, storage and treatment.
Firstly, rain falling on the roof, the raw material for drinking water, flows down along gutters and into drains, which then direct the water into underground filtration system. Next, water goes through a physi
cal filter slowly which serves to remove particulates from rainwater. After percolation, the water is delivered by the pipe to a large cube-shaped container and be stored carefully.
For the purpose of producing drinkable water, there is another stage for further treatment. Specifically, the water is transferred into a bigger tank, in which some chemicals are added and mixed with stored water. This chemical reaction is able to fully eliminate impurities, thus enhancing the quality of water up to a safe and potable level for human.
Finally, through water pipe, the well-treated water is pressed and directed to the resident house for daily use.(164)
4. The information of how a thermos flask works.
1. 静态流程图的特点在于对于一个物体的细节描述,可采用顺序描述,eg.由内至外,由外至内,由上至下等。
2. 注意对于功能原理的阐述。eg,vaccum是一种不良导体,它会保持热量,而不是传导。
3. 注意物体形状和轮廓的描述。
The diagram indicates the structure and working process of a thermos flask.
The thermos flask is used to keep the liquids and remain the temperature. Its most common use is to keep hot drinks, for example coffee, hot but you can also use it to keep things like milk cold.
A thermos flask is a cylinder-shaped object between 30 and 40 cm high. The inside of the thermos flask is a flask made of glass. There is nearly no air inside this glass, so it is a very poor conductor. In addition, the glass is silvered, which reduces infrared radiation. This vacuum flask is surrounded by another cylinder made of metal or plastic, which protects the fragile glass inside.
The top is a plug or cap, usually made of cork or plastic, which is covered by a plastic cup. This is take
n off and used to drink the liquid from. Some heat escapes from the cap but the special design of the thermos flask means that liquid maintains its temperature for several hours.(173)
5. The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.
1. 流程的描述需要按照箭头进行,且注意流程的起点和终点;
2. 需要细细理解文字的含义,以及文字和流程之间的关系,比如说:文字是该阶段的起因,先决条件,还是结果;
3. 需要学会处理流程的分叉状态:if......, Otherwise, ;
The flow chart shows the process of how a high school graduate can enter university. Overall, there are 3 clear stages, including the application, verification of administrators, and registration items about university.
Firstly, once a high school has been obtained, a student need to complete an application form by downloading it in relevant website. The filled form should then be sent to the administration. Generally, after two-week confirmation, there are 3 possible results for the applicant, which are rejection, provisional acceptance, or acceptance. If the reply is a rejection, it means the student is still unqualified and has to either cancel the application or finish an application for an alternative course before resending it to the administration office.
In terms of the second possibility, or provisional acceptance, more documentation is required. The appl
icant is asked to prepare additional documentation and submit them to the office again. Importantly, for a candidate whose application has been fully completed and received, the following steps consists of enrolment, selecting subjects according to the interests, and registering with the dean. With the final accomplishment of the paperwork and phases above, the applicant may enter university, officially.(191)
